Turncoat GOP Lawmaker Tells ABC News His Impeachment Vote “May Have Ended His Career” – Ya Think?


Liz Cheney led a group of ten House Republicans this past week who voted to impeach President Trump.

As reported earlier the vote was 232-197 with 10 turncoat Republicans joining Democrats in their latest attack on the president.

The US House impeached President Trump for allegedly calling for “inciting an armed insurrection” that he never called for. It bore the markings of an organized operation planned well in advance of the January 6 joint session of Congress.

It was a disgraceful display by the turncoat anti-Trump Republicans.

On Wednesday one of the turncoats already drew a primary opponent.

Media personality Tom Norton announced he will challenge freshman Rep. Peter Meijer (R-MI) in the Republican primary next year.

Freshman Rep. Meijer joined ABC’s George Stephanopoulos and said the vote may have ended his career — but he doesn’t regret it.

Then Meijer went on to attack President Trump some more.

Rep. Meiger: “I may very well have [ended my career], but I think it’s also important that we have elected leaders who are not thinking solely about what’s in their individual self-interest, not what is going to be politically expedient, but what we actually need for our country.”

This turncoat needs to go.

The post Turncoat GOP Lawmaker Tells ABC News His Impeachment Vote “May Have Ended His Career” – Ya Think? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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