Washington Examiner

Ultra-Orthodox protesters break into IDF base to protest draft – Washington Examiner

A​ group of ultra-Orthodox Jewish protesters broke into an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) base⁣ to express their opposition to​ the loss‌ of military service exemptions they previously held. This incident reflects a growing trend of security breaches related to protests. The⁢ IDF condemned the break-in, labeling it a serious offense and calling for justice against those ⁢involved. The unrest stems from a recent Supreme Court ruling instructing‍ the military to draft ultra-Orthodox Jews amidst legislative failures within Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to‍ maintain exemption ‌policies. Protesters have reacted vehemently, with some making extreme‍ comparisons to Nazi Germany, and significant disturbances ensued, including clashes with police. The situation remains ​tense as the ultra-Orthodox community organizes to resist the draft.

Ultra-Orthodox protesters break into IDF base to protest draft

A group of ultra-Orthodox Jewish protesters broke into an Israel Defense Forces base to protest the loss of their exemption from military service, extending a new pattern of security breaches by demonstrators.

“Breaking into IDF bases is a serious offense and against the law,” the IDF said Tuesday. “The IDF condemns the violent behavior and insists that justice be meted out to the perpetrators.”  

The incident arose out of a long-running controversy over exemptions provided to ultra-Orthodox religious students. Israel’s Supreme Court ordered the military to begin drafting ultra-Orthodox Jews, also known as the Haredim, in June after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s divided coalition government failed to agree on legislation to continue their exemptions, but the Haredim are organizing to resist the draft.

“Since the establishment of the State of Israel until this day, such a terrible holocaust has not been inflicted on the young haredim in the holy land,” an anti-draft placard posted in an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Jerusalem declared, according to an Israeli media translation. “The sword of recruitment has never been raised over 1000 men in only two days, and this is just the beginning!”

The provocative comparison of the IDF authorities to Nazi Germany was a theme of Haredi protesters on Tuesday, according to law enforcement.

“Violent riots began, with shouts of ‘Nazis’ aimed at the police, attempts to break through barricades, throwing bottles and objects at the police and horses, and even sitting under trucks,” the Israel Police said Tuesday. “The Israel Police views the right to protest as a cornerstone in a democratic state and allows protests as long as they are within the law. However, the police will not permit any kind of disorder or infringement of freedom of movement, and any behavior that might endanger the public’s peace.”

The uproar made Tel Hashomer’s recruitment center the third IDF base to be breached by Israeli civilians in the last week following a clash involving hard-right lawmakers backed by constituents who wanted to thwart the arrest of Israeli military personnel accused of abusing Palestinian prisoners.

“Breaking into a military base and disturbing the order there is severe behavior that is not acceptable in any way,” IDF chief of staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi said last week. “We are in the midst of a war and actions of this type endanger the security of the state.”

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