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Trump Says Obama Was Behind 2014 Ukraine Maidan Uprising

In a Tuesday video, Donald Trump, the former President, vowed that he would continue to lead. “clean house of all of the warmongers and America’s last globalists,” The Obama administration is alleged to have been behind the Maidan Uprising UkraineThis was in 2014.

“World War III has never been closer than it is right now,” Trump started.

“We need to clean house of all of the warmongers and America’s last globalists in the deep state, the Pentagon, the State Department, and the national security industrial complex.”

Trump stated that Trump was one of the main reasons. “I was the only president in generations” Not to start war was because “I was the only president who rejected the catastrophic advice of many of Washington’s generals, bureaucrats, and the so-called diplomats who only know how to get us into conflict, but they don’t know how to get us out.”

“For decades, we’ve had the very same people, such as Victoria Nuland and many others just like her obsessed with pushing Ukraine Trump said that NATO was his top priority, as well as the State Department support for uprisings throughout Ukraine.”

Trump said that these people are his friends. “have been seeking confrontation for a long time, much like the case in Iraq and other parts of the world.”

“And now, we’re teetering on the brink of World War III.”

Trump later added “none of this excuses in any way the outrageous and horrible invasion of Ukraine one year ago, which would have never happened if I was your president, not even a little chance.”

“But it does mean that here in America, we need to get rid of the corrupt globalist establishment that has botched every major foreign policy decision for decades, and that includes President Biden, whose own people said he’s never made a good decision when it comes to looking at other countries and looking at wars.”

Trump stated that these people should be replaced by ones that are more like them “support American interests.”

The 2024 presidential hopeful vowed that the State Department, Pentagon, and the “national security establishment” A “very different place” If he wins, he will be out of office by the end his next term. “complete the mission” His last term.

“We never had it so good. We’ll also stop the lobbyists and the big defense contractors from going in and pushing our senior military and national security officials toward conflict, only to reward them when they retire with lucrative jobs getting paid millions and millions of dollars. Take a look at the globalist warmonger donors backing our opponents. That’s because they’re candidates of war,” Trump stated.

Trump stated that the only reason the United States did not get involved in any conflicts during his presidency is because of this. “other countries respected us,” And he rebuilt the army. “They didn’t want to mess around with the United States and now they’re laughing at us.”

“We could end the Ukraine conflict in 24 hours with the right leadership. At the end of my next four years, the warmongers and frauds, and failures in the senior ranks of our government will all be gone, and we will have a new group of competent national security officials who believe in defending America’s vital interests above all else,” He concluded.

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