Conservative News Daily

Fetterman Criticized for Awkward Post on LGBTQ+ Colleagues

‘Unchartable Levels of ‌Cringe’: Fetterman Roasted ⁢for Odd Post‍ Talking ​About the Gays in His Office

Democratic Sen.⁢ John Fetterman ⁢of‌ Pennsylvania ‌is​ being‌ roasted online after his Twitter account ⁤posted ⁤a “cringe” meme‌ in‌ response ‍to a report that his staff‍ is not the ​“gayest” in⁢ the upper‌ chamber.

That⁣ trophy apparently goes to Democratic‍ Sen. Bob ⁤Casey of Pennsylvania, ⁢according to a recent ⁣Senate ​Democrats ⁢diversity survey.

Last week,⁣ Insider’s‌ Bryan ​Metzger shared the⁤ results showing‌ 30 percent of Casey’s ‌staff⁤ identifies⁢ with⁣ the ‍LGBT ‌community.

Fetterman came‌ in‌ third place ⁣with⁣ a staff that is⁣ 28 percent ‌LGBT, ​according ⁣to ⁤the survey.

It ⁢is not clear why the‌ sexual preferences of Senate staffers‌ were polled or ‌deemed ⁢worthy ‍of⁤ being shared, but Fetterman’s account retweeted⁢ Metzger’s​ post‍ and ⁢accompanied⁢ it with​ a ⁣meme.

An ‍image of actress Jennifer Coolidge⁢ was ‌altered to⁢ say, ‍“These ​gays, ‍they’re trying to ​run my⁤ Senate ⁣office.”

The meme originates⁤ from ‌the ⁤second season ‌of the HBO series ​“The‌ White⁤ Lotus.”

In the show, Coolidge portrays ​Tanya McQuoid, ‍a wealthy⁤ American heiress ⁣who discovers she⁣ is being‍ swindled ⁤by‍ a group of gay European​ men ‌in‍ a ‍plot ​to kill her⁤ and take her‍ fortune.

In one ⁢scene, after‌ discovering she is⁣ in ⁣danger, McQuoid calls for help.

“These gays, they’re ⁢trying​ to murder me,” she ⁢says.

A person’s‍ sexuality​ shouldn’t​ play‍ a‌ role ⁤in whether he ‍or she is hired for ‍a ‌job — especially ​in government. But⁣ meritocracy is dead ​and gone.

The country’s government‍ under Democratic leadership is failing⁤ across the board and in every metric‌ —⁣ unless⁤ you count ⁤endless⁤ illegal immigration,⁢ inflation‍ and ⁢urban‌ crime⁢ as winning metrics.

We know⁣ Democrats ⁣have ​an obsession with identity politics ⁤and diversity.

Perhaps‌ the country is also crumbling under the⁢ feet of⁢ the rest of us ​because senators ⁢and their ‌staffers are too invested in ​what is happening on HBO.

While Democrats⁢ in‌ the‌ Senate are​ trying ​to ‌out-gay one another, Americans​ are struggling with actual problems.

It⁢ is⁣ abundantly‍ clear ⁢that no ⁣one⁣ on⁣ the⁣ Democratic ⁢side is serious about trying to solve⁣ them.

The ​post ‘Unchartable Levels​ of ⁢Cringe’: ⁣Fetterman Roasted for Odd Post ‌Talking About‌ the Gays in His Office⁤ appeared first ⁣on The⁤ Western Journal.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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