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Tucker Carlson’s chilling tale of the Russian Revolution: Are we in a parallel era?

Tucker ‍Carlson Draws Chilling Parallels Between the Russian Revolution and Modern ‍America

During a captivating speech at the‍ Intercollegiate Studies ⁤Institute’s 70th Anniversary Gala, ‍Tucker Carlson delivered ⁤a thought-provoking message that left ‌the audience⁣ in awe. Drawing from the‍ haunting history of the⁢ Russian⁢ Revolution of 1917, Carlson⁣ shed light on the unsettling similarities between that tumultuous era and the present-day United States.

Carlson’s ‍speech, which ⁢was shared by ‍TheBlaze, highlighted the story of Russian General Pyotr Wrangel,⁣ who witnessed the early stages of the ​Bolshevik Revolution upon returning to ⁢St. Petersburg. Wrangel’s account revealed a shocking⁣ complacency​ among ⁢the Russian people, as they seemed oblivious​ to the ⁤chaos unfolding around them. Carlson vividly described ⁣how Wrangel entered a movie theater,⁤ only to ‌find the audience ​completely absorbed in the film, seemingly unaware of the⁣ revolution raging outside.

Carlson then drew a chilling⁣ parallel between the Russian Revolution and the Black Lives Matter ⁤(BLM) movement, emphasizing the dangerous ​ideologies shared by both. He highlighted the‍ Marxist roots of ⁤BLM and their aim ‌to bring‍ harm to society, just as the Bolsheviks did in ⁣Russia. Carlson’s words resonated deeply as he exposed the totalitarian measures employed by the left, including attacks on free speech and parental rights.

With unwavering ⁣conviction,‌ Carlson ‌defended the importance of natural law ‍and ⁣individual freedoms. He warned⁢ against the creeping‍ influence of woke culture and ⁣the sexualization of children, urging parents⁤ to resist these dangerous manifestations of leftist totalitarianism.

Throughout ‌his speech, ‌Carlson emphasized‌ the striking similarities between the Russian Revolution and the⁣ current state of affairs in America.⁣ He highlighted how⁤ Marxists, then and now, exploit the plight of ⁢the poor and⁢ oppressed to gain power, only to make ⁤their lives even more miserable.​ He also pointed out the affinity for globalism shared by ‍both Marxists and modern leftists, as well as the erosion of traditional values and the prioritization of ⁤the ‌revolution​ above ⁤all else.

Wrangel’s⁤ description of complacency in the face of​ revolution struck a nerve,⁤ as many Russians​ failed to recognize the⁣ danger until ⁢it was too late. Carlson warned‍ that the same ​complacency could be happening in America today, with those who‌ should be standing against the‍ revolution foolishly sympathizing ⁢with its tyrants.

As Carlson concluded his speech, he left the audience with a sobering thought:⁣ “The‌ aim of this ⁣revolution is to hurt you.” The parallels⁢ between the Russian Revolution and the present-day United⁢ States⁢ should serve as a wake-up call, reminding us ‍of the importance of vigilance and the defense ‌of freedom.

A Note‌ from our Deputy​ Managing ⁢Editor:

What if you woke⁢ up ‌one morning and half of the people you count on had just vanished overnight?

That​ happened to me recently. I got up, came to work‍ here at The Western⁢ Journal, and when⁢ I got to my office, literally half of⁢ our readers had ⁣vanished. They were just gone.‍ We had been nuked by Facebook, and⁢ it had happened almost instantly.

But it was even worse. Facebook hit ⁢us at​ the same time 90 percent of⁣ advertisers had essentially‍ boycotted us.​ “Brutal” ⁢is​ a word I’ve used a ⁤lot lately.

The⁣ fight for⁢ the truth is brutal. The fight for America’s soul is brutal. What the government ​is ⁣doing to Jan. 6 detainees is ‌brutal. What surgeons are​ doing to confused children ‌is brutal.

It’s a fight we must ​win. But ⁢we can’t win without you.

A subscription to The Western Journal ‍ will go much farther than you think. It costs less​ than a ⁤cup of Starbucks coffee,⁣ and ‌for that small‌ price you get access to ALL of our content news, commentary, ⁤and premium articles ⁣ you’ll experience‍ a radically reduced‍ number of ads, and most importantly ⁤you will be vitally supporting the‌ fight against leftism.

Can I count⁣ on you to subscribe today? We need⁤ your help. Benjamin Franklin summed up the situation​ we’re all facing when he said, “We must ​all hang together, or, ⁣most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”

We plan to hang in‌ and fight. Please help ⁣us. Please subscribe today.


Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

The‍ post Tucker Carlson’s⁤ Story⁢ About the Russian Revolution ​Is Terrifying – Are We Living in a Similar Time? appeared first on The Western Journal.

How does Tucker Carlson draw ‍parallels between the Russian Revolution and the Black Lives Matter movement?

In a‍ poignant address at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute’s 70th Anniversary Gala, ⁤Tucker‌ Carlson delivered a speech that drew unsettling parallels between the Russian Revolution of 1917⁣ and modern-day America. ⁤The speech, shared by ​TheBlaze, recounted the story ‍of Russian General Pyotr ​Wrangel, who⁢ witnessed the early ‌stages of the Bolshevik Revolution upon his return⁢ to St. Petersburg. Wrangel’s account revealed a disturbing complacency⁣ among the‍ Russian people, as they appeared ‍oblivious​ to the chaos unfolding around them, ⁢engrossed in a movie ⁤while a revolution raged outside ‌the theater.

Carlson’s speech continued by drawing a chilling​ parallel ⁤between the Russian⁢ Revolution and the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, highlighting the dangerous ideologies shared by both. He emphasized the Marxist roots of BLM and their goal of bringing harm to society, much like⁣ the Bolsheviks did in⁣ Russia. Carlson also exposed the totalitarian‌ measures employed by the left, including attacks on free speech and parental rights.

Throughout his speech, Carlson defended the importance of natural law and individual freedoms,‍ warning against the creeping influence of woke culture and ⁢the sexualization of children. He emphasized the striking similarities between the Russian Revolution and the current state of affairs in America – how‌ Marxists exploit the plight of the poor and oppressed ⁣to gain power, only to make their lives even more miserable. He ‌also pointed ‍out the shared affinity for globalism among⁣ both Marxists and modern leftists,⁣ highlighting the erosion of traditional values and the prioritization of the revolution above all else.

Wrangel’s description of complacency in the‍ face of revolution struck a nerve, as ​many Russians failed⁤ to recognize the danger until it ‍was too late. Carlson urged American citizens not to repeat this mistake, cautioning against foolishly sympathizing with the tyrants of the revolution. As he concluded his speech, Carlson left the⁤ audience with a sobering thought: “The aim of this revolution is⁣ to⁤ hurt you.” The parallels between the ​Russian Revolution ‍and the present-day United States​ should serve as a wake-up call, reminding us of the ‌importance of vigilance⁢ and the defense of freedom.

In⁢ conclusion, ‍Tucker ⁤Carlson’s speech at the Intercollegiate ‍Studies Institute’s⁢ 70th Anniversary Gala shed light on the unsettling similarities between the Russian Revolution ​and modern-day⁤ America. By ⁣drawing attention to ⁢complacency, dangerous ideologies,​ and the erosion of individual⁢ freedoms, Carlson⁢ emphasized ⁣the need⁢ for awareness,​ vigilance, and the defense of freedom⁤ in the face of potential revolution.

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