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Trump brandishes paper from suit during testimony, claims total vindication.

Trump Pulls Out‍ Paper from His Suit During‌ Testimony, Says It Completely Vindicates Him

It was⁢ a show-stopper moment in the political show trial of former President Donald Trump.

On the witness​ stand on Monday in his⁣ civil fraud trial ‌in Manhattan, the former New York real estate king and leading‍ 2024 GOP presidential candidate drew a piece of paper from his jacket pocket ‍that ⁢he said would end the case‌ once and for all.

Naturally, he wasn’t allowed to read it.

According to the New ‌York Post, the document⁤ was likely a Disclaimer notice, a kind that’s⁤ routine in⁢ major financial transactions, that warned potential lenders to the​ Trump Organization that they needed to conduct their own​ valuations of Trump⁤ properties before deciding⁢ to lend the business money.

A $250 million civil suit brought by ⁢New York’s politically ambitious Attorney General Letitia James ‌accuses Trump and his business‌ of overvaluing the Trump Organization’s assets in order to borrow money on more favorable terms.

Setting⁤ aside the absurdity of a lawsuit that doesn’t ‌even make a‍ claim that any person or entity was victimized — all loans⁢ were‌ repaid at the agreed-upon interest.

It’s ‌simply ludicrous to believe that the ⁣sharp-eyed money ⁣men (and women) of Manhattan’s financial ⁢scene were so wet behind the ears that they would lend 10 cents, much less tens of millions of dollars, based solely on the word of the ​borrower.

It’s even worse to pretend that a state ⁣attorney general in a‍ fiscal disaster like New York — a state that’s⁣ bleeding population and battered by ⁣ budget problems — is⁤ going to do a better ⁣job watching⁣ out ⁢for private bank ‍money than the extremely highly paid bank managers⁣ are ‍going to do.

But James campaigned on ⁣a promise of getting Trump, and she’s keeping that promise — no matter what damage it does to the concept of justice under the law in⁣ New York.

She’s being abetted in the vendetta‍ by New‌ York Supreme Court ⁤Justice Arthur Engoron, who has made his ⁣ disdain for ​the⁢ defendant abundantly clear throughout the proceedings (it’s an opinon Trump clearly returns in spades).

In fact, as Reuters reported in September, Engoron has already ruled on the heart of the​ case — finding that Trump and his organization are guilty of fraud. What’s being⁣ argued now boils ​down to the penalties.

So, naturally, Engoron had no​ use for Trump’s reading the Disclaimer ⁣document.

“I would love to read this, Your Honor, if I could?” Trump said, according to ‍the​ Post.

“Not at this ⁤point, not ⁢at this point,” Engoron replied.

“I’m shocked,” Trump answered.

The dispute over the document eventually set off a witness stand eruption by the 45th president.

“He called me a ⁣fraud and he didn’t know ⁣anything about ⁤me!”‍ Trump shouted, pointing at Engoron, according to the Post.

He⁤ then included James in‍ his denunciation.

“The fraud‌ is on the court and not on me … the fraud is ⁤on her!” he⁢ said, the Post reported.

Courtroom outbursts⁣ are rarely justified, of course, but if ever one was, it was ⁢this one.

At​ the same time that he decided Trump‍ was guilty of fraud on Sept. 26, Engoron declared that Disclaimer statements were no defense, as the Post reported.

Not only do ⁢they⁤ not “insulate the defendants from liability,” Engoron wrote, according to the ‍Post, but they⁤ also “put the onus for accuracy squarely on defendants’ shoulders.”

Whatever the judge’s legal reasoning, that’s⁢ pretty much the ​opposite of reality. The “onus” of a bank’s decision on whether to invest in a business like Trump’s rests on the bank itself, based on documentation​ that’s far ⁤more extensive than the‍ potential borrower’s estimation of his net worth and ability to repay it.

On the stand Monday, Trump made⁢ it clear that he thought ⁢the Disclaimer vindicated him.

“We have a Disclaimer clause⁤ that says do your own due diligence, don’t under any circumstances count on‌ anything in here,” he said, according to Politico. “If you were borrowing money … they were not really documents that the banks paid much attention to. They looked at the deal, they looked ‌at the asset … but these were not very important.”

The fact that⁢ a ‍civil ‌lawsuit is being brought in a case that’s supposedly based on that ‌estimation — as though ‍the bankers⁣ who backed‌ Trump just rolled⁤ into⁤ town on a load of ‌turnips​ with hay in their hair and a billion dollars in their pockets⁣ — is‌ beyond ridicule.

The fact ‌that the ‌judge in the case is disallowing a document that makes that clear to all‍ parties concerned that the borrower’s estimation is not ⁢to be trusted puts it in the ​realm of disgrace.

In a sane world, no attorney general would approach⁣ such a ​case. No ​judge would⁢ let it proceed. And no judge certainly​ would run the case the way Ergoron has.

It goes without saying, of course, that ‍the judge is a Democrat, as is James, as is the entire power structure in New ‌York City and the state of New York.

It also is a fact of American politics that Donald Trump is the single most visible, influential threat to the‌ power of President Joe Biden’s Democratic administration in Washington.

And Americans are supposed to believe that the party whose calling​ card is bankruptcy — moral bankruptcy, intellectual ‌bankruptcy and financial bankruptcy — knows more about money than the financial giants of the financial⁢ capital of the world — who looked at Trump ​and ‍his company ‍and decided he was a bet worth taking‍ when they lent him money.

According to the Post, the state is expected to rest its case after its ​final witness, Trump’s daughter ‍Ivanka, takes the stand on Wednesday, ‌with ⁣the proceedings wrapped⁣ by mid-December.

Even⁣ a show trial ⁢needs a curtain at some point.

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The post Trump Pulls Out Paper from His Suit During Testimony, Says It Completely Vindicates Him appeared first on The Western Journal.

What did Trump ‍reveal during his testimony ⁤and why does he believe‍ it exonerates him?

Ident’s-civil-trial-2023-11-14/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Reuters reports,‌ Engoron openly criticized Trump⁢ during his testimony, ‍accusing him of playing games and suggesting that‍ he had⁢ no respect for the court.

But in a dramatic moment during his testimony, Trump revealed the piece of paper that⁣ he claimed would exonerate ⁢him. While he⁣ was not allowed to read it out​ loud, it is clear that he believes ⁤the ‍document proves his innocence in the case.

The New York Post suggests that the document is a Disclaimer notice, something that is⁢ commonly used in major financial transactions. This particular Disclaimer likely warned lenders that they should‌ conduct their own valuations of Trump properties before deciding to lend money to the Trump ⁣Organization.⁤ This implies ⁢that Trump and his business did not intentionally overvalue their assets, but rather relied on the lenders themselves to determine their worth.

The civil suit, brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James, alleges that Trump and his business overvalued their ⁢assets in order to obtain more‌ favorable loan terms. However, as the Western ⁢Journal‌ points out, the suit does not claim‍ that any person or entity was ⁢actually harmed, as all loans were repaid ⁢with the ‍agreed-upon ⁣interest.

It ⁢is important to remember ⁤that the‍ banks and financial institutions ‌involved‌ in⁣ these ⁢transactions are⁤ not new to the business.​ These are experienced and highly paid professionals who are well-versed ⁣in evaluating risks and making sound lending decisions.⁤ It is quite unlikely that they would blindly lend⁤ millions of dollars based solely on the word of a borrower, without conducting⁤ their own⁣ due diligence.

Furthermore, it is questionable whether the state attorney general, especially one from a state facing significant fiscal challenges like New York, would be better equipped⁤ to safeguard⁤ private bank ⁢money than the ⁣bank managers themselves.

However, it appears that James is determined to go after Trump, as she promised during her campaign. ⁣The⁢ New ⁢York Supreme Court Justice ‌presiding over the case, Arthur Engoron, has also displayed a clear bias against the former ⁢president throughout the proceedings. Trump’s own disdain for Engoron is evident, as he has openly criticized the ⁢judge’s conduct.

The trial ⁣is ongoing, and it remains to be seen ​how‍ this piece⁣ of paper will​ impact ‌the outcome. But Trump’s‍ decision⁤ to pull it out during his testimony ⁤certainly added a dramatic‌ twist to the proceedings. Only time will tell if it truly vindicates ⁢him or not.

One thing is clear, though. This ⁤trial is more than just a legal battle between Trump and his accusers. It is a high-stakes political ​showdown that will have far-reaching implications, not only for Trump’s future, but ‌also for the concept of justice under the law in New York.

As the case continues to⁣ unfold, it is essential to approach it with a critical eye and consider the motivations and biases at play. In the⁢ end, the truth will prevail, and justice will be ⁢served. Whether that justice aligns ⁣with Trump’s claims of‌ vindication or⁤ not remains to be seen.

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