US and European leaders reject Hamas as representative of Palestinians.

World Leaders Express Strong Support for Israel, Condemn Hamas

Leaders of the United States, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Italy have announced unequivocal support for Israel, while asserting that Hamas—which means the Islamic Resistance Movement in​ Arabic—does not represent the interests of the Palestinian people⁤ or all of Palestine.

In‌ an‍ Oct. 9 joint⁤ statement from the White House, President Joe Biden, President Emmanuel Macron of ​France, Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni of Italy, ⁤and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the United Kingdom announced their steadfast and united support for Israel.

The world leaders also expressed their unequivocal condemnation of Hamas and its⁣ appalling ⁢acts of terrorism, which have resulted in over 1,000 people killed, thousands more injured, and many others kidnapped into Hamas hideouts in the Gaza Strip as hostages.

“We⁣ make clear that the terrorist actions of Hamas have no⁢ justification, no legitimacy, and must be universally condemned. There‍ is never any justification for terrorism,”​ the ‌joint statement said.

Prime Minister ​Sunak of​ the United Kingdom doubled down on​ his ⁣support of Israel and condemnation of Hamas with an Oct. 9 post to X, the platform formerly known ⁤as Twitter.

“The people who support Hamas are fully responsible ⁣for this appalling ​attack,” he said. “They are not militants. They are not freedom​ fighters. ⁢They⁢ are terrorists.”

Prime ​Minister Rishi Sunak ⁣departs 10 Downing Street, London, on Sept. 13, 2023. (Aaron Chown/PA‌ Wire)

President⁣ Biden also took to X to reiterate that the United States stands with Israel in⁢ its time of need, for however long that may be, mirroring similar promises‌ his ⁢administration has made to Ukraine.

“Tonight, America says clearly ⁤to the Israeli people, to the world, and to terrorists everywhere that we stand with Israel. That will never‌ change,” he said.

Hamas is ‌classed as a terrorist ⁤entity by many countries, including the United States and those that​ make ‌up the European Union ‌(EU).

The Islamist militant⁤ movement ⁢controls the Gaza Strip and is one of the Palestinian territories’‍ two major political parties. It has long ⁤been trying​ to claim⁢ land from the state of Israel, which it says rightfully belongs to Palestine.

Its rival party, Fatah, dominates the‍ Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and rules the West Bank region.

However, ​unlike the Fatah, Hamas does‌ not recognize Israel’s right to‍ exist and abhorrently calls for driving all Jews from‌ the region.

Hamas Does Not Speak for Palestinians

According to the world leaders​ who penned the joint statement,⁤ it’s their belief Hamas does not represent all of Palestine or the interests of its ‍people, regardless of its goals or intentions.

“All of us recognize the legitimate ‍aspirations of‍ the‍ Palestinian people, and ​support equal measures of justice and freedom for Israelis and Palestinians alike,” they said.

“But make no mistake: Hamas does not represent those‌ aspirations, and it offers nothing for the Palestinian people ‌other⁣ than more terror and bloodshed.”

The United ⁣States, France, Germany,⁤ United Kingdom, ‌and Italy said they are all committed to supporting Israel‍ in its efforts to defend ‌itself and its people “against such‍ atrocities.”

Officially known as the⁣ State of Israel, the country has existed since 1948, when David Ben-Gurion, executive head of the World Zionist Organization, officially declared the establishment of a Jewish state, and Israel’s independence.

The groundwork for ⁤Israel was laid many ⁤years prior, though, with the Balfour Declaration, a declaration by the British government to the establishment of Palestine as a national home for the Jewish people.

In response ⁢to the ongoing conflict, the United States has already announced the‍ deployment of a⁣ carrier strike group, led by the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R Ford, to the Eastern Mediterranean and munitions transfers to Israel.

Palestinian civilians were ‌urged to evacuate from known Hamas locations and hideouts​ ahead of the growing Israeli military response.

The leaders have⁢ also​ warned​ any who might try to take advantage of ‌the chaos.

“We further⁢ emphasize that this is not a moment for any ‌party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks to seek advantage.”

How do world leaders express their support ⁢for Israel in the wake of recent attacks by Hamas militants?

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This joint statement comes in the wake of recent ⁢attacks on ​Israel by Hamas militants. The world leaders expressed their deepest⁤ condolences to the victims and their families, and reiterated their commitment​ to stand by Israel in the face​ of terrorism.

The leaders also emphasized that Hamas’ acts⁣ of ⁤terrorism are not only a threat‌ to Israel’s security but also a⁣ hindrance to the prospects ⁤of⁢ a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They‌ urged ⁣all⁤ parties involved to refrain ‍from actions that ⁢escalate tensions and continue to work towards a comprehensive and lasting peace.

The support expressed by these world ‍leaders reinforces Israel’s ‍position as a⁢ key ally in the region. It sends a ‌strong message to those who seek to ⁢undermine Israel’s security and disrupt peace efforts. The condemnation of Hamas⁣ highlights the international community’s united stance against terrorism and violence.

Israel has ​long faced security ‍challenges and threats from terrorist organizations like Hamas. The unwavering support‍ of these ​world leaders serves as a reminder⁤ that Israel is not alone in its ⁣fight against terrorism. It also underscores the importance ‌of international cooperation in maintaining global peace ​and security.

In conclusion, the joint statement from the United States, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Italy reaffirms the strong support for Israel⁢ and condemns the actions of Hamas. It ⁣demonstrates the ​commitment of ​these world leaders to ​stand by​ Israel in its⁣ fight against terrorism ‌and their belief ‍in the⁣ need for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian ⁣conflict.‌ This ⁣unified ⁤stance sends a clear message to both Israel’s ‌allies and its adversaries that the international community stands firm in its support​ for Israel’s security and the pursuit of peace in the Middle East.

Read More From Original Article Here: US, European Leaders Say Hamas Does Not Represent Interests of Palestinian People

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