Conservative News Daily

Tucker Carlson: George Floyd’s Story Was False

Tucker Carlson Goes Nuclear: ‘The Whole ​George ​Floyd ‍Story Was a Lie’

More than three years​ after George Floyd’s ‍death and two years after former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of murder, the ​official narrative surrounding the ‌case has‍ become deeply ingrained in American sociopolitical discourse.

While the exact details ​may be hazy for⁣ some, ⁣the ‍basic facts‍ are as follows: On May 25, 2020, ⁢during a police response to a complaint about a counterfeit bill, Chauvin used excessive force‍ to subdue Floyd, resulting in his death.

These Official Facts are now unquestionable, and challenging them⁤ is seen as taboo in polite society.⁢ According to former Fox​ News host⁣ Tucker Carlson, ​Floyd is practically revered‌ as a civil rights leader by⁢ the left and⁤ the mainstream media.

Due to these Official Facts, Carlson argues that a​ small⁢ group of people have been ‌able to enact significant changes in our​ society. Those who dare to question these changes, particularly ‍the catalyst behind them, are treading on dangerous ground.

However, recent sworn testimony in ⁢a lawsuit ‌suggests that the entire George Floyd story may⁤ have⁢ been a fabrication. Carlson cites a ⁣report⁤ from Alpha News⁣ Minnesota, which reveals that Hennepin County prosecutors who opposed ​the handling of the ⁢Floyd case were under extreme pressure to ⁣secure specific indictments ⁤based on the evidence.

These statements were made in depositions as⁤ part of a lawsuit filed by Amy ‌Sweasy, a former top prosecutor, against former County Attorney Mike ‍Freeman. Sweasy accuses Freeman of sexual discrimination and⁤ retaliation.

In ⁣one ‍deposition, county attorney Patrick Lofton describes ‍the Floyd case as the catalyst for the extreme pressure they‌ faced, stating that “the city was burning down.” Sweasy also⁣ testifies about Freeman’s ⁤aggressive behavior⁤ towards her and her ​colleague.

Furthermore, the autopsy⁤ results of George Floyd, as revealed ⁤in the depositions, contradict the ‌public narrative. Sweasy recounts her conversation with Dr. Baker, the medical examiner, who stated that there were no‌ medical findings indicating injury to Floyd’s‍ neck or ‍signs of asphyxia or strangulation.

Despite the explosive nature of this information, it⁤ has largely‌ been ignored by ‌the ⁤mainstream media. The implications of a former Hennepin County⁤ prosecutor⁤ testifying that⁤ the George Floyd narrative ​was based on pressure and lies are significant. These lies have allowed for sweeping social changes, such as defunding the‌ police and decriminalizing ⁣theft, to be implemented.

Carlson argues that⁣ Floyd’s death was not a⁤ murder but⁤ rather ⁤a result of natural causes,​ including his history‌ of drug use and ‍the presence of a ‍fatal concentration of fentanyl in his system. However, ‌he ​predicts that this truth will be ignored, ⁢as it contradicts the prevailing narrative.

The Democratic‌ Party,‍ according ⁢to author and activist‌ Vince ‌Everett Ellison, sees George Floyd​ as the ​prototypical black man they want to create. Ellison argues ​that Floyd’s elevation and celebration serve the party’s political agenda.

These revelations ‍challenge the Official ‍Facts‌ and cast doubt on the guilt of Derek Chauvin, ‌who‌ now⁣ faces a life​ sentence. However, the‌ changes brought about by ‌the Floyd case, such as defunding the police and implementing‌ affirmative action, will remain in​ place.

Carlson⁢ concludes⁣ that the⁢ Official Facts may⁢ be lies, but ‍they have served​ the progressive agenda well. The⁢ truth may be a nuclear bomb in their plans,​ but it is a ‌bomb that will likely be ignored.

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How do the⁢ autopsy results impact the claims of excessive force and asphyxia in ⁢George Floyd’s death?

M media and the public. The mainstream narrative continues to portray Floyd as a ​victim of police brutality, with Chauvin as the villain who caused‌ his tragic death.

Tucker Carlson argues that ⁢this information challenges the ⁤official narrative surrounding the Floyd case and raises important⁣ questions about the⁤ events that led to his death. If the autopsy results do not support the claims of excessive force and​ asphyxia,⁣ then what really happened?

Carlson suggests that there may be a‌ larger agenda at play, one that seeks to use the Floyd case as a catalyst for social and political change. He points out that since ‌Floyd’s death, there have been numerous calls for police reform, defunding the police, and a reimagining of law enforcement⁣ in America.

These calls have resulted in significant policy changes,‌ including the passing‍ of the George Floyd Justice in Policing ‍Act, which aims to hold⁤ police officers ⁢accountable for misconduct and ban certain policing practices.

However, if⁣ the official narrative is indeed a fabrication, then the motivations behind these policy changes come into question. Are they truly based⁤ on a desire for justice and equality, or are they driven by a false narrative that has been perpetuated by the media ⁣and⁢ political ​elites?

It is essential to have an honest and open discussion ‍about the Floyd case, free from the fear of​ being labeled as insensitive or racist. The truth matters, and it is ⁤only ⁣through a‌ thorough examination of ​the facts that we can achieve true‌ justice.

Carlson’s‍ revelations may be shocking and controversial, but they highlight‍ the importance of questioning the narratives that are‍ presented to us. Blindly accepting official facts without critically analyzing ⁢them can have far-reaching consequences for our⁢ society.

As​ more information‌ comes to light⁢ and additional investigations are conducted,​ it is crucial to remain open-minded ⁤and willing to‍ reassess our beliefs. The truth should always be⁣ our ultimate goal, no matter how uncomfortable or inconvenient it may be.

In conclusion, Tucker Carlson’s assertion that the whole‍ George Floyd story may have been a lie brings to light a critical ⁣aspect of the case that has been largely ignored. The ⁢evidence presented in recent depositions challenges the official narrative and‌ raises important questions about the events leading to Floyd’s death. It is our responsibility‌ to critically ​examine the facts ⁢and pursue the truth, ⁣even⁢ if it challenges our preconceived ​notions. ‌Only through an honest and ‍open ⁢dialogue can we achieve justice and⁣ ensure that similar incidents are ‌prevented in the future.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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