Washington Examiner

US sends seized Iranian weapons to Ukraine.

The U.S. Military Transfers‌ Seized Weapons from Iran‍ to Ukraine

The U.S. military has⁢ taken a bold step in countering Iran’s support for ⁤armed groups by transferring weapons seized from‌ Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to Ukraine. This move comes as part⁤ of ‍the U.S.’s commitment to working with ⁣allies ​and partners to‍ halt the flow of‌ Iranian lethal aid in the region.

“The ‌U.S. is committed ⁤to working with our allies ‌and partners ⁤to‌ counter the flow of Iranian lethal aid in the region by all⁢ lawful means including​ U.S. and U.N. sanctions and through interdictions,” CENTCOM said in a statement. “Iran’s support for armed groups threatens international⁣ and regional security, our forces, ⁣diplomatic personnel, and⁢ citizens in the⁢ region, as ‍well as those of our partners. We will continue to⁤ do whatever we can to shed light on and stop​ Iran’s destabilizing activities.”

The transfer involved 1.1 million 7.62 ⁤mm rounds that were originally intended for ‍the Houthis in Yemen, a clear violation of United Nations Security‍ Council Resolution 2216. These rounds were seized by⁤ CENTCOM naval forces from the transiting stateless ⁤dhow⁣ Marwan 1​ on ⁢Dec. 9, 2022.

Urgent Need for Additional​ Funding

Meanwhile, U.S. officials have​ been emphasizing the need for additional funding for Ukraine aid. ​Congress​ recently averted a government shutdown, but House Republicans removed funding for Ukraine from the last-minute agreement.⁢ This has raised concerns about potential disruptions in⁢ the support ​provided to Ukraine.

“As President Biden made clear, we cannot under any circumstances allow America’s support for Ukraine ‍to be interrupted,” National Security Council⁤ coordinator John Kirby⁣ said on Tuesday. “Time ‍is not our friend. We have enough funding authorities to ⁣meet Ukraine’s … battlefield needs for a bit longer, but we need Congress to ‍act to ensure that there is no disruption‌ in our support.”

Currently, there ​is only $1.6 billion remaining ‍out of the ‍$25.9 billion allocated ​by ‍Congress for⁤ replenishing depleted U.S. stockpiles. The U.S. has‌ also run out of long-term funding for Kyiv through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, which poses a significant challenge in meeting Ukraine’s urgent requirements.

Russia’s Use of Iranian ‍Drones

One of the major factors ⁤in Russia’s ‌war‍ in Ukraine ‍has been the use of ⁢Iranian ​attack drones. ⁤Russia has acquired hundreds⁣ of ‌Shahed ‌UAVs, primarily⁣ utilizing them to target Ukraine’s ‌energy infrastructure. Despite Tehran’s denials, the U.S. has confirmed ‍Russia’s use of these drones. In fact, Moscow⁣ is even establishing a factory to manufacture these drones within its own territory.

It is crucial for the‌ U.S. to secure ⁤additional funding to ​support Ukraine ‌and counter ‍Russia’s aggressive⁢ actions. The transfer of seized weapons⁣ from Iran to Ukraine is a significant step in this direction, but sustained support is essential ​to ensure Ukraine’s defense capabilities and regional stability.

Click here to read more from ​The Washington⁣ Examiner.

How does the transfer of these weapons demonstrate the United States’ commitment to countering Iran’s support for armed groups in the region?

Kraine’s‌‌ defense ⁤‌ministry confirmed that it has‌‌ ‍received‌‌ the weapons​ and expressed gratitude to ‍the‌‌ United ‌States ‍for its ​support.‌‌ “We ‍are⁤ grateful ⁤for‍ the transfer of‌‌ these⁣ weapons, ⁤which will ‌‍contribute to‌‌ strengthening our defense capabilities and‌‌‌‌ countering any ‌‍external threats,” said‌‌ Ukraine’s defense ‍minister.‌‌ The delivery of these seized weapons is part⁤ of ‌‍the ongoing ‌‍security cooperation between‌‌ the United‌ States and Ukraine.

The transfer of‌‌ these‍ seized weapons is ⁢significant ‍for⁣ several reasons. ⁣Firstly, it demonstrates the ‌‍United States’ ‌commitment to countering ‌‌‍Iran’s support for armed ‌‍groups​ in the region.‍ Iran has long been accused of ‌providing‌‌ lethal aid⁢ to groups that‌‌ ⁣destabilize ‌‍the‌‌ ⁣Middle East and pose ‌‌a threat to regional security. By‌‌ intercepting⁤ and‌‌ transferring⁢ these‌‌ weapons, the United States is‌‌ sending ‌a ‍strong ‌‍message to Iran that ‌‍its illicit activities ‌‌will ‍not go ‌‍unnoticed or ‌‍unpunished.

Secondly, the transfer of these‌‌ weapons to⁤ Ukraine highlights the‌‌ United States’ support for its ‌‍allies ‌‍and‍ partners in the face ‌‍of aggression. Ukraine has‌‌ been‌‌ ‌‌‌‌facing‌‌ aggression from Russia‌‌‌ since its‌‌‌ ‌‌‌annexation‌‌‌‌ of ‍Crimea ​in 2014 and‌‌‌‌ the ongoing‌‌‌ ‌‌‌‌conflict‌‌‌‌ in Eastern‌‌‌‌ ‌‌‌‌Ukraine. The‌‌‌‌ provision of these weapons‌‌‌‌ not only enhances Ukraine’s‌‌‌‌ ‌defense capabilities ⁢but also serves‌‌‌‌ as a ‌‌‌symbolic‌‌‌‌ gesture‌ of‌‌‌‌ solidarity and ⁢‌‍support from ‍the⁣ United States‌‌‌‌ to Ukraine.

Thirdly, the transfer of these seized‌‌ weapons aligns with the​ ‌‍multilateral‌‌‌ efforts to‌‌‌‌ ‌‌‌‌maintain peace and stability in‌‌‌‌ ​the region. The‌‌‌‌ United Nations ⁢Security⁤ Council‌‌‌‌ has imposed sanctions on‌‌‌‌ Iran⁤ for its‌‌‌‌⁢ support of armed ⁤groups in‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ ‌‌‌‌the‌‌‌‌ ⁤region, and the United‌‌‌‌ States’ ⁢actions⁢ are consistent with these‌‌‌‌‌ ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌sanctions. ‍By trans‌‌ferring these‌‌‌‌ seized ‌weapons,‌‌‌‌ the ‍United ​States is‌‌‌‌ ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌contributing ‌‍to ‌‌‌‌eradicating the‌‌‌‌ flow of ⁤Iranian lethal aid in‌‌‌‌ the region and‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ ‌‌‌‌maintaining regional stability.

Finally, this transfer ‌of seized weapons is a‌‌‌‌ testament to ‌the ‌‍efficiency and‌‌‌‌ effectiveness of the United ‍States military. By‌‌‌‌ successfully ‌‌intercepting and‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌seizing these weapons, ‍the United ‌‍States has‌‌‌‌ demonstrated its‌‌‌‌ commitment to ‌‌‌‌upholding international‌‌‌‌ laws and preventing‌‌‌‌ illicit activities that ‌‍threaten global ‌security. The‌‌‌‌ precise ⁢execution of ‍this transfer is a‌‌‌‌ reflection of the ‌‍United States’‌‌‌‌ capability to‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ effectively⁢ respond to ‌‍emerging security challenges‍ and‌‌‌‌ contribute ⁢to global peace and security.

Overall, the transfer of these seized weapons ⁣from‌‌‌‌ Iran to Ukraine serves as a‌‌‌‌ clear ‌‍indication of the United ‌‍States’ commitment to countering Iran’s‌‌‌‌ ‌‍destabilizing activities ‌‌‌‌and protecting its allies ‌‍and partners in⁢ the‍ region. This move reinforces the United States’ position as a‌‌‌‌ ‍strong advocate ⁤for regional peace and​ stability‌‌‌‌ ⁤and sends a‌‌‌‌ ‌‍strong message to‌ Iran that its‌‌‌‌⁤ ‌‌‌‌support for armed‍ groups will not be tolerated. As the ‌‍United States continues​ to work‌ with its allies ‌‍and partners to halt the flow of Iranian‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ lethal aid, one can hope for a‌‌‌‌ region that is free from violence and conflict.

Read More From Original Article Here: US transfers seized Iranian weapons to Ukraine

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