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United Nations Alerts Policymakers To Brace For An Aging Population

The report United Nations Policymakers all over the globe have been encouraged to plan for the older population Populations With fewer young workers.

The experience will be greater in developed countries with a greater number of older people, and more youthful countries. “irreversible global trend” According to a Report From the organization. Over the next 30 years, the number of people aged 65 and over is expected to double, rising from 760 million to more than 1.6 billion. Meanwhile, the number of people older than 80 is growing at a faster pace.

“This pattern began on a global scale around the middle of the twentieth century and is expected to intensify in the decades ahead,” The analysis was explained. “Most of the more developed countries have experienced population ageing over several decades and are already in advanced stages of this process. By contrast, many developing countries face rapid transitions towards ageing societies.”

While North America and Europe have the highest proportions of older citizens, countries in Africa or Western Asia currently have the lowest. “expected to experience the fastest growth in the number of older people” In the next 30 years. The projected increase in dependency ratios (which chart the relative number of older adults and children with respect to the working-age population upon which they depend) is also predicted for the same time horizon.

UN called on governments to raise retirement ages, expand pension coverage, and invest in healthcare and education to allow older people to be more economically productive and self-reliant.

“Based on current global trends, future cohorts of working-age and older persons are likely to be healthier and better educated, and therefore more productive, compared to earlier cohorts,” The report was continued. “Eliminating age-related discrimination and barriers to formal employment are other critical measures for older persons to make continued contributions.”

Many developed nations are experiencing overburdened retirement systems as more people reach retirement age. Medicare Hospital Insurance in the United States is projected to be insolvent by 2028, while Social Security’s Old-Age and Survivors Insurance trust fund will deplete reserves by 2034, according to an Analysis The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

The UN Forecasts The human race will be home to 8.5 billion people in 2030, and 9.7 billion by 2050. This is despite the fact that worldwide fertility rates have fallen to their lowest level since 1950. India will soon surpass China as the world’s most populous nation; the former maintains a fertility rate of 2.2 children per woman, while the latter has a fertility rate of 1.7 children per woman, according to Data The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Some commentators discredit the notion that the global population is growing at an unsustainable pace. Elon Musk, SpaceX CEO and Tesla CEO So called Low birth rates “one of the biggest risks to civilization” Assisted people in building families.

“So many people, including smart people, think that there are too many people in the world and think that the population is growing out of control,” He stated. “It’s completely the opposite. Please look at the numbers. If people don’t have more children, civilization is going to crumble.”

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