Conservative News Daily

Trump warns Biden: ‘Watch your wishes, they can backfire on you too’

Trump⁣ Warns ​Biden: “The Same Can​ Happen ⁢to You”

When former President ​Donald ⁤Trump ⁢took to social media​ early Monday, he had a warning for the current president that ​Democrats everywhere should be paying attention to.

In the ‌midst ⁢of waging the leading campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, Trump is battling four ⁢blatantly political legal ​prosecutions, brought by prosecutors who barely hide ⁣their partisanship.

And ⁣he offered President Joe ‌Biden some advice: “The same can happen to ⁤you.”

“Why didn’t Crooked Joe ⁢Biden tell his Injustice Department to ‍file ⁣the lawsuits and Indictments against me ​3 ‌years ago, instead of right in the middle of my campaign for President? You’re setting a‌ BAD precedent for⁢ yourself, Joe. The same can happen to you,” Trump‌ wrote.

“These Third World Biden Indictments, which should never have been filed,‍ would have been tried and over with years ago. My SleazeBag Opponent shouldn’t be able​ to do this during my campaign, OR ⁣BEFORE THE ELECTION!”

The operative words there are it “can happen to you.”

Biden might well ​be wishing for‌ a prosecution of Trump⁣ in federal court that will​ take⁣ away a political headache once and ‌for all, but he should be very careful about what he⁤ wishes for.

What​ the Biden Justice Department and ⁤special counsel Jack Smith have unleashed ​in the country is⁤ political​ prosecution dressed up​ in legal ⁣trappings ‍— and⁣ a good deal of the country knows it.

An August poll by ABC/Ipsos found ⁢that roughly half‍ of⁤ Americans consider the Trump prosecutions to be “politically motivated” — that’s a damning statistic for a country whose Founders believed in a government “of laws, and not of men.”

For all their talk ‍about Trump shattering presidential “norms,” it’s Democrats who’ve ⁤spent the 21st century ⁤pushing their agenda at all costs — then learning that there was a price to be paid when the⁣ pendulum​ of ​power swung⁢ away.

The best example is the Democratic Senate decision to end ‌the filibuster ⁢ for​ federal judicial appointments in 2013, with the ​exception of Supreme Court justices. The idea was to stack the federal judiciary with appointments⁤ by then-President Barack Obama, regardless⁣ of Republican opposition.

When Republicans returned to power and Trump‌ entered the White House, they simply followed the Democratic precedent to⁣ its logical conclusion and ended⁢ the ⁢filibuster for Supreme Court nominees —⁤ paving the ‍way for the current conservative⁢ majority that ended ⁤the monstrosity of⁣ Roe v. Wade, among other decisions.

With the Biden presidency, the Merrick Garland Justice Department is engaged⁢ in​ prosecutions of the kind that are⁣ more suited to the banana​ republics of the Third World, or totalitarian regimes, than the‍ country⁢ created by the Founding Fathers.

Trump returned to Truth Social hours after the it‌ “can happen to you post” (presumably ⁢after getting some sleep) ‍to renew his complaints.

“Why didn’t they start the totally political BIDEN INDICTMENTS & COURT CASES Three (3) Years Ago, instead of the MIDDLE​ OF MY CAMPAIGN???” Trump wrote. “Third⁣ World Country-ELECTION‍ INTERFERENCE!!!”

Unfortunately, the⁢ question‌ obviously answers itself. ‍The‍ Biden Justice ⁣Department didn’t ⁢need to pursue Trump until it was clear that he⁤ is the single ​greatest threat⁤ to the continuance‌ of the Democratic regime.

And now it’s doing it with the wild abandon ‍of ‍ an unprincipled prosecutor, a clearly⁢ biased judge,⁢ and an all-too-accommodating establishment media.

No honest person can dispute that — and the‍ suspicious timing of the legal actions against Trump ​bears it out.

To be fair, not all of Trump’s legal problems are ‌coming from the Biden⁤ Justice Department. Manhattan ⁣District Attorney Alvin ‌Bragg and Fulton County, Georgia,⁣ District Attorney Fani Willis have launched⁤ their own partisan attacks on the former ⁤president.

But it’s what the Biden ​administration⁤ has done to‍ the federal legal system — the Justice ⁢Department, the disturbingly dishonest FBI — that should concern all Americans, including Democrats who are enjoying Trump’s problems now.

Political power⁣ in the U.S. isn’t a static affair. Elections have consequences, ⁤as the slim House Republican ⁢majority is showing​ with its increasingly ⁣powerful‍ case against Biden and⁢ the Biden family for almost breathtaking corruption.

After the Democrat-engineered “Russia ‍collusion” hoax ⁣that handicapped the Trump presidency,⁣ after the ⁣trumped-up⁣ first impeachment trial of ⁣2019-2020, after the blatantly political prosecutions that have trailed Trump⁣ on the campaign trail in his bid to return​ to the White⁣ House, Democrats have gone a long way toward hollowing out a ​justice system that has stood outside politics.

When ‌they’re⁤ out of power and ⁤out of the‌ White House — hopefully in January 2025, but inevitably at some point — Democrats are going to have good ‌reason⁤ to remember Trump’s warning.

After what Biden has done, and allowed to ‍be done, what’s happening to Trump can happen to anyone.

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The post Trump‌ Tells Biden to Be ⁢Careful What He Wishes For: ‘The Same Can Happen ‌to You’ ⁢appeared first‍ on ⁢ The Western Journal.

‌How do the timing and motivations behind the prosecutions in ​this article raise questions about the principle of equal justice under the law?

⁤World country!!!”

Trump’s frustration is palpable, ​and for good​ reason. The timing of these prosecutions⁣ raises significant questions about their⁣ motivations and intentions. It is clear​ that these ‌legal actions are being pursued for​ political gain rather than‍ for the pursuit of justice.

Furthermore,‍ the fact that these prosecutions ⁣were not initiated earlier suggests that there is a ​calculated effort to disrupt ‍Trump’s political ambitions and undermine his chances ⁢of running for president again.

This blatant abuse ⁢of ⁣power by the Biden administration sets a dangerous ⁢precedent for future administrations. If political opponents ⁤can be targeted and prosecuted for purely ‍political​ purposes, then our democracy‌ is‌ in⁤ grave danger.

The ‌principle of equal justice under the law is fundamental to our system of government. It ensures that no one is above the ⁤law ⁤and that all ‌individuals are ⁢treated fairly and impartially. But when political motivations are allowed to dictate legal actions, that ‍principle is undermined.

Democrats may claim that they are seeking to ​hold Trump accountable for his actions, but their ⁢actions speak otherwise. They are using the legal​ system as a weapon to⁤ silence and punish their political opponents.

This is not how⁢ democracy should work. ​Our government should be guided by the rule of law, not‍ by partisan politics. The American people​ deserve⁢ better than this.

As ⁣Trump warned Biden, “the same‍ can ⁢happen to you.” If the⁤ current⁣ administration continues down this path of political prosecution, ⁤they too will ⁢be ​held‍ accountable by the American ‍people.

It ⁤is‌ time for Democrats to ⁤put aside‍ their partisan agendas and focus on ‌the ​real issues facing our country. We need leaders who⁤ are ⁣willing to work together and​ find common ground, rather than using the legal system‌ as a tool⁢ of political warfare.

If we allow this abuse of power​ to continue, we‌ risk losing the very⁢ foundations of‍ our democracy. It is up to us, as Americans,⁤ to demand better and⁢ hold our leaders accountable for their actions.

As we ‌move​ forward, let us remember​ the words of our Founding Fathers⁤ and the​ principles they‌ established. We must strive for a government “of laws,​ and not of men,” in order ⁣to safeguard the rights and ⁤freedoms that we hold dear.

Only by upholding ‍these principles can we​ ensure that our democracy remains strong and vibrant for generations to come.

Biden has a choice to make. Will he continue down ⁣the path of political prosecution‍ and further erode the trust and faith of⁣ the American ‍people? Or ‍will he reject this dangerous precedent and work towards ‌healing and unity?

The‌ answer‌ to ⁢that ⁢question ⁣will determine the future of our democracy.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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