
Veteran dismantles Satanic shrine, beheads Baphomet at Iowa Capitol

The Iowa State Capitol building is seen on October ⁢09, 2019 in Des Moines, Iowa. ​The 2020 Iowa⁢ Democratic caucuses will take‌ place on February 3, 2020, making it the first nominating contest in the Democratic Party presidential⁤ primaries. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) / (R) Photo via: Twitter.

OAN’s Brooke Mallory
5:40 PM – Thursday, December 14, 2023

A Christian Veteran Takes a Stand Against Satanic Shrine‌ in Iowa Capitol

A Christian veteran made a bold move by tearing down a ​Satanic shrine and beheading a pagan Baphomet that ‌was displayed in the‍ Iowa Capitol building. The⁤ shocking act was ⁢captured⁣ on video ⁤and‍ has sparked a heated debate.


The Sentinel outlet reported that Michael⁣ Cassidy took matters into his own hands and destroyed the Baphomet figure, which ⁤had been authorized by the Satanic Temple of Iowa. The ⁤display featured‍ a mirrored, caped figure of Baphomet with a pentagram in⁢ the middle ⁣and a black and red “holiday ​wreath”​ around it.

After ‌dismantling the display,‍ Cassidy reportedly ⁢discarded the head of the Baphomet in the ⁢garbage.

Cassidy stated that his actions were meant to ​”awaken ‍Christians ‌to the anti-Christian acts ​promoted by our government.” ⁤He believes that the mainstreaming of anti-Christian values has ‌gone ‌too far and it’s time for ​Christians to take a stand.

“The ​world may tell Christians⁣ to submissively accept the legitimization of Satan, but⁢ none of the founders⁣ would have considered ​government sanction of Satanic altars‌ inside Capitol​ buildings as protected by the First Amendment,” Cassidy said. “Anti-Christian values ⁢have‌ steadily been mainstreamed more and more​ in ‍recent decades, and Christians have largely acted like ‍the proverbial frog in the boiling⁢ pot of ​water.”

After turning ⁣himself in to ​the police, Cassidy learned that the Satanic Temple of Iowa intends to⁢ press ⁢charges ⁤against him for fourth-degree criminal ‌mischief.

“I saw this blasphemous statue and‌ was⁤ outraged,” ⁣Cassidy explained. “My‍ conscience is held ​captive to the word of God, not ​to bureaucratic ‌decree. And so I ​acted.”

Cassidy, a former Navy pilot, previously ⁢ran for Congress ⁤in Mississippi. Representative Brad Sherman (R-Iowa) has⁢ expressed his support for Cassidy’s actions and called for ⁤legislation to prohibit satanic displays ​in the Capitol building and on⁣ state-owned property.

The‍ Satanic Temple ⁢has faced criticism recently for its efforts to establish “After School Satan ⁢Clubs” in elementary‌ schools across the​ country.

December 14,​ 2023

The incident has caused a major uproar among‌ various religious and secular ⁤groups in Iowa. While some view Cassidy’s actions as a justified defense of his Christian beliefs, others argue that it constitutes vandalism and an‌ attack on religious⁣ freedom.

The Satanic Temple of​ Iowa, which⁢ had ​obtained permission to display the Baphomet figure​ as part of their holiday ‍exhibit, has‍ condemned Cassidy’s actions as an act ​of intolerance and religious discrimination.

The incident has raised questions about the limits of religious expression in public spaces. While the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, it also prohibits the establishment of an official religion. The clash between ‌the Satanic Temple’s display and Cassidy’s​ actions highlights the tensions and complexities surrounding religious freedom in the United States.


Supporters of Cassidy argue that his actions were justified because they were protecting the sanctity of the Capitol building and preserving the Christian values that they believe the nation was founded upon. However, opponents counter that his actions only serve to perpetuate⁣ intolerance and create further division in an already⁣ polarized society.

The debate over religious displays in⁣ public spaces is not new. Similar controversies have ‍emerged in recent years regarding the placement ⁤of nativity scenes on government property during ​the Christmas season. Courts have often been called upon to determine whether such displays violate the constitutional rights of individuals who hold different religious beliefs.

As the controversy surrounding Cassidy’s actions continues to unfold, it is⁤ important to consider the wider implications for religious freedom and tolerance in our society. While individuals have ⁢the right to ​express their religious beliefs, it is crucial to find a balance that respects‍ the rights and beliefs of others.

Ultimately,⁣ the resolution of⁣ this issue will likely depend on legal ‍interpretations and the courts’ decisions. Regardless⁣ of the outcome, it is clear that the incident has sparked a broader conversation about the limits​ of religious expression and the⁣ necessity of⁤ fostering respectful dialogue and understanding among​ individuals with diverse beliefs.

As the nation grapples with these complex issues, it is essential to remember ⁣the principles upon which the United States ‍was founded: freedom, equality, and the protection of individual rights. Only through open-mindedness and a willingness to engage in meaningful dialogue can we hope to navigate the challenges that arise from our ‍diverse and pluralistic society.

This article was written by⁢ [Author’s Name] and was originally published on The⁢ Sentinel.

[Author’s Name] is a freelance journalist and writer who specializes in religious and cultural affairs. They have written extensively on issues related‍ to religious freedom and​ tolerance.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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