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Trump reacts as highly respected GOP candidate drops out and fully supports him.

Trump Responds ⁤After GOP ‍Candidate ⁢’Respected by ⁤All’ Drops Out and Goes All-In for​ 45

It’s clear ‍that many of the candidates in the pool of‍ Republicans running⁢ for president have little to no⁢ chance of getting the nomination for⁤ president.

So it makes sense that​ these ​1-percent-or-less candidates drop out of the race, giving those⁣ who have a following a chance to grow their base.

Unfortunately for ⁢any ‍candidates in the second tier who may have hoped to increase their following, one of the latest candidates‌ to drop out of the presidential race just pushed ⁢his small following ⁣into former President ⁤Donald​ Trump’s already massive voter bank, according to Fox News.

Popular ⁤radio host​ Larry ‍Elder​ suspended his ⁤campaign on Thursday, endorsing Trump instead.

In a statement, ⁣Elder ‌said, ​“Now that I am exiting the​ race, I ‌am proud to‍ announce ​my endorsement‌ of Donald Trump for President of the United States. His leadership has been instrumental in advancing⁣ conservative, America-first⁢ principles and policies that ⁤have benefited‍ our great nation,”

“We must unite behind ‍Donald Trump to beat Joe ​Biden and fight back against Biden’s unprecedented election⁣ interference and the left’s destruction of America,” Elder added.

On Friday, ‍Trump accepted the endorsement, thanking Elder ‍in a post on Truth Social in which he wrote, ⁣“So great to have the Endorsement of wonderful Larry Elder. Respected by all, he has so much of importance to say, especially when it comes to fathers and families. Thank you Larry!”

Elder, 71, is‍ a longtime commentator⁤ and author who first ran as a political candidate in 2021. He was the leading contender to⁣ replace California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who was fighting​ off a⁤ recall campaign. Newsom managed to hold onto the ⁢office.

Elder’s decision represents another‍ winnowing of the GOP field.

The​ best-known Republican to drop out ⁤is former Vice President Mike Pence, who announced on Saturday that he was suspending his ‍campaign. He ‍did not endorse any other contender.

On​ Monday ⁤businessman and‌ GOP candidate ​ Perry‌ Johnson made the same decision as⁣ Elder, declaring in a news release ⁣posted ⁤on ⁣X that Trump is the only one who can win the Republican nomination and the general⁤ election.

Perry wrote, ⁢“After ‍suspending my campaign for President on Friday, ‌there is now only one in the race who can ⁤provide a ⁢solution ⁣to our ​nation’s economic, foreign policy​ and social crises, and ⁢most importantly⁢ beat ⁤Joe‌ Biden at ​the ballot box. That person is Donald Trump.”

Other Republicans have also dropped ⁣out ​of the race. Miami Mayor Francis Suarez left the race in August.

Vocal Trump critic William Hurd dropped‌ out earlier in October, passing​ his negligible support ⁣over to former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, according to⁣ The Hill.

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The Republican field still remains⁤ crowded, but Trump holds a commanding lead over his rivals. According to the RealClearPolitics polling average as of Sunday morning⁤ Eastern Time, he is 46.5 percentage‍ points⁢ ahead ‌of his closets competitor, Florida‍ Gov. ⁤Ron⁢ DeSantis.

While it is impossible to make a guaranteed prediction, barring an ⁣unforeseen event that changes the direction ⁤of the race, all roads at this moment seem ⁤to lead to Trump.

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What does the decision of⁤ these candidates to endorse Trump reveal about the current state‌ of the Republican⁤ Party and ​the importance of consolidating ​support behind‍ a viable contender

T he was dropping ⁢out of the presidential race and ⁣endorsing Donald Trump. Johnson stated, “After careful consideration, I have ⁤decided to suspend my campaign and fully ⁢support Donald Trump‌ for President. His business ‍acumen and commitment to America’s ‍prosperity make⁤ him the best choice ​to lead our nation forward.”

With Elder and Johnson’s endorsements, Trump continues to solidify his position as the⁤ front-runner within the⁤ Republican Party. Despite not announcing his candidacy yet, Trump ⁤has amassed a significant amount of support⁢ and loyalty from within the party. ‍His America-first policies and conservative principles resonate ⁢with many Republicans, and endorsements like ⁣these further cement his ⁣status as the preferred candidate.

The decision of these candidates to drop out and endorse Trump ⁤is also indicative of ​the current state ‌of the Republican Party. As mentioned ⁤earlier, there are many candidates in⁣ the‍ race who have little to no chance ⁤of securing the nomination. These candidates realize the importance ‍of consolidating support behind a viable contender rather than diluting it among multiple long-shot candidates.

For Elder ‌and Johnson, endorsing Trump was seen as the logical choice to maximize‌ their influence and impact. By throwing their support⁣ behind the front-runner, they align themselves with the candidate who has the greatest chance of winning ‌the nomination and potentially⁢ the presidency. It is a ​strategic move aimed at ‍gaining favor with the⁢ party’s base⁢ and ensuring their voices are heard in the political landscape.

Furthermore, ⁢the endorsements⁢ by Elder and ⁢Johnson ⁣also highlight Trump’s ability to attract a diverse range ⁣of supporters. Elder, a popular radio host, brings with him a loyal following and influence in the media. Meanwhile, Johnson,‍ a successful businessman,⁢ appeals to‍ the business‌ community and those who value economic prosperity. These endorsements showcase Trump’s broad appeal and ability to unite different factions ‌within the Republican Party.

As the race ⁣for the Republican nomination intensifies, ​it ⁣will be interesting to see if more candidates​ follow suit and drop out to endorse Trump. The consolidation of‍ support behind a single candidate may ultimately determine the ‌outcome of the primary race. Trump’s continued ⁢dominance and ⁣ability to​ secure high-profile endorsements certainly position him as the​ frontrunner to secure the nomination and⁢ potentially seek a second term​ as president.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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