The federalist

Walz Dismisses Swing State Voters By Opposing Electoral College

Image CreditFox Business/YouTube


As if supporting the chemical and surgical mutilation of children, murder of unborn babies until birth, and censorship of speech he dislikes wasn’t radical enough, Kamala Harris’ running mate Tim Walz is now backing another extreme Democrat policy: abolishing the Electoral College.

Speaking at a campaign fundraiser in Democrat-run California on Tuesday, the Minnesota governor endorsed getting rid of the system used to elect American presidents since the republic was created.

“All of us know the Electoral College needs to go. We need, we need national popular vote, but that’s not the world we live in,” Walz reportedly said before listing competitive areas in toss-up states he clearly would rather not campaign in.

It didn’t take long for the Harris-Walz campaign to tell their buddies at anti-truth CNN that this is just another time the governor “misspoke.” An anonymous campaign staffer claimed, the outlet says, that “Walz’s call for eliminating the Electoral College is not an official campaign position.”

OK, so who is running this campaign? The actual Democrat candidates whose names are on the 2024 ballot, or the unnamed staffers who keep claiming without evidence that neither of their top candidates backs the radical policies both have publicly endorsed?

While Walz is certainly known for lying his way through politics, one thing neither he nor Harris have been shy about is their support for the most extreme positions adopted by today’s Democrat Party. That brings us back to leftists’ war against the Electoral College.

Walz is not alone in wishing to eliminate this presidential election system that protects minority rights and prevents the United States from becoming a straight mobocracy. During her 2020 presidential run, Harris also said she was “open to the discussion” about getting rid of the Electoral College. Many Democrat-led states have signed onto the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which would “guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.”

The purpose of the Electoral College is to stave off what James Madison called the “tyranny of the majority.” The system gives voters in rural, lesser-populated states a voice in presidential elections by limiting higher-populated states’ ability to solely determine their outcomes. That was also the original design of the U.S. Senate, and without such protections for smaller states, the U.S. Constitution would never have been ratified. That means without constitutional protections for lower-population states, there would be no United States at all.

As with many of America’s institutions, Democrats loathe the Electoral College because it deprives them of the unbridled power to silence all opposition. There’s no need to waste time campaigning to the rubes in “flyover country” if they can juice turnout in Democrat-heavy cities and states instead.

Walz’s fundraiser remarks are an outward display of this disdain. Democrats claim they’re fighting for the “forgotten” man and woman, all the while working to deprive millions of Americans of having a say in the policies that control their lives.

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