Voters fail Harris on border, 60% say it’s key to their vote – Washington Examiner

A recent Rasmussen Reports survey reveals that​ Vice ‌President Kamala Harris⁢ is facing significant criticism regarding her handling of border issues, with 63% ‌of likely‍ voters rating her performance as “poor” to “fair.” Among these, 48% classify her efforts as “poor.” The disapproval cuts across various ‍demographics, including​ 53% of Hispanic voters, ‍50% of Black voters, and a‌ staggering 70% of independents. Furthermore, 60% of respondents indicated that ‍her role in border policy would influence their presidential ‍voting ⁣decision. The ​border crisis“>ongoing border crisis has been a persistent challenge for both President‌ Biden and Harris since​ they reversed many of the previous administration’s policies ⁤aimed⁣ at border control. Harris was appointed ⁣to address the situation, but her efforts have been met with skepticism ‌and criticism, leading to ⁣early attempts‌ by her ⁢aides to downplay her responsibility for the issue.

Voters fail Harris on border, 60% say it’s key to their vote

Vice President Kamala Harris and her media allies have been in a mad scramble to hide her key role in the administration’s border crisis.

And now we know why.

Likely voters in the latest Rasmussen Reports survey not only give her effort a failing grade but plan to consider the disaster in their vote for president in November.

According to the latest results shared with Secrets, 63% rate Harris “poor” to “fair” on the issue. Most, 48%, call her “poor.”

Worse possibly is that among those who rate her job poorly are 53% of Hispanics, 50% of black voters, and 70% of independents.

And when asked if Harris’s role on the issue will be important to their vote for president, 60% said it would.

The illegal immigrant crisis has hung around the neck of President Joe Biden and Harris ever since the administration entered the White House and immediately wiped away all the border-closing initiatives put in place by former President Donald Trump.

The surge in illegal crossings got so bad that Biden put Harris in charge of finding an answer. The media at the time said she was named the “border czar.”

Biden, in announcing his move in 2021, said, “I’ve asked her, the VP, today — because she’s the most qualified person to do it — to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help — are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border.”

During a trip to Latin America, she told NBC’s Lester Holt, “I’ve been working on this issue for a very long time.” But it was in that interview where she began backing away from the issue and her allies later said Biden made her look bad by giving her a hard job.

While she and her media friends have tried to change the history of her role, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Mark Green [R-TN], today issued a two-page “fact sheet” that drove home her job as czar.


“At the time, even the media gave Harris the title of ‘border czar,’ which as we can remember from the Obama years, simply means a government official tasked with responsibility for a particular issue. Some even reported that she would have ‘the lead role on the overall border and regional issue,’” said the fact sheet.

Green added, “It would be charitable to say that Harris has failed to secure our border. More accurately, she’s an open-borders radical with a long track record of opposing border security and immigration enforcement — both in her previous roles, and as Biden’s top official on the border crisis.”

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