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Trump raises concerns about China’s alarming action: Beijing likely possesses compromising information on Biden.

Trump Warns​ About ‌China’s Worrying ‍Move: ⁤Beijing Must ‌Have Something‍ on Biden

China ​is ⁣making moves that ⁢should have‍ startled⁤ U.S. national‌ security experts — ‍and, if ⁢you ask ‍former‍ President‍ Donald Donald ⁢Trump, ⁢it’s ⁤because‌ Xi ​Jinping⁣ has something⁣ on​ President Joe​ Biden.

In⁣ an ⁣appearance ​on Lou ⁤Dobbs’ “The ‍Great⁤ America‍ Show” ⁢on ⁢Monday,⁤ Trump⁣ said ‍Beijing treated ⁣his⁤ administration⁤ with ⁤“respect”⁤ — something⁣ that’s clearly been⁢ lost ​under Biden’s administration.

Most notably,⁤ a ⁤June‍ report⁢ said China and ​Cuba are in talks​ for a permanent⁢ Chinese military training⁢ base ⁣roughly ‌100‌ miles off⁢ the coast‍ of ‍the‌ United States in the ⁤communist island ⁤nation. The⁣ Wall ⁢Street‍ Journal reported that Biden administration⁣ officials were ‍trying ⁢to‌ dissuade Cuba ‌to back off‌ and⁤ rebuff Beijing.

The Journal report came ⁢just⁢ a day ⁣after ‌Biden Secretary‍ of State‌ Antony Blinken wrapped⁤ up talks ⁢with Chinese officials.

It also‍ came ⁤less ⁤than two ⁤weeks after the⁢ Journal⁢ also‌ reported⁢ the ‍Chinese had ⁢reached ⁣a secret agreement‍ with the ​Cuban ‌government to establish an⁢ electronic listening‌ facility‌ on the ⁢island.‍ The ​base ⁢is ‍part ‍of⁢ “Project​ 141,” a‌ Chinese⁢ move⁤ to expand‌ its⁤ worldwide‌ military ‌footprint.

“They‍ didn’t treat us like they treat ⁤these people [the ‌Biden ​administration] ‍the​ way ​they ⁣lecture us⁣ and tell ​us⁤ they laugh⁣ at⁢ our ​people, ​our representatives, but in particular, ⁤they ‌laugh at‍ our‌ president,”⁣ the ‍leading⁣ GOP‍ 2024 presidential candidate told⁣ Dobbs​ on ⁢Monday, according to⁤ Just ⁣the News.

So, why the disrespect? Well, ⁢to hear Trump tell it,​ it’s because ⁤Biden​ is compromised.

“Obviously, there’s ​got ‌to‌ be‍ something ⁢that⁤ they have because⁣ … how does ⁢a man allow China‌ to move that military⁣ to‍ Cuba?” the former⁤ president ​asked.

“Cuba essentially⁢ is⁢ being​ taken⁣ over by⁢ the ​Chinese‍ 90 ‌miles off our ⁢coast, ‍by the ⁢way,” he said.⁣ “And they’re building all sorts ⁣of‌ military‌ installations,⁤ and ‍nobody‍ even‌ talks​ about‌ it.”

Well,⁣ actually,⁢ the ‌White⁢ House does​ talk about it. And, ‌just like ‍the ⁤Chinese ⁣spy ⁤balloon⁢ that flew ‍over the majority of​ the⁢ continental⁤ United States earlier this year,⁣ the‍ TL;DR summation ​of the⁣ administration’s⁣ assessment ⁢is ​basically‌ this: “No big deal. ​And ​by‍ the ​way, ​it ​all happened​ under Trump’s ⁢watch,⁢ anyhow.”

“This is ‍an​ issue that⁤ this ⁣administration ⁣inherited,”‍ the White⁣ House​ said in⁢ an emailed statement⁤ to ⁣The Washington ⁣Post in a story published June ‍10.

“It was our assessment‍ that, despite ​awareness of the ‍basing efforts ⁣and ⁢some ⁤attempts​ to⁣ address this⁣ challenge in​ the past administration, ‍we were ​not ⁣making‍ enough progress ⁣and needed‌ a more direct approach.”

Except Biden ​has⁢ been ⁣at‍ the ​helm for all ⁢of‍ this,⁢ Trump ⁤pointed⁢ out ‍—⁤ including⁢ our botched ⁤withdrawal from Afghanistan, ⁤something‍ the Chinese have ⁤taken ⁣significant ‌advantage⁤ of.

“We surrendered and they kept $85‌ billion ‌worth of the ‌best ‌equipment ⁢in ⁤the ⁢world, ‍tanks ‌and planes ⁤and ⁣everything else.⁣ And ​they … ​killed our‌ soldiers,” Trump⁢ said, saying ​China had‌ filled the ‍void.

“And now⁢ China ⁢is⁣ occupying ‍Bagram⁢ [Air⁢ Base],⁢ which​ I ​said ‌would ⁢happen,” ‍the ⁣former⁢ president‍ added.⁤ “One⁢ of the ⁣largest Air ⁢Force bases anywhere⁢ in ‍the world⁣ …​ And ⁤we left … ​It’s⁢ one ⁤hour ‍away from ⁢where they‌ make ​… ⁢their ​nuclear ‌weapons. So ⁣you see all ‍these ‍things. It’s‌ so sad.”

There ‍have​ been⁤ numerous ​reports that the⁣ Chinese have‍ at ​least ⁢mulled‌ an ‌occupation of Bagram Air⁢ Base.

In ​2021, ​the⁤ U.K.’s Daily⁢ Mail ⁢reported‍ that ⁢Chinese military planes‍ were ⁣spotted landing ⁤there.

In May ⁢2022, ⁢the‌ Salaam ‍Times —⁤ a website sponsored by U.S. Central⁣ Command — ‍noted that a “recent⁣ report‍ circulating online​ that Chinese ‍military trainers⁢ have⁣ been deployed to‍ Bagram Airforce Base ‌has ‍raised concerns ‌among​ Afghans⁢ already skeptical ‍of increasing⁣ Chinese ⁢interest ‌in⁢ the country.”

It’s enough that even reliably left-skewing ‍sources ‌like ‌CNN ⁤noted that ⁣the​ Chinese ​seemed to ‌be the​ ones taking‍ charge when both sides‌ met last ⁣month.

“There was ‍an almost scolding tone from ⁣the Chinese ​president ⁣to Secretary ⁢Blinken in ⁢advance‌ of⁤ their‍ meeting, in⁤ which he said​ something​ along ⁤the lines⁣ of, ‘I hope you, ⁢Secretary Blinken, ⁢and‍ America,‍ will‌ do​ more‍ to improve‍ the relationship,’” anchor Jim ‍Sciutto ⁤noted in ‌a June​ 19 report.

“Clearly, putting‍ the ⁣onus​ on the ‌U.S., ‌and ‌therefore​ implying‌ that ‍it’s ⁤the U.S. that‍ has ​been the ‌problem here.”

And ​that’s ⁢just from ‍reliably liberal sources.

At the conservative ​National Review,⁤ the editorial ​board noted ​that ‌while⁣ Blinken‍ secured ⁣little ‍from Beijing, ⁣“what⁢ Team Biden ​has ⁢given⁢ up⁣ just‍ to ⁣get Blinken⁣ in ⁤the ⁣room for ⁢a‍ 35-minute ​meeting with ‌Xi ‌is ​far ‌more significant.”

“Reports say⁤ that the‌ State ⁢Department​ is ‍slow-walking several key ⁢measures​ responding to Beijing’s ‍misbehavior,” the ‌June ⁣20 ⁢editorial ​read.

“They⁤ also ‍indicate that in order ⁢to secure‍ the ‌meeting the administration⁤ has ⁢declined to release‌ the​ results of‌ the FBI’s probe ‍into‌ the⁢ contents ⁢of the‌ Chinese⁢ military-surveillance ⁣device ​that the PLA floated over ⁤several key‌ U.S.⁢ bases‍ in February,” it ​said.‌ “The Biden ​administration’s response ⁢to⁤ the ⁣spy-balloon incident ‍still‍ irks‍ Chinese​ officials‌ who⁣ prefer,​ obviously,⁣ to ‍sweep ​it under the rug.”

Now, does​ this⁤ mean Beijing ‌has‌ something on​ Biden, ⁢as Trump alleged?⁣ No — but ‌then,​ the⁢ mere ​appearance of impropriety⁣ might ⁣be⁤ enough ⁤to keep China ‌milking it.

That ⁣appearance ‍— ⁢through⁢ Hunter ⁢Biden’s⁢ dealings⁢ with state-connected ‌Chinese ⁢energy ⁢conglomerate ⁤CEFC —‍ has haunted the‍ Biden​ administration ​since ‌even before ‌the ‌contents ‌of the president’s ​wayward‌ son’s laptop began pouring ⁢out ⁢online.

Of ⁤course,⁤ there ⁣could be⁤ something to Trump’s allegations.

It⁣ also⁣ could ‍be the whiff ‍of‌ desperation on the administration’s part to⁣ patch⁣ things up ‌at⁣ all ⁤costs ⁢with​ our ⁢geopolitical⁤ adversaries in China,⁤ Iran,‌ Afghanistan and⁢ elsewhere. It’s ⁣not ⁢like ⁣Hunter ⁢was making ​too many⁣ flights⁣ to ‍Tehran during​ his father’s ‌time ⁤as vice​ president, at​ least that we ‌know about. Heck,⁤ the⁣ lack ⁣of readily available booze⁢ and ‌prostitution in‍ that part​ of⁣ the world might indeed⁢ make⁣ it⁣ a no-go‍ for​ him, at least⁢ at that⁣ point ‌—‍ and the⁣ White‌ House ⁤was ‌willing to let ​the Iranians walk all over us ⁢in hopes they would ​re-enter the disastrous nuclear ⁢deal former ⁢President Barack Obama ‌had⁢ negotiated.

Whatever the ‍case is, ⁤the⁢ Biden ⁢administration‌ has proved ⁤it’s willing⁣ to be ⁢remarkably​ accommodating ​to America’s​ enemies ⁤in⁤ ways⁣ it⁣ would⁤ never be to⁢ its⁤ friends.

That’s enough of ‌a⁣ reason for conservatives ‍to want⁣ him ⁣out of office, ‌pronto —​ and ⁢any⁢ of‌ the ⁤men ‍and ⁢women ⁢running for the​ GOP⁤ nomination would​ be a much better‌ bet than⁣ the⁣ man currently ⁣in ⁣the Oval ⁤Office, in ​that respect and ⁣many more.

The ⁤post⁢ Trump Warns About China’s Worrying⁢ Move: Beijing Must Have⁣ Something on​ Biden appeared⁤ first on The Western⁤ Journal.

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