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Twitter wants to subpoena Sen. Warren over her request for SEC to probe Elon Musk and Tesla.

Twitter’s Legal Battle​ with Elizabeth Warren Escalates

Twitter⁤ has taken a bold step ​in its⁤ legal ‍battle with ‌Senator‍ Elizabeth Warren ⁢by filing a request to subpoena communications between the senator ‍and the U.S. Securities and ‌Exchange ⁣Commission ⁢(SEC) and Federal Trade Commission‍ (FTC). This move comes after Elon Musk acquired the social media company, ‌sparking concerns about ⁤its human resource⁣ practices.

The subpoena‍ request⁣ is a⁤ response to a letter sent ‍by Ms. Warren to the⁢ SEC,⁢ urging ​an investigation into another business entity owned by Mr. Musk, Tesla. In her‍ letter, Ms. Warren expressed concerns about conflicts of interest and misappropriation of corporate assets, ⁤raising​ questions about Mr. Musk’s⁢ control over both ​Twitter and Tesla.

Twitter’s legal representatives have filed a request before‍ the federal court, seeking copies of all ⁣communications between Senator Warren and‍ the ​regulatory agencies since Mr. Musk’s‌ acquisition of Twitter. The subpoena notice specifically asks for documents related to Ms. Warren’s letter ​to the SEC, including draft versions and further communications with the ⁣FTC.

While it remains​ unclear what‍ Twitter expects to find in⁣ these communications,‌ they could shed‌ light on ⁢the senator’s efforts to investigate Mr. Musk’s businesses ‌following his takeover of the popular social media platform.

Warren Raises Concerns about Musk’s Business Deals

In her⁢ request ⁢for ⁤an SEC investigation, Senator Warren expressed⁢ concern about Mr. Musk serving as​ the CEO of‌ both Twitter and Tesla. Although he has ​recently⁢ stepped down as Twitter’s CEO, replacing himself with Linda Yaccarino, ⁤Ms. Warren argues that this change does not adequately address the concerns of Tesla and its ⁣shareholders.

Ms. ⁢Warren also raised questions about the transfer ⁤of Tesla⁢ employees to work with Twitter, including the ⁢Chief Information Officer and other senior staff. ⁤She suggests that this move⁣ may have⁣ involved the appropriation of resources from Tesla for the benefit of Mr. Musk’s private company,‌ Twitter.

The ​legal ​battle between‍ Twitter and Senator Warren continues to unfold, with the outcome‌ potentially impacting the ⁤future of both the social​ media​ company and Mr. Musk’s businesses.

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