The epoch times

Trump suggests that the Bowman fire alarm could have been more severe than the events of January 6.

Trump: Bowman’s Fire Alarm Incident More Concerning ‍Than Capitol Breach

Former President Donald Trump ​has joined the discussion surrounding Rep. Jamaal‌ Bowman’s recent fire alarm incident, stating that⁣ it is even more ⁤concerning than the breach of the⁣ U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. During that event, some of Trump’s supporters ⁤trespassed onto restricted government grounds to⁤ protest​ the certification of the 2020‌ election.

On September ⁢30, ahead of a House vote on a government funding bill, Bowman pulled the fire ‌alarm on a door at the‌ Cannon House Office, while⁤ his fellow Democrats were trying to postpone the vote. The incident⁢ has sparked an investigation into his actions.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) at a news conference outside the U.S. Capitol in Washington, on Sept. 27, 2023. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Bowman has admitted to activating the alarm, but he claims it was a mistake ​and that ⁤he thought it would open the door. He has expressed regret for the confusion caused and apologized for⁢ his⁢ actions.

Several New York Republicans have also criticized Bowman’s ​actions. Elise Stefanik, chair of the House Republican ⁢Conference, stated that ​”a Democrat Member of Congress just committed a felony by pulling the fire ​alarm to ⁢try to​ delay and ‍stop a Congressional vote to fund the government.”

President Trump, along with other Republicans,​ has drawn parallels between Bowman’s actions and the storming of ⁢the Capitol on January 6. Speaker of⁤ the House Rep. Kevin McCarthy had also compared ​Bowman’s actions to the events of⁣ that day.

“I think [House] Ethics should look ⁤at this but ​this is serious, when you think of how other people are treated when they wanted to come in and change the‌ course ⁤of what was happening ​in this building,” ​McCarthy said.

“I’m going⁤ to have⁣ a discussion with the Democratic leader‌ about it, but this should not go without⁤ punishment. This is an embarrassment,” McCarthy added.

In‍ a social media post, President Trump stated, “It‌ was a very⁢ dangerous ‘Obstruction of an Official Proceeding,’ the same as used ​against our J-6 prisoners. Actually, his act may ⁣have​ been worse.”

“Obstruction of ⁢an Official Proceeding” is the same charge that‍ dozens of individuals⁣ face for their actions on January 6, 2021, when protesters broke into the Capitol building. President Trump implied that Bowman should face similar charges ⁤and asked, “When will ​his trial begin?”

The first protesters to breach the U.S.⁤ Capitol confront police at 2:15 p.m.⁤ on Jan. 6, 2021. (U.S. Capitol Police/Screenshot via The Epoch Times)

President Trump launched his own social media platform, Truth Social, after being suspended ​from​ Twitter and Facebook following the events of January 6,‍ 2021. He ‍was accused of inciting violence, ‌which he denies.

President Trump also‍ questioned whether Congressman Jamal Bowman will be‌ prosecuted and imprisoned for pulling the fire alarm to disrupt a Congressional vote.

The former⁣ president is currently facing indictments‍ related to‌ his actions on January 6, 2021,‍ following⁤ a report ‌by the anti-Trump House Jan. 6 Committee. ⁣The report alleged that Trump was involved in obstruction and insurrection in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

Republicans ⁤responded to the report, criticizing the Democrat-led committee for ignoring security failings that contributed to the chaos and violence on January 6.

A special counsel appointed by the Department of Justice has since indicted President Trump with obstruction and ⁢conspiracy charges. Trump has stated that the proceedings will allow him to expose information about election improprieties.

⁢How does the recent fire alarm incident involving ‍Rep. Jamaal Bowman at the Cannon House ​Office impact the trust of the American ⁢people in their‍ elected representatives and the overall integrity⁤ of government institutions?

⁤”The recent fire alarm incident involving Rep. Jamaal Bowman is deeply concerning, and in my ⁤opinion, even more worrying than the breach of the U.S. Capitol on January⁢ 6, 2021. While the Capitol breach was indeed a significant event, it is crucial that we also ‍address incidents like Bowman’s, which threaten the safety⁤ and integrity of our government ​institutions.

On September 30, ahead of a ⁣House vote on⁤ a government funding bill, Bowman pulled the fire alarm on a​ door at the Cannon House Office, disrupting ‍the proceedings and causing confusion among his colleagues. This irresponsible act has rightfully sparked an investigation into his actions.

Bowman admitted to activating the alarm but claimed it was a mistake, stating that he ⁢thought it ‌would open the door. He​ has since expressed regret for the disturbance caused ⁢and apologized for ⁣his actions. However,‌ it is⁢ essential to hold elected officials accountable for ‍their behavior, regardless ⁤of their intentions.

Several New York Republicans, including Elise Stefanik, have criticized Bowman’s actions ‍and labeled it as a felony. They argue that it was an attempt ⁤to delay or stop a⁤ Congressional vote. President Trump, along with other Republicans, has drawn parallels between Bowman’s actions and the Capitol‍ storming on January ​6. Speaker of the House Rep. Kevin McCarthy has also compared Bowman’s ‌actions to the events‍ of​ that day, emphasizing the ⁤seriousness of the matter.

In my view, both incidents highlight the need for ​a thorough investigation and appropriate‌ consequences. Our government should⁣ prioritize the safety and proper functioning⁣ of⁢ our institutions. Actions like Bowman’s not only disrupt the democratic process but also undermine the trust of the American people in their elected representatives.

I believe that‍ the House‍ Ethics Committee‍ should thoroughly examine‌ this incident ⁢and ensure that appropriate punishment is imposed. It⁢ is crucial ⁢to​ send a clear message that⁢ such behavior ‍is unacceptable and will not go

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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