Washington Gov. Inslee Compares Efforts to Ban Political Speech He Doesn’t Like to Ukrainians Fighting for Their Lives


Governor Jay Inslee has long suffered delusions of grandeur. But his latest comments are so over-the-top, it is legitimately worth questioning his mental fitness to do his job.

Gov. Inslee actually compared his failed fight to ban political speech he disagrees with to Ukrainians fighting for their lives against an evil tyrant.

Inslee’s bill sought to punish lawmakers and candidates with jail if they question elections. Ironically, it’s the kind of move someone takes when they actually plan on stealing elections. Luckily, it failed to garner support because it was so blatantly unconstitutional.

Given the comparison, one hopes the Ukrainian people do better against Vladimir Putin than Inslee did against his own Democrat-controlled Legislature.

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Governor Inslee thinks he’s like a brave Ukrainian taking on Putin

Inslee made his comments during his Monday afternoon press conference announcing an early end to the indoor mask mandate. It was politically timed a day before President Joe Biden’s State of the Union.

But Inslee wanted to do much more than support a failing president, currently underwater in polling. Inslee wanted to treat himself as a freedom fighter, unhappy he’s not being praised for his leadership by D.C. Democrat elites and cable news anchors no one watches.

Inslee argued he was fighting to save democracy with his failed bill, just like the Ukrainian people are fighting for democracy by taking on Russian troops. It came after he feigned passion for the fight in Ukraine.

“Now, if folks wonder why I’m so passionate about this, I think one of the reasons is because our democracy has been under attack right here in our home country as well,” Inslee said, shoehorning in a concept no one would ever dare to connect out loud for fear of endless ridicule. “Our democracy was attacked on January 6. Our democracy is still under attack by those who continue to allege lies about our election results. And the people of the Ukraine were denied, at one point, assistance because of the defeated president that led to his first impeachment. So I guess … what I’m saying is, I respect what the people of the Ukraine are doing on behalf of democracy because we’re fighting for it too, here in the state of Washington.”

Inslee’s comparison is deranged

Inslee’s comparison is nothing short of deranged.

That Inslee thinks it’s an attack on democracy to question elections (or as he puts it, “allege lies”) shows you that he’s a total fraud.

Is Inslee talking about Democrats questioning the upcoming elections, claiming that Republicans will steal them because we didn’t pass their election takeover legislation? Was this a takedown of a recent MSNBC guest who stupidly claimed Donald Trump was “installed” as president by Russia to weaken Ukraine just enough for Putin to invade? Was he remembering the time  Stacey Abrams claimed an election was stolen from her (one she still hasn’t conceded losing)? Nope.

Inslee is only critical of Republicans who question elections that Democrats win. And he went so far as to offer a bill that would jail political opponents for questioning election results. Tyrants and dictators offer up such specious laws.

Our democracy is founded and maintained in our right to free speech and expression. Yes, that includes questioning elections, even if done out of ignorance. Partisan politicians do not get to dictate what speech should be punished when uttered by their political adversaries. That’s what they do in Russia.

That Inslee compares his efforts to install an undemocratic law to brave Ukrainians fighting to maintain their sovereignty is terrifying because he might actually believe that.

But to be clear: Inslee is no hero. He’s a sad man who is angry that no one in Washington, D.C., or at the DNC will pay attention to him. He definitely said something worth paying attention to, but only as a way to highlight the fact that he’s not fit for office.

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