Trump viewed as more presidential in Biden-crushing Gallup poll – Washington Examiner

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Forget all those stories about chaos during former President Donald Trump’s administration and, equally, those about President Joe Biden being a better chief executive than former President Ronald Reagan.

Because just out is a new survey from Gallup giving Trump the edge on who is considered more presidential.

In a poll that is overall deflating to Biden’s hopes for a second term, Trump wins when people are asked who has the better “presidential personality and leadership qualities.”

The margin favored Trump 46% to 38%. Among the critical independent voting bloc, Trump beat out Biden 43% to 35%.

The results are in contrast to the liberal media’s view that the Trump presidency, and former president himself, was a chaotic disaster and that Biden restored presidential leadership to the White House.

The rest of Gallup’s new survey wasn’t much better for Biden. Among the key points:

— Republicans are far happier with Trump as their 2024 candidate than Democrats are with Biden, 79%-42%.


— Trump’s favorability is up to 46%, Biden’s is down to 37%.

— Nearly twice as many people believe Biden is too old to be president than Trump, 67%-37%.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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