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Tucker Carlson airs previously unaired Jan. 6 interview with ex-Capitol Police Chief.

Former Capitol Police‌ Chief Reveals ‍Shocking Details About ​Jan. 6th Attack

In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson,‌ former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund shed light on the events that unfolded on January⁣ 6, 2021. Sund explained ⁢how critical intelligence had been withheld from him in the days leading up to ‌the ⁤attack, leaving him unaware of the threats that were looming.

Sund revealed that federal intelligence agencies were aware of⁢ these threats but failed to share them with him, which⁤ would⁣ have prompted him ⁢to enhance​ security measures. This lack of‍ communication was deeply concerning to Sund, as ‌he had coordinated ⁤a conference call with law enforcement leaders who failed to mention ⁢any ⁤concerns ​about the⁣ intelligence regarding the attack on the Capitol.

During the interview, Carlson expressed his suspicion, stating,⁤ “This sounds like a set-up to me, I’m sorry.” The conversation, which was released on Carlson’s channel‍ on X, delved into the⁣ shocking details of ​what really happened on that⁤ fateful day.

A Do-Over‍ Interview

Interestingly, this interview was a do-over for‌ Sund⁤ and Carlson, as they had previously recorded a similar conversation while Carlson was still employed ​at Fox News. However, that interview never aired, ​and Carlson⁣ was abruptly fired without explanation on the scheduled air ​date.

Unable to show the original tape, Carlson invited Sund‍ back to share his firsthand ⁣account ​of the events. Carlson emphasized the significance of Sund’s⁣ testimony, stating, “What he⁢ has to say is shocking.”

One of the key takeaways ⁤from ​the ‍conversation is that ‍Sund was deliberately kept in the dark about‌ potential threats that had been expressed in⁣ the days leading ⁤up to January 6. Despite the FBI,​ DHS, and even the military having access to concerning intelligence, none of it ‍was communicated to Sund, the person responsible for Capitol security.

Sund highlighted the usual protocol for sharing critical information with law enforcement‌ before‍ significant events, such as issuing bulletins and hosting joint conference calls. However, none of this happened in the lead-up to January 6. ​Sund stated, “Zero.”

Furthermore, Sund revealed that Gen. Mark Milley and acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller had discussed locking down the city and revoking demonstration permits due to their concerns about violence on‌ January 6. Shockingly, ‌Sund, who issues permits for‌ demonstrations on Capitol Hill, ⁣was ‌never ‍informed about these discussions.

The conversation with Carlson‍ also touched on the ‍memo issued ‌by Miller,​ which restricted the National Guard⁤ from carrying weapons or civil disobedience equipment. This memo hindered Sund’s efforts to call for assistance on January 6, as⁤ the ⁣National ⁣Guard was unable to ​respond.

Carlson​ repeatedly expressed his confusion about these actions, stating, “That ‌doesn’t seem to make​ sense at all.” Sund ⁤agreed, and Carlson went on to describe the situation as​ more than just an intelligence failure, suggesting that it couldn’t have⁣ been accidental.

Unanswered Questions

Carlson pointed out that then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to allow Sund to call in the National Guard, raising the ‍question of why answers are still elusive.‌ Sund responded, “It doesn’t seem like people really want to get to the bottom‌ of it.”

The interview, which was⁢ leaked in part by The National Pulse, has sparked renewed ⁣interest in ⁣the events of January 6. Former President Donald Trump’s recent indictment related to the Capitol incursion has further fueled public curiosity.

As the investigation‌ continues, the revelations from Sund’s interview shed light on ⁣the lack of communication and the potential mishandling of intelligence leading up to the ‍attack on the Capitol.


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