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Trump criticizes Biden, urges him to halt $6B given to Iran now.

Former President Donald‍ Trump ‍Slams Biden’s Incompetence in Middle Eastern ⁣Relations

On Wednesday, Donald Trump criticized President Joe Biden ‍for his “incompetent” and “stupid” handling‍ of Middle ⁢Eastern relations. Trump specifically condemned the ‍Biden administration’s‌ decision to release $6 billion in frozen oil revenues to Iran.

Trump took to social media platform Truth Social to express his frustration, writing ⁤in all-caps,​ “CROOKED JOE BIDEN MUST TAKE BACK ⁢AND FREEZE THE 6 BILLION DOLLARS RIGHT NOW, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. HOW COULD ANYONE BE ⁢SO INCOMPETENT‍ AND STUPID?” He further blamed Biden for causing the ongoing ​war in the region, stating, “BIDEN CAUSED THIS WAR, AND IT WILL ONLY GET ​WORSE!!!”

Donald Trump via Truth Social: Screenshot

Hamas,​ a terror group funded by Iran, ‍has recently‌ carried out attacks⁤ resulting in the deaths of hundreds of Israelis, including women, children, and at least 14​ Americans. It is​ believed that⁢ Hamas⁤ still holds over a hundred hostages, including children.

NBC ⁤reports that Iran provides​ approximately $100 million annually to Hamas, along with technology and know-how to build up their arsenal ⁢of rockets. Despite these alarming⁤ developments, Biden unfroze the funds, ‌leading Trump to criticize the ​move, stating, “Can you believe that Crooked Joe Biden is giving $6 Billion to the terrorist regime in Iran? That money [will] ​ be used for terrorism all ⁣over the Middle East, and, indeed, the⁣ World. This ​incompetent FOOL is absolutely destroying America. He had the audacity​ to announce this terrible deal ⁤today, September 11th.”

Trump also expressed concern about the potential consequences of paying for hostages,‌ warning ⁤of increased kidnapping, ransom, and blackmail ⁣against Americans worldwide. He emphasized that during his ‌presidency, he successfully freed numerous Americans without⁤ paying any ransom.

Biden has confirmed that some of the hostages held by Hamas are U.S. citizens. Secretary of State Antony ⁢Blinken⁤ attempted to downplay ‌the controversy surrounding the $6 billion, claiming that ‌the​ money is‍ intended for humanitarian purposes. However, when pressed about Iran’s history of funding terrorism, Blinken⁣ admitted that Iran has always prioritized supporting groups like Hamas.

Trump released ‌a⁢ statement expressing his support for Israel’s right to defend ‌itself against Hamas’ attacks. He also criticized the Biden administration for allegedly funding these attacks with American taxpayer dollars, undermining the progress made through the Abraham Accords. Trump concluded ‍by highlighting the difference in leadership, stating,‌ “Just four years ago we had the signing of the ⁤historic⁣ Abraham Accords, ‌and today we have⁢ an attack on Israel. What a difference‍ a ‍President makes!”

Related: Trump’s Prediction About ⁣Biden Handing Iran $6B ‍Goes Viral After Hamas ⁣Attack

What are the concerns surrounding the release of ‌$6 billion in frozen oil⁤ revenues to Iran?

⁢ Ng our country!”

Trump’s criticism of Biden’s⁢ handling of Middle Eastern ‍relations is not unwarranted. The decision to‌ release $6 billion ⁤in ‍frozen oil⁢ revenues to Iran raises concerns about the potential misuse of funds by a state ‌sponsor ⁢of terrorism. Iran has a long history ‍of‍ supporting terrorist organizations such ‌as Hamas and Hezbollah, destabilizing the region and posing⁢ a threat to global security.

By releasing these funds, Biden‍ is inadvertently enabling Iran to continue its support for terrorist activities.‌ This⁤ goes against the principles of‌ peace ⁢and stability that the United States has long championed in the Middle⁢ East. It undermines efforts to counter terrorism and undermines the security of​ our allies in‍ the region, ​including⁢ Israel.

Biden and Iran: ‌Official White⁤ House‌ Photo by ⁢Adam Schultz

Furthermore,‌ Biden’s decision sends a message of weakness to Iran ‌and other​ hostile actors in the region. It demonstrates a lack of resolve and ⁣a⁤ willingness to appease those who pose a threat to the ⁢United States and⁤ its allies. ‍This is a dangerous precedent that only emboldens⁢ our adversaries and undermines our credibility on the global stage.

Trump’s assertion that Biden ⁢caused the ongoing war in the region may be debatable,​ but there is no denying that his actions have ⁣contributed to ​the escalating tensions. By unfreezing the funds, Biden has effectively provided Iran with the resources ⁤it needs to continue funding terrorist activities and destabilizing the region.

It is‌ important for the United States to adopt a strong and​ principled approach towards the Middle East. This⁤ includes‍ holding Iran accountable for its support of terrorism and refusing⁣ to provide it with financial resources ⁣that only​ serve to perpetuate instability. The release of $6 billion in frozen oil revenues to Iran is a step in⁣ the wrong direction and ⁢sends the wrong message to both ⁤our allies and adversaries.

As Trump rightly points out,​ Biden must take back and freeze the $6 billion in order to prevent further harm and ensure the safety and security ⁣of the region. It is ​imperative that the United ⁢States remains vigilant in combating terrorism and promoting peace in the Middle East. Anything less would be a disservice to ​the American people and our allies.

It is my ⁢hope that⁤ President Biden will ‌reconsider his decision and take immediate action to rectify the situation. The security of the Middle ‍East and the stability of the world depend on⁣ it.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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