VIDEO: Biden in Israel Blames ‘The Other Team’ for Hospital Blast

President Biden Expresses Solidarity with Israel in War Against Hamas

President Joe Biden arrived in Israel‍ on Wednesday, standing in solidarity with the country in its ongoing conflict ‌with Hamas. He addressed the devastating blast that occurred at a⁢ Gaza hospital,‌ stating that it appeared ​to ⁤be caused by Israel’s enemies rather than Israel itself.

The explosion at the⁣ Al-Ahli al-Arabi hospital disrupted Biden’s diplomatic mission to the‌ Middle East, as Arab⁢ leaders canceled​ their​ planned summit with ⁢him. Palestinian officials blamed an Israeli airstrike for the blast, while ‌Israel⁤ claimed it was the result of a ​failed rocket launch by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad ‍militant group.

During ⁣a joint press conference with⁢ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Biden expressed his sadness and⁣ outrage over the hospital ⁢explosion.⁤ He stated, “Based on what I’ve seen, it appears as ‌though it was done by the other team, not you.” However, he acknowledged that there were doubts and emphasized ‌the importance ⁤of overcoming ‍obstacles.

Biden’s⁣ trip to the Middle East aimed to bring calm to the region while demonstrating unwavering ‍support for Israel. However, the hospital blast led to the cancellation ​of a planned summit ⁢with leaders from​ Jordan,⁤ Egypt, ⁣and the Palestinian Authority.

Netanyahu⁢ expressed gratitude for Biden’s unequivocal support, while President Isaac Herzog praised‍ him for protecting the nation of Israel.⁣ In a later meeting, Netanyahu assured that Israel would do‍ everything possible to protect civilians, and Biden reassured that ‍the United States would ⁣continue‌ to support Israel’s defense efforts.

‘Help us, help us’

The accounts of destruction at the hospital were​ horrifying, even amidst the already devastating images from the⁣ past 12 days. Rescue workers searched through debris stained with​ blood, with⁣ conflicting reports on the death ⁣toll. ‍Palestinian ministry spokesperson⁢ Ashraf ⁣Al-Qudra​ stated that bodies were still being ⁢recovered.

Dr. Fadel ⁣Naim, Head of the hospital’s Orthopedic ⁢Surgery Department, described ​the chaos ‍inside the hospital. He recounted how people​ pleaded for help, but ​the hospital team was overwhelmed by the large number of casualties. Israel later released drone footage to support their claim that they were not ⁤responsible for the explosion.

Palestinians firmly believed that​ the blast was‍ an Israeli ​attack,⁣ as the hospital was⁣ being used as a shelter by thousands ⁢of Gazans displaced by Israeli bombings. Another doctor at the hospital, ⁣Ibrahim Al-Naqa, expressed the ‍heart-wrenching reality of​ the situation, stating, “We don’t ‌know what the ⁣shell is called, but we saw the results of it⁣ when it targeted children and ripped their bodies into pieces.”

‘Cool ⁤heads’

Following Biden’s statement absolving Israel ‌of ⁤blame, other Western leaders called for caution and‍ urged waiting for all the facts. British⁢ Foreign Secretary James Cleverly emphasized the importance of ⁢reporting the facts accurately to⁤ prevent further harm.

World leaders, including U.N. Secretary General Guterres ⁤and Russian President Vladimir⁢ Putin, condemned the blast without assigning blame. ​The explosion further fueled anger ⁤across the Middle East, leading to protests ⁢and clashes in the West Bank.

Biden, who has shown strong support for Israel since the October attacks, faces ​pressure to address the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. ​The Israeli ⁣military⁣ announced the establishment of​ a “humanitarian zone” near the Egyptian border to provide​ aid, ‍although⁣ the logistics of ‍delivering‍ the aid were not specified.

(Reporting⁣ By Nidal ​Mughrabi in Gaza, Steve Holland‌ aboard ⁣Air Force One, and ‌Jerusalem​ Bureau;⁢ writing by Peter Graff; editing by Gareth Jones)

How is the ⁤international community responding ​to ⁢the devastation caused by the destruction of ‍the hospital in Gaza?

⁢Lood, ⁢searching for survivors and bodies of those killed. The hospital, which provided ⁣vital medical services to the people⁤ of Gaza,⁢ was reduced to rubble, leaving the local community devastated and without access to life-saving healthcare.

In response‌ to the tragic incident, President‍ Biden expressed his deep condolences to the victims and their families, pledging⁤ the United States’ ​support in rebuilding⁤ and restoring ​medical services‌ in Gaza. He stated, “We stand with ‍the people​ of Gaza, who have suffered immeasurable loss, and we will work tirelessly to⁤ help them rebuild ​their lives.”

President Biden’s visit to Israel was a testament to the strong and enduring relationship between the United States ‍and Israel. It showcased the unwavering commitment of the Biden administration in supporting Israel’s right to defend itself against‌ Hamas, a terrorist organization that has been indiscriminately launching rockets targeting Israeli civilians. Throughout his visit, Biden reiterated the United States’ support for Israel’s right to self-defense while urging for a ‌de-escalation of violence and⁣ a peaceful resolution‌ to the conflict.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has caused immense suffering for both Israelis and Palestinians. President Biden acknowledged the need for a comprehensive ‍and lasting solution that ‌addresses the root causes of the conflict. He emphasized⁤ the importance of promoting dialogue and negotiation to achieve a two-state solution, where Israelis ‌and Palestinians can live side by ​side in peace and security.

President Biden’s visit also provided an opportunity​ for ⁣him to engage with regional leaders, including Prime⁢ Minister Netanyahu ​and President Herzog,‌ to discuss strategies⁢ for achieving ‌peace and stability in the⁣ Middle East. The United ⁢States reaffirmed its commitment to supporting the region’s economic development, security, and​ diplomatic efforts.

As the visit came to a close, President ⁣Biden expressed his optimism for a brighter future, where Israelis‌ and Palestinians can coexist in‍ peace and prosperity. He ⁣stated, “We must seize this moment ​to create a better ⁣future for all the people of this ‍region. It is within our reach if⁤ we have the courage and determination to pursue ​it.”

President Biden’s solidarity with Israel in its war ‍against Hamas ⁣sends a ​clear message⁤ to the international community that⁢ the United States stands firmly behind its ally in the face​ of terrorism and violence. ⁤It also underscores the Biden administration’s ‍commitment to promoting peace, stability, and security in ‍the ‌Middle East. As⁢ the conflict continues, the ​world watches anxiously,​ hoping for a swift end to the violence and a path towards‌ a lasting peace in the region.

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