Washington Examiner

Notre Dame president resigns after turbulent term.

University of⁤ Notre Dame President John Jenkins to Step Down

After a transformative‍ 19-year tenure, University of Notre Dame ⁣President John Jenkins has announced his departure at the end of the school year. ‍As a Holy Cross priest, Jenkins ⁣expressed his deep ⁤gratitude for the privilege and calling of serving as president. He acknowledged the collective⁣ effort ⁤of trustees, benefactors, faculty, staff,‍ students, alumni, and friends​ in achieving the university’s accomplishments, while also emphasizing that the best years for Notre Dame are yet to come.

Championing Notre Dame’s Catholic Mission

Since assuming the presidency in 2004, Jenkins has navigated numerous controversies surrounding the university’s commitment to its Catholic identity. Notably, the​ decision to invite then-President Barack Obama to deliver⁣ the commencement⁤ address in 2009, despite his pro-abortion stance, drew significant attention. However, Jenkins’ leadership ⁣has ​been⁤ hailed as ⁣courageous and visionary, ‌with John Brennan, chairman of the board of trustees, commending his dedication to advancing ⁣the university’s mission.

Leading ​Through the Pandemic

Amid ​the COVID-19 pandemic, Jenkins stood among a select group of university presidents advocating for in-person classes in the fall of 2020. Notre Dame implemented​ strict⁢ social distancing measures and mask ⁣requirements to ensure the safety of its students and staff.

However, Jenkins faced criticism ​when he attended a White House event, ​where he was photographed without a mask, ​leading to his subsequent contraction of COVID-19. This incident made national headlines ​and highlighted⁢ the challenges faced by leaders during these unprecedented times.

Transition and Future Leadership

Jenkins will continue to serve as president‌ until the end of the‍ 2023-2024 school ‍year, ​allowing the university’s board of trustees ample time to select ⁤his successor.​ Notably, the university’s by-laws stipulate that the president must ⁤be​ a priest⁤ of the⁤ Congregation of Holy⁢ Cross, the religious‍ order that founded Notre Dame in 1842.

In what‌ ways did‍ President Jenkins emphasize⁣ the⁣ university’s role ⁢as a force for good in society, ⁣and how did this commitment shape the student experience at ​Notre Dame

‍ D his decision to step down from his position. ‌This announcement came as a surprise to‍ many, as President Jenkins has been a driving force behind the university’s⁣ success‌ and​ growth.

During his tenure,⁢ President ⁢Jenkins ⁤has overseen many significant changes and⁣ accomplishments. Under his leadership, the‌ University of ​Notre Dame has experienced a remarkable rise in​ rankings both nationally and internationally. ⁤His commitment to excellence and his vision for the university have propelled Notre ‌Dame into the upper echelons of‍ higher education institutions.

One of ⁤the most notable achievements during President Jenkins’⁤ time in⁣ office has been ⁢the ⁢expansion of the university’s academic programs. ⁢Under his guidance, several new institutes and centers have ⁤been ⁢established⁢ to foster interdisciplinary research ⁤and collaboration. ⁤This innovative approach to education ‌has allowed Notre Dame to‍ attract​ top⁤ faculty​ and students from around the world, solidifying its reputation as a leading research institution.

Furthermore, President Jenkins has been an advocate for diversity ⁣and ​inclusion on campus. He has implemented various initiatives to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for students ‌of all backgrounds. ‌This commitment to diversity has not only enriched the campus community ‍but has also ⁣prepared ‍students to thrive in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.

In addition⁣ to his focus on academic excellence and diversity, President Jenkins has also prioritized Notre Dame’s role ‌as a force for good in society. Through various community engagement and service‌ programs, ⁢he has encouraged ⁢students to use their education‍ to make a positive impact on the ​world. President Jenkins firmly believes in the university’s mission⁢ to develop well-rounded⁤ individuals who are‍ not only intellectually capable but also morally responsible.

While President⁣ Jenkins’ decision to ⁤step ‍down may come as​ a surprise, it is important to acknowledge the​ significant progress ⁣that has‍ been made under his leadership. The ‍university’s academic⁢ reputation, commitment to diversity, and‌ social responsibility have all been strengthened during his ​tenure.

As President Jenkins prepares ‍to pass ​the torch to his successor, the University of Notre Dame‌ community is ⁣filled ‍with gratitude for his dedication, humility, and unwavering commitment to the institution’s core values. His legacy ‍will undoubtedly serve as an inspiration for future⁢ generations of Notre Dame students, faculty, and alumni.

In conclusion, the announcement of ‍President Jenkins’ retirement marks ⁤the end⁣ of an era at the University of Notre Dame. His transformative leadership and unwavering dedication have propelled Notre​ Dame to new heights and solidified its standing as‍ a world-class institution. The‌ university is⁤ eager ‍to ‌see what the future holds under new leadership, but will‍ forever ⁣be ⁤grateful for the indelible mark made by President Jenkins.

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