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Vulnerable Democrat Tries To Use Tulsi Gabbard To Tie Her Opponent To Russia

Vulnerable Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) made an attempt on Saturday to use former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI) — who recently severed ties with the Democratic Party — to tie her Republican opponent to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Spanberger shared a photo of Gabbard standing with congressional hopeful Yesli Vega (R-VA) — who is running to unseat Spanberger — and claimed that Vega shared the former 2020 presidential candidate’s support with both Putin and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

“What do Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, and Yesli Vega have in common?” Spanberger asked before providing the answer to her own question: “Tulsi Gabbard supports them.”

What do Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, and Yesli Vega have in common?

Tulsi Gabbard supports them.

— Abigail Spanberger (@SpanbergerVA07) October 22, 2022

Spanberger has a tenuous hold on her seat in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District — a seat once held by former Congressmen Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Dave Brat (R-VA). The seat is currently labeled a “toss-up” on the latest congressional projection map posted by RealClearPolitics.

Spanberger has been vocal in the past about the fact that her district is relatively moderate, complaining to Democratic leadership that radical progressive slogans like “Defund the Police” put members like herself at risk as they try to hold onto their slim majority in November’s midterm elections.

But her attempt to tie Vega to Russia and Syria caught some backlash, and critics responded but suggesting it might be a bit of a reach.

“What do Spanberger and Nancy Pelosi have in common?” Caleb Max asked, answering, “Everything because Spanberger votes 100% party line. #notamoderate.”

What do Spanberger and Nancy Pelosi have in common?

Everything because Spanberger votes 100% party line. #notamoderate

— Caleb Max (@CalebMaxVA10) October 22, 2022

“Cheap shot. McCarthyism from our new Security State,” former White House reporter Jim Stinson added.

Spanberger’s attack on Gabbard echoes accusations made by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who attempted to paint Gabbard as a “Russian asset” on several occasions.

“I’m not making any predictions, but I think they’ve got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate,” Clinton claimed during the 2020 primary. “She’s the favorite of the Russians.”

Gabbard, it should be noted, likely fueled some discontent in Clinton’s camp during the 2016 election when she resigned her leadership role in the Democratic National Committee in order to endorse Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) over Clinton in the primary.

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