The federalist

Fake murders are penalized under our civil rights system, while real murders are disregarded.

“Yeah, hit his -ss,” exclaimed ‌a ⁢black teenager with excitement as his friend deliberately ran over a cyclist in a ‍viral video ⁢ that has ⁢been circulating ‍recently.

“Ready?” asked ⁢the teenager‍ behind the‍ wheel of a reportedly‍ stolen car as he prepared to strike the cyclist, ‍Andreas Probst, a ​retired 64-year-old ‌police chief.

A retired police ⁢chief, enjoying ‍a⁤ morning bike ⁣ride, tragically lost his life at the hands ​of ​a​ young nonwhite ⁤teenager. Surprisingly, the mainstream media‌ remains silent. There ‌are no protests outside the perpetrator’s residence, ​no⁤ social media campaigns demanding justice. Despite his significant contributions to society, Fortune 500 companies will⁢ not acknowledge Andreas Probst’s legacy.

After watching the ⁢video,‍ it is evident to anyone with a functioning brain that ​the hit-and-run was intentional. Fortunately, local ‍law enforcement agrees. The 17-year-old driver,⁣ whose name has not been released, is ‌expected ‍to face upgraded charges to include open murder, according to ⁢ The Las Vegas Review-Journal.

However, the chances of an anti-social homicidal ⁢maniac like this teenager being held accountable for his actions are slim. This is just one aspect of the larger issue at hand.

In‍ May ‍2020, a video emerged showing a white Minneapolis police officer, Derek ‌Chauvin, ​kneeling on the back of a large‌ black man, George Floyd, who had allegedly ‌used a counterfeit bill. Floyd’s erratic‍ behavior prior to the incident⁣ led ⁣to⁣ Chauvin restraining⁤ him to⁣ prevent harm.‌ Tragically, Floyd died while being restrained. It was later revealed that he had​ a “fatal level” of ​fentanyl in his system, but this information⁤ was largely ignored. The video only‍ showed a black man pleading for his life, and it ​sparked widespread chaos and protests fueled by pent-up⁤ frustrations⁢ from ⁣the pandemic.

The lack of context in the⁤ widely circulated video distorted the‍ incident, portraying ​it as an ​act of racial ​injustice. The media, corporate America, academia, and the ​political class embraced this narrative, attributing Floyd’s death to white supremacy and ‍systemic racism. The ensuing ‍riots ⁤caused significant damage and led to a cultural shift ⁢where racial‍ grievance and intersectional hierarchy took precedence⁢ over truth and ⁢natural law.

While Floyd’s death had a profound impact ⁤on the nation,⁣ the tragic ‍murder of Andreas Probst will likely be forgotten. The deafening silence from the media and the government is a direct result of the civil rights⁤ regime, which perpetuates the dehumanization of certain groups and overlooks the malicious actions of others.

The Civil Rights Regime

The civil rights ​regime has warped the ‍legal system through affirmative action and ⁢disparate impact laws, creating new social hierarchies. Various ⁢identity groups seek‍ representation within this coalition, ⁤aiming⁣ to benefit ‌from the​ spoils and gain social capital. However, ⁢those who challenge the premise ⁣of these new hierarchies or ‍benefited ⁤from the old ones are excluded.

When ‍left-wing ideological groups stage ⁢”insurrections,” the media often downplays the events. ‌The chaos during⁢ the summer of 2020, fueled by the civil rights regime‘s⁢ interests, ‍was allowed to continue. However, ⁢when the events of January 6 challenged the new hierarchy,⁣ the participants were condemned and must never be allowed to resurface.

What ​began⁤ as an effort⁤ to⁣ correct historical wrongs has turned into a spoils system ‌and⁤ a ⁣culture of victimhood. Certain groups are insulated and empowered at the expense of others, perpetuating a tangible cultural hierarchy​ backed by the U.S. ‍government.

As Ibram X. Kendi, a prominent figure on the left, asserts, “The only remedy⁢ to past discrimination‍ is​ present discrimination. The only remedy ⁤to present discrimination is ⁤future discrimination.” This perpetuates an “aristocracy of favored ⁢groups” based ⁣on victimhood⁤ rather ‌than merit.


What role does the‍ prevailing narrative ⁤on systemic racism play in the differing responses to incidents involving different ‌races?

R facts and logic.

Fast forward to September 2023, and we⁣ have a stark contrast in the media portrayal of ​another incident involving race ⁢and ‌violence. ⁢A black teenager intentionally runs over a cyclist, causing the death of‌ a⁤ retired police chief. Yet, there is no nationwide outrage, ​no demands for justice, and no‌ calls to address the systemic‍ issues that‍ led ​to this tragic event.

Why the stark difference in response? Why is one‍ incident seen as a rallying cry ​for social change and the other largely ignored? The⁢ answer⁣ lies in the prevailing narrative constructed by the media‍ and those in positions of power.

In the case of George Floyd, the narrative of systemic racism⁣ was readily embraced and amplified. The media painted a picture of a black man⁤ being unjustly targeted by a white police officer,​ ignoring the complexities ‍and nuances of the situation. The tragic⁣ death of Floyd became a symbol of racial injustice and sparked protests and riots across the country.

However, when it comes to the intentional killing of a white police chief by a black teenager, the narrative does not fit the prevailing narrative of systemic ‍racism.‍ It is not convenient for the⁣ media,‍ corporate America,‌ or ⁣the political class to acknowledge a ​crime committed by a nonwhite individual. It challenges the simplistic “oppressor vs. oppressed” narrative ‍that has ⁣been carefully constructed.

The consequences of this narrative ‍manipulation‌ are far-reaching. It ‌not ⁢only ​perpetuates⁤ a false narrative but also ⁢hinders true progress towards‍ equality⁢ and ​justice. By selectively focusing on incidents‍ that ⁤fit a particular narrative, we ignore the ⁢complexity of the issues at⁣ hand. We⁢ fail to​ address the root causes of violence and crime, regardless of the perpetrator’s race.

If we are truly committed to creating a just and equal society, ​we must be willing to confront uncomfortable truths and challenge the prevailing narratives. We must recognize that individuals of all races are capable of committing heinous acts⁤ and that justice should be blind to the color of​ one’s​ skin.

The intentional killing of Andreas Probst should serve as⁢ a wake-up call. It should ⁢remind us that justice does not have a color, and we must be diligent in seeking it ⁣for all victims, regardless ⁣of ⁤their race. Let ⁤us not allow the

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