Washington Examiner

Trump’s ex-chief of staff admits to labeling fallen soldiers as ‘losers’.

The Longest-Serving White House Chief ​of Staff Confirms Damning Report on Trump

In a scathing rebuke​ of “a person that has ​no idea what America stands for,” the former⁤ White House⁣ chief of ‍staff under Donald Trump has⁣ confirmed a previous ‍report about the former ‍president.

John Kelly, who served under Trump ​from⁢ July 2017⁢ to‍ January 2019, supported the⁤ reporting in a statement to CNN, more ‍than three years after an Atlantic article cited four sources claiming Trump called dead soldiers “losers” and dead Marines “suckers.”

Unveiling the Truth

“What can I​ add that has not already been said?” Kelly told the outlet when asked ​if he had comments about his former boss. “A⁢ person that thinks‌ those⁢ who defend their country in uniform, or ⁤are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all⁢ ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it⁢ for them.'”

“A person that ⁤did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’​ A person⁤ who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all ⁤Gold Star ⁤families – on TV ‌during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most ⁤precious heroes who gave ​their lives in America’s defense​ are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France,” he continued.

The Trump White House​ denied the report, but Kelly’s firm ​comments are likely to reignite ⁢the feud between the ⁢two⁣ men.

“A person who is not truthful regarding ⁤his position on the protection of unborn life,⁤ on‌ women, on minorities,‍ on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men ⁤and women,” Kelly added. ​“A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless ⁢warrior who has served his country⁢ for 40 years in peacetime ⁣and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A‍ person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt ‍for our democratic institutions, our ​Constitution, and the ⁣rule ‍of ⁤law.”

“There‌ is nothing more that can be said,” Kelly concluded. “God help us.”

The Atlantic article focused on a visit in 2018‌ where Trump canceled ‌a visit⁢ to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France. Among many reported comments ‍seen as disrespectful, Trump allegedly​ told senior staff members on the morning of the planned visit, “Why should I ‍go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.”

Kelly’s comments come in the wake of Trump’s public feud with retired Gen. Mark Milley, the ex-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of ‍Staff. Trump suggested death ​would be an appropriate ⁢punishment for Milley’s actions.

Trump currently holds a commanding‍ lead ‍over his Republican counterparts in polling​ for the 2024 primary. Recent⁣ polls​ also suggest Trump is favored over President Joe Biden ⁤in next year’s general election.

However, Trump’s list of legal cases⁢ poses ‌a significant concern, threatening‌ not only his business empire but also his⁤ freedom.

What does John Kelly’s endorsement of the damning report say about the character and suitability of someone holding the highest office in the United States?

Epeatedly⁤ during his presidency. A ⁤person⁣ who called ‍for the ⁣withdrawal of U.S. troops from South Korea because ​‘the Koreans didn’t pay⁤ their bills.’ A person who consistently undermined our alliances and partnerships around the world.”

Kelly’s confirmation of the damning report adds further credibility to the ⁢claims made in The Atlantic ⁤article, which⁢ created a firestorm of ‍controversy when​ it was ‍published in September 2020. The⁤ article, written by Jeffrey Goldberg, detailed‌ alleged derogatory ‍remarks made by Trump about fallen soldiers and military veterans. The sources cited in the article claimed that ‍Trump referred to soldiers ‍who died in battle as “losers” and “suckers.” ‍The report also highlighted instances where‌ Trump displayed disrespect towards‌ military amputees and​ Gold Star families.

Despite widespread backlash and condemnation, Trump vehemently ⁤denied the allegations made in the article. He called the report “fake‍ news” and accused The Atlantic of relying on anonymous sources to smear his ‍reputation. However, Kelly’s recent confirmation adds a significant voice to the credibility⁢ of the report.

John Kelly’s ​statement to CNN not only confirms the accuracy ⁣of the report but also sheds light ‍on⁤ Trump’s consistent disregard for the sacrifices made by military personnel and their families. It paints a bleak picture of a leader who⁣ viewed service to⁤ one’s country⁣ and​ military duty⁤ as a transactional endeavor, solely concerned with personal gain. Furthermore, Kelly’s confirmation highlights the erosion of critical​ alliances and partnerships that occurred during Trump’s presidency, as well as his disdain for international cooperation.

These revelations not only ⁤have​ serious implications for Trump’s legacy but ⁤also raise important questions about the character and suitability of a person occupying the highest office in the ‍United States. The role of the White House chief of ⁢staff is to advise the president and ensure ​the smooth functioning ‍of the⁣ administration. ⁢Kelly’s confirmation of the⁢ report reflects a deep concern for the values and principles that define America.

It is essential‌ to remember that the words and actions of a president hold great significance, as they shape the narrative ⁣of the nation.‌ The confirmation of Trump’s derogatory​ comments‍ towards fallen soldiers and military veterans tarnishes the image of ​the United States and undermines the moral authority⁢ that the president represents.

As the longest-serving White House chief of staff under ‍the Trump administration, John Kelly’s endorsement of the report underscores the ​credibility of the allegations made against the former president. It serves as a reminder of the importance of integrity, honor, and respect in the highest corridors of power. The confirmation further highlights the need for a leader who upholds the values and ‍principles that America⁣ stands for.

In conclusion, John Kelly’s confirmation of the damning report adds weight to the‌ claims ​made against former President Donald Trump. The revelations paint a disturbing picture of a leader who showed disregard for the sacrifices of military personnel, disrespected Gold Star families, and undermined crucial alliances. These revelations raise important questions about the character and suitability of anyone holding the highest office in⁣ the United States. The confirmation serves as‌ a reminder of the‌ need for integrity and respect in ⁤leadership and emphasizes the importance of upholding the values and principles that America stands for.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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