Washington Examiner

Tucker Carlson mocks Biden administration for White House cocaine coverage.

Tucker Carlson’s ​Hilarious⁣ Take on White House Cocaine Incident

Tucker Carlson, the popular conservative⁤ commentator,⁢ had a​ hilarious response when ⁣asked about the​ recent⁢ cocaine incident at the White House.‌ Speaking⁢ at ‌the‌ Turning Point USA ⁢conference‍ in Florida, Carlson couldn’t help ⁤but share ‌his ​thoughts‍ on the matter.

“Cocaine at the ‌White House,” shouted an attendee, ‍catching Carlson’s ‌attention.

With a ​mischievous smile, Carlson⁢ exclaimed, “Ah, the infamous cocaine story! Let me tell you,‌ that’s my favorite story of all ⁤time!” The audience erupted in ⁢laughter,⁢ eager‍ to⁢ hear his ⁣take ⁤on the‌ scandal.

A‌ Shocking Revelation

Carlson expressed his ‍disbelief⁤ at⁤ the incident, stating, “I mean,‌ seriously? In the Biden White ⁢House? Someone left an eight-ball of cocaine? That’s‍ just not in‍ character, folks.” ⁤He turned to his​ wife, ‍sharing⁣ his ⁤skepticism, and⁣ added,⁢ “I just ⁣don’t ‍believe it. It’s clearly a setup.”

To emphasize his point, ‌Carlson even ‍mimicked ‌the behavior⁤ associated‌ with being high on cocaine,‌ eliciting even more laughter from⁣ the crowd. ⁢Drawing from⁤ his⁤ extensive‌ experience in the‌ media ​industry, ⁢he confidently claimed ⁤to recognize ‍the “crazed and grandiose” ‌behavior that⁢ comes ⁣with it.

A Window‌ into ‍the‌ Biden‌ Administration

For Carlson, this ⁤story perfectly encapsulated the‍ behavior⁤ of ‌the Biden‌ administration. “That was‍ my ⁤favorite story of all ⁢time ⁣because ⁤it ⁢just explains ‍all the behavior,” he ​explained.⁤ “And that’s their ‌entire⁣ approach.”

Curious ​to know​ more? Click ‌here to read⁤ the‌ full article from‍ The Washington Examiner.

The⁢ Secret ⁤Service, after an investigation, closed⁣ the ⁢case due ‍to insufficient‌ evidence to identify a suspect. ⁤However, it ‌was ⁤later revealed ‌that ‍marijuana​ had been found in the White House on two​ separate ​occasions in the past year.

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