Washington Examiner

Vivek Ramaswamy boldly speaks truth at Turning Point USA.

Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy⁣ Makes Bold⁢ Statements ⁣at Turning Point⁤ USA Conference

On 𝅺Saturday,​ entrepreneur‍ Vivek Ramaswamy made a campaign⁤ stop ⁢in Florida ⁣to appear at𝅺 a Turning Point USA conference. During his𝅺 speech at the​ conservative 𝅺gathering, Ramaswamy fearlessly ‌listed “hard truths⁢ without apology.” It is worth ⁢noting that⁣ he 𝅺is currently‍ running for ​the ⁤Republican Party’s 2024 presidential nomination.

Ramaswamy’s Unapologetic Truths

    ‌ ⁤ ⁤

  • God is𝅺 real.
  • Unborn⁢ life⁤ is ⁤life.
  • There ⁤are 𝅺two⁢ genders.
  • ‌ ‍⁢

  • Fossil⁣ fuels ⁤are a⁤ requirement𝅺 for human ⁤prosperity.
  • ⁤ ​

  • Reverse racism is racism.
  • ⁤ ⁢ ⁣

  • An⁢ open border is not a ⁣border.
  • ‍ ⁣ ​

  • Parents determine ⁢the ⁢education ‌of ⁤their children.
  • ‍ ​⁣ 𝅺

  • The nuclear family is​ the best-known form ⁢of governance ⁣to ⁤mankind.
  • ‌ ‍

  • Capitalism is the best​ system⁢ known to man to‍ lift people up‍ from poverty.
  • There ​are three branches of the U.S.‌ government,​ not four, and ‍the U.S.⁤ Constitution is⁤ the ​strongest guarantor of 𝅺freedom in human⁢ history.

“That is ‍what won us ‍the ⁤American⁣ revolution; that​ is ‍what 𝅺will⁤ win us the revolution of 2024,” ⁢Ramaswamy passionately concluded his𝅺 remarks.

Interestingly, ⁤when Ramaswamy ⁣shared a‍ clip ⁢of his ⁤speech on Twitter,⁤ the ‍accompanying‍ caption failed to mention⁢ the unborn, despite ⁣having plenty of room within the ​4,000 character limit for 𝅺verified accounts. ​As of now, his campaign has not ⁤provided ⁤any comment on this matter.

Click here‍ to read‍ more from ‌The𝅺 Washington ⁢Examiner.

According to​ a‌ recent poll ‌by Rasmussen Reports, 42% of ⁢voters, ⁣including both ​Democrats𝅺 and𝅺 Republicans, have ⁢a favorable‌ impression of⁤ Ramaswamy. Among𝅺 them, ⁣17% hold a‌ “very favorable⁣ opinion” ⁣of‍ him.

At 𝅺just 37⁢ years old, Ramaswamy ‌is 𝅺the youngest candidate in the ‌race ⁣for the GOP‌ presidential nomination. ​He faces𝅺 tough ​competition from⁢ notable ​figures ⁢such ⁤as former President Donald ‍Trump, former‍ South ⁣Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, former⁤ Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, ‌former New Jersey⁣ Gov. ​Chris⁣ Christie,‌ former Texas ⁢representative𝅺 Will ⁤Hurd, ​former Vice President ⁣Mike ​Pence, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Gov. 𝅺Doug⁢ Burgum (R-ND), Gov. ‍Ron DeSantis ‍(R-FL), Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, political commentator 𝅺Larry Elder, and​ businessman 𝅺Perry Johnson.

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