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Tucker Carlson responds to Chris Christie’s Ukraine comments.

Tucker Carlson‍ Slams Chris Christie⁣ Over Ukraine ⁢Views

Tucker Carlson⁤ didn’t ⁣hold back in⁤ his criticism‍ of ​longshot Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie. The⁣ former​ New ⁣Jersey governor took ⁤a‌ shot at Carlson’s views‌ on ⁢the ‍war​ in⁣ Ukraine, ⁢prompting‌ a‍ fiery‌ response ‌from ⁤the Fox ⁤News​ host.

On ⁤Twitter,⁤ Carlson wrote,‍ “Sounds‌ like‌ this could ‌use a‌ longer conversation.⁢ We ‍just asked @GovChristie​ to sit⁣ down​ and‍ explain his views ⁢on⁢ Ukraine. ⁣He ​refused.” He continued, ‌”You hate to‌ think that Chris Christie is a‌ blustery ⁣coward ‍who ⁣plays the tough ⁢guy‍ with sycophants at ABC ‌but‍ won’t answer real questions,‌ but who knows? We ⁤hope he⁣ reconsiders.”

During⁣ an interview on ABC ‍News’s “This ⁤Week,”⁣ Christie⁢ revealed how ‍he would have ⁣responded ⁢to⁤ Carlson’s criticism.⁤ He stated that‌ if ⁢he‌ had‌ attended⁢ an ‌event ⁤in Iowa, he⁢ would have pushed back⁣ on ⁤Carlson’s⁤ views. Christie‍ said, ​”I would⁢ have⁢ said, ‘You’ve always⁤ been⁢ wrong about ⁤this, Tucker, and you’re ⁤still ​wrong.’ ⁢That, in fact, what’s⁣ going‌ on,‌ George, ‌is ⁢that‌ this is ​a proxy⁢ war‍ with ​China.​ The‍ Chinese are funding ⁤the Russian ‌war by buying Russian ‍oil.⁢ They’re⁢ coordinating​ with⁢ the ⁣Iranians to provide lethal weapons‌ to ​the Russian ‍army.”

“And ⁤we​ can decide⁤ when to ⁢have this​ conflict,” Christie​ continued. “Right now‍ the ⁣Ukrainians are willing​ to ‌fight this fight for ‌themselves if ⁣they⁣ have​ our support‌ to be ⁣able to win it. If ⁤the ⁢Chinese watch ⁢us back ‍away from‍ Ukraine, as Tucker Carlson ‍and ⁣others would‌ advocate, believe ‍me, ‌the⁣ next ‌move will be⁤ Taiwan.”

Christie​ emphasized that ⁢he⁤ believes ⁢a​ majority of ‌Republicans support⁣ providing assistance to Ukraine. ⁤He ‌stated,⁣ “Based‍ on polling ‌and⁤ what ⁢I have seen when ⁤talking ​to voters,‌ a majority⁣ of‍ Republicans want us to ⁣be​ supporting Ukraine​ because ‌those ⁢folks are⁤ fighting ​for their ‌own ‌freedom, their⁣ own ‍liberty, and they’re ‌degrading the ‍Russian⁤ army and ⁢sending ⁣a message to the ⁤Chinese.”

Related: ⁤‘My Favorite Story Of⁤ All Time’:‌ Tucker Carlson ⁤Shreds White House ⁣Over Cocaine ‍Fiasco

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