The epoch times

Trump: Leaving ‘Easy’ Life Worth It, Tells Packed House

Former President⁣ Donald 𝅺Trump: “I​ Would Do ⁢It All Over Again”

WEST PALM ​BEACH, 𝅺Fla.—Although⁤ he⁤ has faced ​investigations ‌and ⁣persecution𝅺 since​ becoming a ​politician ⁣in 2015, former⁤ President ⁤Donald Trump​ declared that, yes,⁢ he ​would⁢ do⁤ it 𝅺all over ⁢again “without even⁤ a 𝅺question.”

That‌ was Mr. Trump’s ‍response when 𝅺a successful ⁤businessman 𝅺wondered whether he regretted leaving ‍behind a cushy life as a billionaire⁣ real-estate ‍mogul.


Mr. Trump recounted ‍that conversation for a standing-room-only crowd ⁢at ​the⁣ Palm Beach 𝅺County ⁢Convention Center.

During𝅺 his⁢ July 15 speech, Mr.​ Trump ⁣described his⁣ two recent⁣ indictment 𝅺ordeals and told the audience: “I ​had 𝅺a𝅺 nice, ‌easy life.⁤ What 𝅺I ⁣do for ‌you,⁤ you ‌have no idea.”

The crowd ​of ⁣about ⁣6,000 people𝅺 sprang to ⁣its feet, cheering and applauding.


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⁣ Fans of former President 𝅺Donald Trump, 𝅺corralled 𝅺in an overflow area, aim their⁢ cellphone cameras toward⁤ him‌ as he ‍takes⁤ the ‍stage ‌at Turning ⁤Point Action Conference ⁤at the ⁣Palm⁤ Beach County ​Convention Center⁢ on July 15,⁤ 2023. (Janice Hisle/The Epoch Times)

Still,​ Mr. ⁣Trump said⁣ the 𝅺reward has been‌ worth‍ the‌ cost. His presidency produced ⁢a ⁢stronger American economy, ‌a ⁤more‌ secure𝅺 U.S. 𝅺border, ⁤and ⁣more ​respect⁢ for the United​ States‌ on ​the ​world ⁣stage, ⁢he said.

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“And more importantly, now we’re⁤ going⁢ to do it ⁢again.‌ And ‍we’re going to ​do ‌it‍ even better,” the ​frontrunner for the Republican𝅺 2024 presidential nomination ‍said.

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Mr. ‍Trump‌ said⁢ he‌ considers⁢ his supporters⁤ to be‍ partners ​in ⁣a shared mission: ​“Side by side, we’re‌ going ⁢to ⁣fight and we’re going ⁤to ⁤win.”

He ‌was the main ​draw ⁣for​ the⁣ first day ⁤of the ‍two-day ⁤Turning Point 𝅺Action‌ Conference,⁢ which𝅺 promotes conservative ⁤politics.​ The⁤ goal ​is to provide 𝅺knowledge and ⁤resources so ‌attendees ⁤can “make an impact 𝅺in their communities ahead ‌of the ​2024 ⁤election,”𝅺 organizers ⁤say.

Mr. Trump ⁤told the ‌audience:⁣ “You ‍are the⁢ ones who ⁣are 𝅺going ⁤to take back America;​ you’re the ones who are going to Make⁢ America⁤ Great Again,” his‍ famous 𝅺campaign‍ slogan.

Speech ⁢Clinched Voter’s​ Decision

After ​attending 𝅺Mr. ⁢Trump’s speech,𝅺 Jeffrey⁤ Antous of Tarpon ​Springs, 𝅺Florida,​ said that⁤ hearing Mr. ​Trump express such⁢ resolve–and⁣ witnessing⁢ extraordinary enthusiasm ‌from the crowd–convinced him that‌ Mr.​ Trump ⁣is ⁣the 𝅺right 𝅺choice​ for⁢ president ⁤in‌ the 2024 election.

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Mr. Antous, who⁣ has‍ been⁣ involved ⁣in politics since ⁤the 1970s, ⁤told The⁣ Epoch ‍Times:​ “Because𝅺 of his experience ‌and his confidence, ⁤he’ll be able ⁣to⁤ walk ⁤back into⁤ the presidency‌ and‌ start𝅺 repairing the damage ⁣that ‍has been 𝅺done ‍over the‍ past two and‍ a ⁤half ‍years.”

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Since ⁣Democrat⁤ President Joe⁤ Biden took office ‌in⁣ January⁢ 2021, the nation’s energy prices,⁣ housing‌ costs ⁤and⁣ inflation⁢ rates⁣ have climbed; illegal ‍immigration and ‌other‍ problems ‍have⁣ surged.

Mr. ⁢Trump​ and​ many of his supporters ‌blame Mr. Biden’s⁤ policies,‍ while ‍Mr. ⁢Biden claims​ that his “Bidenomics” approach is‌ improving ‍conditions ⁢for ⁢minorities.

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𝅺 ⁣ 𝅺 During the ⁢Georgia Senate runoff elections⁤ a worker carries a bin of ‌ballots to 𝅺be scanned ⁣at the⁣ Georgia ⁤World ⁤Congress ​Center in⁣ Atlanta, Ga.,‍ on Jan. 5, 2021. (Sandy ‍Huffaker/AFP via Getty Images)
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Meanwhile, Mr. 𝅺Trump, ‍who has already been ​indicted⁢ on state ⁣business​ records‍ charges‌ in ⁤New⁤ York ‌and federal ⁣classified ‌records charges ‌in⁣ Florida, 𝅺could soon‍ face accusations⁣ in‌ Georgia,​ too.

There, his lawyers have asked a​ court to put the ​brakes ​on​ a‍ prosecutor who𝅺 has ​been​ probing Mr. ‍Trump’s dispute of ‌Mr. Biden’s ⁣2020 ⁣election win. In⁣ addition, a ⁢protest of the 2020 ⁣election, ⁣which turned⁤ violent⁣ at the U.S. ⁣Capitol ‍on Jan. 6,⁤ 2021, 𝅺could produce ‌more federal⁢ charges ‍against​ Mr. 𝅺Trump.

Mr. Trump ‌has ​vowed to ‍continue ‌his ‌quest⁢ for 𝅺the presidency​ regardless ⁣of those⁢ cases; 𝅺he ⁢says he⁣ has⁢ gained support from people who agree 𝅺with ​his contention⁣ that ‍the​ prosecutions are⁢ politically​ motivated.

Prosecutors ⁣deny ​that allegation, and Mr. Biden⁣ denies‌ suggesting whether federal charges​ should be​ brought ⁢against ⁢Mr.‍ Trump,⁢ his 𝅺chief​ political 𝅺rival.

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‘Learning𝅺 Curve’ ⁤Cited

Mr. Trump’s nearest⁢ Republican ⁣challenger, ⁢Florida ⁤Gov. Ron DeSantis, 𝅺could be a‍ great​ president ⁢because he’s⁤ “brilliant,” ‍Mr.⁢ Antous said.

But now‍ is​ not the‍ time‌ because ⁢Mr.‌ DeSantis would need to learn⁢ the ​intricacies of​ Washington politics. ​“There’s ‍no 𝅺‘learning ‍curve’ for‌ Donald Trump;⁣ he already ‍knows ‍what​ to 𝅺do,”⁢ Mr. Antous ‍said.

At ⁤the outset ‌of𝅺 Mr. ‍Trump’s candidacy, ⁤Mr. ⁢Antous was‍ not 𝅺his ‌fan.‌ But Mr. ⁢Antous said𝅺 he ⁣learned⁤ to respect⁤ Mr.𝅺 Trump⁢ for his⁤ ability ‌to analyze situations and ‍“fix⁣ things–like this,” he​ said,⁣ snapping⁣ his fingers to𝅺 signify speed.


Mr. Antous‍ said ⁢he​ feels⁤ confident ⁢Mr. Trump can follow through ⁣on⁣ his​ pledge to end ​the ⁣war between Russia⁤ and ​Ukraine. Mr. Antous said he is concerned about Mr. ​Biden’s⁣ recent ​order to ‍prepare 3,000 U.S. reserve ‌troops to⁤ be ready ​to‌ deploy to⁢ Europe.

American parents‌ “should⁢ not​ have to worry that⁤ their child𝅺 will𝅺 be ‌sent to ⁢die” ⁣there,‍ Mr.⁣ Trump told ⁣the​ Turning Point audience, 𝅺asserting‌ that he ‌would‍ broker ⁣a⁤ peace‌ deal𝅺 that would𝅺 be ⁢fair to both Ukraine and ‍Russia.

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​ ​ ⁤U.S. President⁣ Joe Biden (L) delivers ⁤his‌ speech𝅺 as he⁢ is⁢ flanked by 𝅺Ukraine’s ⁢President ⁤Volodymyr Zelenskyy 𝅺during an ⁢event with‍ G7 leaders​ to announce a‍ Joint Declaration ‌of⁤ Support for‌ Ukraine during the NATO Summit in⁤ Vilnius, Lithuania,‌ on 𝅺July 12, 2023.‌ (Ludovic​ Marin/AFP via Getty Images)

‘Smash’ Bureaucracies

Mr.​ Trump’s ⁤speech spanned about an hour and 40⁣ minutes, ​touching on ⁣a𝅺 wide range of‌ other topics, ‌including policies that‌ are ⁢of​ special interest ⁣to younger voters, ⁤a⁤ group ‍that ⁤Turning‍ Point has focused‍ on ⁢attracting.

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“We ‍are going to𝅺 smash 𝅺the​ Marxist ‘Diversity, 𝅺Equity, and Inclusion’ bureaucracies⁤ that are driving up ⁤tuition costs and sticking ‍you with ⁢crushing⁣ debt,”⁣ Mr. Trump told the audience.

If ⁣re-elected as‍ president, ‌Mr. ​Trump⁣ said⁢ would⁤ put 𝅺more conditions on ‌colleges seeking federal ⁣student⁤ loan money. ⁤They would need “to offer ⁢real job ​placement and ⁤career ‌services,𝅺 as ‍well‍ as ⁤options for ‍accelerated and low-cost degrees,” Mr. Trump said.

His‌ campaign posted further details at​ just ‍before⁣ his speech𝅺 at ‍the Turning Point ⁤event ⁢began.

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“When I return ‌to⁢ the ‌White House, I‍ will‌ fire ‌the ‍radical Left⁤ accreditors ​that​ have⁣ allowed 𝅺our⁣ colleges to ‍become dominated ‌by Marxist maniacs and‍ lunatics,” his ​website​ says. ‍“We will ⁣then accept applications⁣ for ⁢new ‍accreditors who​ will impose⁤ real stan

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