VIDEO: Amazon Employees Complain About Matt Walsh’s ‘Traumatic’ Books


Amazon employees recently held an internal meeting to discuss The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh and his “traumatic” books for sale on Amazon, leaked video from the meeting shows.

“‘Johnny The Walrus’ is a bit of a problematic book,” says the Amazon employee leading the meeting over video call before correcting himself, “Not a bit. It is not a bit of a problem, it is one hell of a problem.”

Walsh’s children’s book, “Johnny The Walrus,” became the number one best-selling book in Amazon’s LGBTQ+ category in December, prompting outrage from LGBT activists. The book challenges the progressive gender ideology that has been presented to children in schools.

The two Amazon employees co-hosting the internal meeting discuss the book’s success, calling it a “bad faith … abuse of Amazon’s systems” and complaining that Walsh is “taking advantage of Amazon and how the Amazon algorithms work to promote their particular brand of hate and harm.”

The leaked videos of the internal meeting were posted on Twitter on Tuesday by the popular Twitter account Libs of TikTok.

In a recorded customer call played during the meeting, a customer says of the book, “It is teaching kids to kill, well to bully transgenders. Yeah, to bully them into committing suicide, the LGBTQIA, especially transgenders.”

“You are selling a manual of how to teach kids to bully other kids to commit suicide,” the customer says.

The customer goes on to complain that Walsh is “bragging” on Twitter that he has the “number one anti-LGBT book in the country” and that he is “glad it’s going to make the LGBTQIA kids, especially transgenders, commit suicide.”

In fact, what Walsh actually tweeted was, “I now have the number one LGBT book in the country. Any further criticism of me or my book is now homophobic. Checkmate.”

The Amazon employee who took the customer’s call responds that he is “really mad as well.”

The meeting’s group leader said the Amazon Books team is “already aware” of this and that when Amazon employees pointed out the book’s content and Walsh’s “trolling” the book was reclassified under politics.

“But it’s still for sale,” the meeting’s co-host remarked.

Another “equally disturbing” part of the situation is that Walsh is preparing to release another book called “What Is A Woman,” the group leader said.

“Does a man even belong in this conversation? No, he doesn’t.” the host said. “But guess what, it’s not even on sale yet, and it’s number one in women’s studies.”

The hosts also told employees to “brace yourselves” before they showed a 30-second clip of Walsh reading “Johnny The Walrus” to a group of children.

“This is really tough content if you’re transgender, if you’re gender non-binary. This is super triggering. I would understand if you needed to leave,” the host says.

“It’s been a very traumatic experience for transgender Amazonians and our transgender customers,” the group leader said.

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