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Trump suggests that individuals who raided Israel are now entering the US, warning of a potential attack.

Trump Warns ‘The Same People⁣ That Raided Israel’ Are Entering US, Suggests ‘Attack’ Could ​Be Coming

Former President Donald Trump issued a stark warning on Monday, ⁤highlighting ⁣the⁣ potential vulnerability of the United States to an attack ‌from⁤ Middle‌ Eastern terrorists due to⁣ President Joe Biden’s⁣ relaxed‌ border policies. In⁢ a post on Truth Social, Trump ‌expressed concern about‍ the influx of individuals entering the country through the‍ open‍ southern border, drawing ⁣parallels to ​those who have caused trouble in Israel. ⁣He questioned whether these individuals could be ‍planning an attack within the United States.

“The same people⁣ that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA, through our TOTALLY OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER, at Record Numbers. Are ‍they planning an⁣ attack within‍ our Country?”

-⁤ Donald Trump

Trump ⁤also pointed fingers at President Biden and former President Barack Obama, ⁣blaming ‍them for the current situation. ​He referred to them ⁤as “Crooked Joe Biden and his BOSS, Barack Hussein Obama,”‍ suggesting that their ⁢policies have contributed to the potential ⁤security threat.

Last month, ‌NBC News reported that 160 foreigners ‍on the U.S. Terrorist Screening Dataset had been apprehended by the Border Patrol as of July. When U.S. citizens on the list are included, the total number rises to 216. ⁤This is a ⁤significant increase compared to the previous fiscal year, which saw 165 individuals apprehended.

According to NBC ​News, ⁣the number of migrants from ⁤the Eastern Hemisphere,‍ including⁤ Africa and the Middle East, has more than doubled⁤ from 110,000 in fiscal year 2022 to 228,000 so far in fiscal‍ year 2023,​ as stated​ in the Homeland Threat⁢ Assessment.

Reports from Real America’s ⁢Voice⁤ and Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin further‌ support Trump’s concerns. A Border Patrol⁣ agent in ‌Lukeville, Arizona, revealed that they are apprehending large numbers of migrants from⁣ Syria. Melugin also highlighted the significant increase in the⁤ number​ of suspects ⁤from the⁢ FBI’s‌ terrorist watchlist apprehended⁢ at ‌the border during Trump’s last⁢ year in office.

In September, a record-breaking⁢ 260,000 migrants⁢ crossed illegally into the U.S., bringing the⁢ total number for⁤ the fiscal year to 2.6 million. This surpasses the previous record of ‍nearly 2.4 million crossings in fiscal year 2022.

Trump also took ‌the opportunity to criticize​ the Biden administration’s decision to unfreeze and transfer $6 billion in Iranian‍ funds held overseas in exchange for five American hostages.‍ He warned​ that this ⁤move sets⁢ a dangerous precedent and could lead ​to‍ further negative consequences.

While The Wall Street Journal reported⁢ that⁣ Iranian⁤ security officials helped plan Hamas’s recent attack on Israel, Secretary of State ⁣Antony Blinken stated that there is no evidence‌ linking Iran to the⁣ specific attack. Blinken suggested that Hamas may have launched​ the attacks to disrupt negotiations between ⁤Saudi Arabia and Israel for a ‍peace treaty.

Despite these concerns, Blinken‌ emphasized ​that the funds from the hostage swap deal have⁤ not⁣ been spent and ‌can ⁤only be ⁤used for humanitarian purposes.

As the debate​ surrounding border security and potential threats continues, ‍it is clear that the issue remains a ‍significant concern for the United⁢ States.

Is the⁣ border a major national security problem for the U.S.?

Is the border a ‍major national security problem⁣ for ⁣the U.S.?

The post Trump Warns ‘The Same People That Raided Israel’ Are Entering US, Suggests ‘Attack’ Could Be Coming appeared first on The Western Journal.

What‌ concerns did former President Donald Trump raise about the ⁢potential vulnerability of the United States to a​ terrorist attack?

Former President Donald Trump⁢ recently issued a ‍warning regarding the‍ potential vulnerability ​of the United States to a terrorist attack. Trump expressed his concern about the influx of‍ individuals entering the country through the open southern border,‍ drawing parallels to those who have caused trouble in Israel. He questioned ‌whether these individuals could be planning an attack within the United States.

Trump also pointed fingers at President ​Joe Biden⁣ and former President Barack Obama, blaming them for the current situation. He referred⁤ to them as “Crooked Joe Biden and his BOSS, ⁤Barack Hussein Obama,” suggesting that their policies ⁤have contributed to the potential security⁣ threat.

According ⁢to NBC ⁤News,‍ there has ⁤been a ⁤significant increase in the⁣ number of apprehensions‍ of individuals from the U.S. Terrorist Screening​ Dataset by the Border Patrol. Last month, 160 foreigners on ‌the list were apprehended, and this number rises to 216 when U.S. citizens are included. This is a‌ notable increase compared to the previous fiscal ⁤year, which saw 165 individuals apprehended.

Furthermore, the number of migrants from ​the Eastern Hemisphere, including Africa‌ and the⁤ Middle ‍East, has more than doubled from 110,000 ⁣in ‌fiscal year 2022 to 228,000 so far in fiscal year 2023, as stated in the Homeland Threat Assessment.

Reports⁢ from Real America’s Voice and Fox ‍News correspondent Bill Melugin further support Trump’s concerns. A Border Patrol agent in Lukeville, Arizona, revealed‌ that ⁣they ‌are apprehending large numbers of migrants from Syria. Melugin also highlighted the​ significant increase ‌in the number ⁣of‍ suspects from the FBI’s terrorist watchlist apprehended at the border during Trump’s last year in office.

The situation ⁢at the southern border​ is alarming,⁤ with a record-breaking 260,000 migrants‍ crossing illegally into the ​U.S. in September ‍alone. This surpasses the previous fiscal year’s record of nearly⁢ 2.4 million crossings.

Trump also criticized the Biden administration’s decision to unfreeze and transfer $6 billion in Iranian funds held overseas in⁣ exchange for five‌ American hostages. He warned that this move sets a dangerous⁢ precedent and could lead to further negative consequences.

The warning issued by Donald Trump ​is a serious matter that demands attention from the current administration.‍ The potential security threat posed by individuals entering the country through the open southern border cannot be ignored. It is essential⁣ that the ‍Biden administration takes immediate action to address this⁢ situation‌ and ensure the safety and security of the United States and its citizens.

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