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Tulsi Gabbard ponders GOP VP role daily for 2024.

The 2024 Republican Presidential Ticket: An Unorthodox Dynamic

Could the 2024 Republican‍ presidential ticket feature an unexpected pairing?‌ Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, who left the Democratic Party‌ in 2022, hinted at the possibility during an appearance on ⁢Fox News’ “Hannity” Tuesday.

Gabbard, who has emerged as a formidable critic of President Joe Biden and Democratic elites,‌ expressed her willingness to consider running for vice president with the eventual ‍GOP nominee. When asked about her‌ immediate future, Gabbard replied, “I‌ would consider⁣ any opportunity to ​be ​able to serve my country and make the most ⁤positive impact, especially at this time, where our country’s‍ future and our ⁢democracy are at risk.”

Host Sean Hannity further pressed Gabbard on the possibility of running with a “no-labels” party or a Republican nominee. Gabbard expressed generic interest without ⁣committing to anything ‍specific, leaving the‌ door open for potential partnerships.

“You’re clearly thinking about it. You’re clearly open ‌to it,” ⁤Hannity said, without specifying the exact scenario.

Do you think Gabbard would make a good VP?

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At that point, Gabbard admitted⁣ that she thinks⁢ about her ‍options ⁢and worries for the future every day. Her response to Hannity’s question was more complicated than it initially appeared. ⁤While ‌she⁢ would consider⁤ running with a Republican nominee, her decision‌ would depend on which Republican candidate shares her views on the issues plaguing America.

Gabbard’s frequent criticism of‌ the deep state⁣ and ​the military-industrial complex⁣ aligns with her anti-establishment stance, which ‌she emphasized during her 2020 presidential bid. Her general hostility towards the establishment and her appearances on Tucker Carlson’s show make her a potential‌ running mate for an anti-establishment GOP candidate.

Despite her Democratic ⁣Party affiliation, ⁣Gabbard’s views often ​aligned with former President Donald Trump’s. However, due to party constraints, she was unable to join his administration. Gabbard’s endorsement ⁤of Biden further distanced‍ her from⁣ the establishment, and she faced ​criticism from figures like ​Hillary Clinton, who ⁤labeled her ⁢a “Russian asset.”

Recently,‌ Gabbard has expressed concern‍ over wokeness and the Democratic Party’s drift towards authoritarianism. She has denounced child mutilation ​and voiced‍ support for the Second Amendment. While ⁣she may not attract a significant number of women voters, her presence ​on the ticket could appeal to ‍anti-establishment voters who have reservations⁢ about Trump.

As ​the Republican Party undergoes‌ a‌ populist and conservative transformation, Gabbard’s inclusion as a vice presidential candidate would be a ​welcome addition for many. ‍The potential pairing of an anti-establishment GOP candidate with Gabbard could bring⁣ a‌ fresh dynamic to the 2024 presidential race.

The post Tulsi Gabbard Asked If She’d Be VP ​on GOP Ticket ⁤in 2024: ‘I Think About It Every Day’ appeared first ⁣on The​ Western Journal.

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