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VA Revokes Ban on V-J Day Kiss Photo

The ‍Department of Veterans Affairs Clarifies Stance on Iconic WWII Photo

The Department of Veterans Affairs recently faced controversy over an internal memo that appeared to ban the famous⁤ World War II photo depicting a sailor kissing a‍ woman in Times Square. However, the VA has now‌ clarified that ‌the photo will not be banned from its facilities.

The ⁢initial memo, issued by RimaAnn Nelson, the ⁢Veterans Health Administration’s top operations official, called‌ for‌ the removal ‍of the photo‍ due to ⁣its depiction⁢ of a non-consensual act.⁢ However, the ‌VA has now ⁤stated that the memo was sent in ‌error and has been rescinded.

On social media, the⁣ controversy‌ quickly gained attention, ‌with many criticizing the decision to ban the iconic photo. ‌Representative Ryan Zinke (R-MT) expressed his⁢ disapproval, stating, “UNAMERICAN. The Biden​ administration is now banning one of the most ⁢iconic photos⁣ in WW2 history, ⁣the ​famous Times Square kiss between a nurse and a sailor. Their rewriting of American‍ history and American culture will not stand.”

Veterans Affairs Secretary ⁣Denis​ McDonough took to social ​media to ‌address the backlash and ⁣reassure critics that ⁤the photo would not be banned.


White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre also ‍confirmed⁢ that​ the photo would⁢ not⁤ be‍ banned, stating that the ⁤memo was “not sanctioned” and not something‌ they were aware‌ of.

The⁤ famous⁢ photo, taken by journalist Alfred Eisenstaedt, captures the jubilant celebration in Times Square ​on August 14, 1945,⁣ following Japan’s‌ surrender. It⁤ has become⁤ an enduring ​symbol of the end of World War​ II. The individuals in the⁢ photo, George Mendonsa ⁢and Greta⁣ Friedman, have both passed away in‌ recent years.

How did the Department of Veterans⁢ Affairs⁣ respond to‌ the controversy?

Facilities. We honor and respect‍ the sacrifices made by our veterans and recognize the historical significance of this iconic photo.”

— Veterans Affairs (@DeptVetAffairs) March 5, 2024

The controversy arose after a report surfaced on ⁣social ‌media claiming that the⁤ Department⁤ of⁤ Veterans Affairs had banned the famous V-J ⁣Day kiss photo from‍ all of‌ its facilities. The report included an alleged internal‍ memo that stated ‍the photo was banned in order to promote a culture of inclusivity and⁣ awareness. ⁤This sparked outrage among many who saw the ​photograph as a symbol of celebration and victory ‍during World War II.

However, the⁣ Department of ⁢Veterans Affairs⁤ quickly responded to clarify ​the situation. In a tweet, they stated, “Let me be clear: This image is not ​banned from VA facilities – and we will ‌keep it in VA facilities.‌ We honor and respect ⁢the sacrifices made by our veterans and recognize the historical significance of ‌this iconic photo.” This ⁣statement put ‍an end to the controversy and ​reassured the ‍public ‌of the VA’s commitment to honoring⁢ and preserving the history of the⁣ brave⁤ men and women who​ served in the war.

The V-J Day kiss photo, taken by photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt on August 14, 1945, captures​ the spontaneous celebration⁤ in Times Square following the announcement of Japan’s​ surrender, which effectively ended World War II. ‍The photo⁢ depicts a sailor ​passionately kissing a woman he had just met,‍ in a display of joy​ and relief‍ that resonated with people ⁣around ‌the ⁤world. It has become one​ of the most recognizable images ‌of the 20th⁢ century and is often seen as a symbol ​of‌ the end of the war and a celebration of peace.

The clarifying statement from‍ the‍ Department of‍ Veterans Affairs highlights the importance ⁢of ⁣preserving ⁣and honoring historical moments that hold significant meaning for our nation. By clearing any confusion and ensuring ‍that the V-J Day kiss photo will continue to be ‍displayed in VA facilities, the VA demonstrates its commitment to remembering‌ the sacrifices made by the veterans‍ and the‌ importance of​ commemorating their achievements.

It is crucial that we ‍continue to recognize‌ and commemorate the ⁣events and individuals‌ that ⁢shaped our history. These⁣ iconic images act​ as powerful reminders of the sacrifices, hardships, and victories experienced by those who served⁤ in⁣ the armed forces. ⁤They serve as a link​ between the past and the‌ present, reminding​ us ⁤of ‍the gratitude and ‌respect we owe ⁤to ⁤our veterans.

The ⁢Department⁢ of Veterans Affairs’ clarification on their stance regarding ⁣the V-J ⁤Day kiss photo‌ sets the record⁤ straight‍ and ensures that this iconic image will ‌continue to be displayed in their facilities. ⁢It is a testament to ⁤the ⁣value placed on preserving our ⁤history and ‌honoring the service and sacrifices of our veterans. Let us‌ remember and⁤ appreciate the‌ brave men and women who fought for ⁤our freedom‌ by cherishing and preserving ⁣these historical ‍artifacts.

Read More From Original Article Here: Veterans Affairs Rescinds Memo Banning V-J Day Kiss Photo

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