Watch: Biden Flies Into a Rage During DNC Farewell Speech, Tells Numerous Lies

Late Monday night during the ⁣Democratic⁤ National Convention in Chicago, President Joe Biden delivered what‍ was perceived by many as a farewell speech, which instead became a display of confusion and anger. The reaction from viewers described the‌ event as showcasing Biden’s incoherence and dishonesty,‍ triggering a wave of ridicule online.

Critics pointed out several gaffes during the speech, including a moment where ⁣Biden stumbled ‍over ‍his words, referencing ⁣voters and ⁢electricity ⁢confusingly. A montage of his mistakes captured over 90 seconds highlighted his misstatements⁣ and scattered⁢ yelling at ‌the ⁣audience. Furthermore, Biden faced backlash for allegedly claiming that border crossings had decreased compared to the Trump‌ administration, a statement that many deemed incorrect.

The article ⁤suggests that​ there is a strategic manipulation behind Biden’s mistakes, equating⁣ them to a form of demonic⁣ possession, ⁢where he appears oblivious to criticisms and continues ‍to repeat fabricated‌ narratives. The piece also claims that recent media ⁢investigations into ⁣past​ remarks by Trump⁣ that Biden referenced‍ were⁣ part of⁤ a larger plan to undermine his presidency, implying a ‌crisis among ‍Democratic party leadership regarding Biden’s capabilities.

Ultimately, the commentary frames Biden’s speech as an embarrassing misstep in a political landscape that​ is eagerly seeking a ⁤change ⁣in leadership.

Late Monday night at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, President Joe Biden allegedly gave a farewell speech.

In reality, a nationwide audience of morbidly curious insomniacs heard a parting rant from the demonic rage that possesses Biden’s soul.

With his characteristic blend of angry incoherence and diabolical dishonesty, the president delivered a performance worthy of Hell’s basement.

Not often, in fact, do we see with such clarity both the machinations of evil and its results.

For instance, Biden’s demon appears to have adopted a three-pronged strategy.

First, humiliate him.  In this case, make the octogenarian president speak close to midnight EST. That way you virtually guarantee a handful of stammering gaffes.

“Women are now without electrical — without — not allowed — not without — electrical — electoral — ” Biden said at the beginning of a clip posted to the social media platform X by journalist Collin Rugg of Trending Politics.

Rugg’s clip, in fact, featured a 92-second montage of gaffes and lies from Biden’s speech.

Other humiliating moments included the president randomly yelling at the crowd, a brain freeze during a comment about Medicare and a reference to a “thousand trillion billionaires.”

Second, Biden’s demon encourages the rage-filled president to repeat obvious lies.

In the Rugg video, for instance, Biden actually touted “fewer border crossings today than when Donald Trump left office.”

When a person tells a lie as grotesque as that, how can we assume anything other than demonic possession?

Biden also repeated a slew of hoaxes regarding past comments made by former President Donald Trump, including the 2017 “fine people” hoax, the 2020 “suckers and losers” hoax and the 2024 “bloodbath” hoax.

Of course, both the “fine people” hoax and the “bloodbath” hoax are easily debunked by contrary evidence. It should be noted that even Biden’s allies in the establishment media have largely distanced themselves from these untruthful lines of attack.

As for the “suckers and losers” hoax, not even Trump’s most fervent critics have corroborated that lie. Indeed, no one who has watched the former president over the years would believe a report  that he used that awful phrase to denigrate U.S. military veterans.

We would believe, however, that the establishment media would invent such a tale.

Finally, Biden’s demon makes the president oblivious to his true enemies.

To illustrate, first recall the debunking of Biden’s “fine people” hoax.

The left-wing “fact-checking” outfit Snopes has admitted that, contrary to Biden’s repeated assertions, Trump did not refer to neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville as “very fine people.”

“He said in the same statement he wasn’t talking about neo-Nazis and white nationalists, who he said should be ‘condemned totally,’” Snopes wrote of Trump.

But notice also the date of the debunking. Strangely, Snopes waited until June 2024 to fact-check a seven-year-old hoax.

Of course, anyone who has paid attention to the world in those seven years knows why it took so long.

In short, the president’s suspiciously early June 27 debate against Trump signaled that establishment power brokers wanted Biden gone. With the president’s mind having deteriorated, his handlers could no longer control what their puppet said in public. So they needed a new puppet.

Thus, to install said new puppet, they needed to expose the president’s deficiencies in a very public way. To that end, they enlisted their allies in the establishment media, including Snopes.

The time had come to dump Biden, so they finally told the truth about him. Nothing else about the timing of the Snopes “fact check” makes sense.

In sum, from the perspective of a demon with a sense of humor, what could be more amusing than to watch as the humiliated president not only repeated your lies but repeated them in the presence and in the service of the very people who staged a coup against him?

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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