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Tucker Carlson’s candid thoughts on Joe and Jill Biden, and his revealing bond with Hunter.

Tucker⁣ Carlson Shares ‌What⁢ He‍ Really⁤ Thinks of ‍Joe and⁢ Jill Biden, Opens⁢ Up‌ About ⁤Friendship ⁣with Hunter

Interestingly,​ conservative‍ commentator Tucker⁢ Carlson ⁣has⁤ revealed that he ⁣was once ​friends with ⁤Hunter‌ Biden.

Carlson discusses⁣ his‌ relationship ‍with‌ the Biden family in‌ the forthcoming biography ‍“Tucker,” excerpts ⁣of ‌which ‌were ⁣published by ⁣the Daily ⁢Mail.

The former⁤ Fox News‍ host ⁣told ⁤biographer ‌Chadwick Moore ⁤that Hunter and ​his⁢ ex-wife‌ would‌ often stay with ‌his ‌family in Maine.

“Our⁣ wives‍ are ‍very​ close. ⁤They ⁣were⁣ running partners,” ⁣Carlson said.

But Carlson was ‌brutally honest about ‍Hunter‍ and​ the ‌scandals‍ that ⁢have ⁤plagued⁣ the ‌president’s ​son.

“No matter what you⁢ now‍ think of⁤ him⁤ or⁤ the⁣ family as⁢ public ⁢figures, ‍the guy​ really hurt‌ his daughters ​and ‌his ‌wonderful⁣ wife, totally wrecked her ⁤life,⁤ humiliated‍ his father, ‌whom he ⁣really⁢ loves,” ⁤Carlson‌ said.

“That’s ⁢real. And ‌his⁤ dad really ⁢loves him.⁢ He hurt all​ these ⁢people, ⁣hurt himself, degraded himself.”

Carlson pulled no⁤ punches⁣ when​ it ⁢came ​to Hunter’s stepmother,⁣ first ‍lady⁤ Jill Biden, whom he‍ called ⁣“nasty,”‌ “small-minded​ and dumb.”

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Carlson ‌also attacked President Joe⁣ Biden.

“He ‍was famously ‌stupid. ⁣Everyone ⁤always‍ said he ⁣was stupid,⁤ and he’d say anything. ⁢… He was always ⁢skin-deep, fake ​and ⁣shallow, with ⁢the ​hair ​plugs ​and ⁢facelifts and​ the pat-you-on-the-back stuff.⁤ But‍ he was ⁣always ⁢very friendly,” Carlson said.

Carlson ⁣had warm words ‍for⁣ Hunter’s first wife,⁤ Kathleen Buhle, who ⁤Carlson⁢ said was ⁢“impressive.”

“Kathleen was​ always‌ setting ‍aside ⁤her own interests and ⁤duties ‍to ‍be​ the ⁢dutiful daughter-in-law,” he​ said.⁢ “If Dr.⁢ Jill didn’t want⁢ to ⁢go ​on ​foreign​ trips, Kathleen would go, ⁤just to be a​ good ‍daughter-in-law.

“The ⁢family ⁤was‍ very clannish‍ that‌ way,⁣ which⁤ I⁤ admired. ⁣I‍ like clannishness.⁢ They would ‌think as a group,”‍ he added.

Carlson‌ claimed that​ the Bidens he ⁤once‍ knew were “not⁤ liberal.”

“Hunter ⁣Biden ⁤was ‍not ‍liberal⁣ in⁤ any ⁤sense ‍that ⁢I recognized.‍ Biden has since ⁤become‌ a‌ trans‌ activist and all⁤ that, ​but his‍ family, they ‌were pretty ‍darn Catholic,” he ‍said.

“They‍ weren’t​ anti-gun⁣ at all.​ Hunter and‍ Kathleen​ weren’t‍ for abortion. They’re‍ old Democratic Party,⁢ the ​white ‍working-class Democratic Party ⁣that‍ does⁤ not⁣ exist anymore. ⁤Biden ​was‌ about the ⁤last relic of that.”

Carlson ⁢also ⁣opened​ up about ‍his⁤ own struggle‍ with alcoholism.

The conservative firebrand said ‍that⁤ at one point he was⁤ drinking four‍ vodkas‌ for ‍breakfast⁤ every day. He said he became ‍sober at age 33 just​ before his wife ‌gave birth ⁢to their ‌fourth⁣ child.

Tucker” is set ​to be ⁤released ‌on⁣ Aug. 1.

The post Tucker Carlson⁤ Shares ⁤What He⁣ Really Thinks ⁢of ​Joe⁣ and ⁣Jill Biden,⁣ Opens ​Up‌ About Friendship‍ with ⁤Hunter ‍appeared ⁣first on​ The​ Western ⁣Journal.

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