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Biden pledges collaboration with nations supporting Israel attacks.

I’m‍ pretty sure we’re all‍ familiar with the carrot-and-stick ‌model‌ of human motivation, but it’s worth rehashing because I don’t necessarily believe some‍ liberals — particularly those in⁢ residence at or in the employ of those at 1600 Pennsylvania‌ Ave. — quite understand it.

This ⁤metaphor for motivation provides both an ‍incentive to act a certain way⁣ and a​ disincentive to act in an opposite manner. If an individual or entity behaves as you wish, they ⁣get a “carrot”‌ as ​a reward. Should they act​ contrariwise, they get a solid thwack‌ with the proverbial “stick.”

This metaphorical model is essentially a first principle ​of human behavior: It’s⁢ irreducibly, self-evidently ⁣true. Yet, when it comes to the anti-Israel governments ‌in Tehran, Riyadh and ⁢Doha, President Joe Biden’s administration has been⁢ feeding them nothing​ but carrots with the stick held far, far in the background.

According to The Times of Israel, at⁣ least 600 are ‍dead after an invasion launched by Hamas forces on Saturday. Additionally,​ per​ Fox News, the terror group claimed to have fired at least 5,000 rockets in ‌the⁣ attack and ​a senior Hamas military ‍commander​ called it  “the day of the greatest battle to end the last occupation on earth.”

In a video message released in the early hours of Saturday morning, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the state of Israel was “at war” with⁣ Hamas — which ‌is the governing party in the Gaza Strip.

“Citizens of Israel, we are at war — not in an operation, not in rounds — at war,” Netanyahu said.

Israel, of course,⁢ is supposed⁤ to be one of ⁤our closest allies. Yet, when President Biden took to the podium to briefly address the attacks and invasion of ​southern Israel by Hamas on Saturday afternoon, he seemed oblivious to ‍the⁣ governments he promised to work with to put an end to ​the conflict.

“Let me say this as clearly as ⁣I can: This is not a moment for any party hostile to ‌Israel to exploit these attacks to​ seek advantage. The world is ⁤watching,” Biden said.

Fair enough. And then he let it be known that he’d⁢ be working with a number of nations that ⁣have​ explicitly used these attacks to seek diplomatic ⁤advantage.

“I have also been in contact with ⁣the King of⁣ Jordan, spoken with members of Congress, directed my national⁢ security ⁣team
to engage ⁣with their ​Israeli counterparts — military to military, intelligence to intelligence, diplomat to​ diplomat — to ⁣make sure Israel has what it needs,” Biden said.

“I’ve also​ directed my team ‍to remain‌ in constant contact ⁣with leaders throughout the region, including Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Oman, the [United Arab Emirates], as well as ‍with ​our European partners and the Palestinian Authority.”

The problem ⁤is that ⁣1) part of the Palestinian Authority — namely Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip politically — launched the attack and ​invasion, 2) two of the governments⁢ he said he would be working with praised the attack and 3) another Middle Eastern nation the Biden administration has been​ actively⁤ courting and just ​gave $6 billion to is one of Hamas’ major financial backers.

As The Hill noted, both Qatar and Saudi​ Arabia — two‍ nations the administration promised to be ⁢in “constant​ contact”⁤ with — ⁢said Israel was ⁢to blame for the wanton​ act of war on the part of ​Hamas.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs holds Israel alone​ responsible for the current escalation due to this ongoing violations of the rights of the‌ Palestinian ‍people, the latest of which is the repeated raids on the blessed al-Aqsa Mosque under of the protection of Israeli police,” the Qatari​ Foreign Ministry said in‍ a statement.

This​ refers ⁣to an ⁢April raid⁤ after a group of⁢ Palestinians barricaded themselves inside the mosque in⁢ East Jerusalem “amid reports that Jewish extremists wanted⁤ to try to ⁤sacrifice a goat at the ⁤site for Passover,” according to the BBC.

Despite the fact that both Israeli political and law ​enforcement authorities promised that, even if those ‍extremists tried to sacrifice the goat, they would be prevented from doing ⁢so, the⁤ Palestinian agitators refused to⁣ budge. The subsequent raid injured roughly 50 but ended with no ‌deaths.

Saudi‍ Arabia’s Foreign Ministry, meanwhile, said in a ⁣statement⁢ that the government there “is​ closely following⁣ the⁤ developments of the unprecedented situation ⁣between a ‍number of Palestinian​ factions and the Israeli occupation forces, which has resulted in a high level of violence on several fronts there.”

“The Kingdom recalls its repeated warnings of⁤ the dangers of the ⁤explosion of the situation as a result of the‌ continued occupation, and deprivation of the Palestinian ⁢people of their legitimate ‍rights, and the repetition of systematic provocations against its sanctities,” the statement ​added.

And, while Biden didn’t mention Iran in his speech, let’s not forget that his administration has fawned over Tehran to get it back into the suicidal nuclear pact signed under ⁣former President ⁣Barack Obama and released $6 billion in ‌frozen Iranian assets just months before the attack as part ‍of a ⁢prisoner​ swap, as ⁢ Fox News noted.

Unlike Qatar and Saudi Arabia, Iran’s government engaged in active ⁤ Hamas ⁤ boosterism —⁣ little surprise when you consider that ‌Tehran has been one of the ⁤terrorist organization’s geopolitical sugar daddies.

“We congratulate the Palestinian fighters,” said senior Iranian government‌ advisor Yahya Rahim Safavi via ⁣state media, as per Reuters. “We will stand by the Palestinian fighters until the liberation of Palestine and Jerusalem.”

According to‍ U.S.-based‍ outlet Iran⁤ International, he also‌ went as‍ far as to dub the ​attack Operation al-Aqsa Storm.

“We support the commendable⁤ operation⁢ of al-Aqsa Storm,” he said. In ⁢that version of Safavi’s statement, he also used the Arabic ⁢name of Jerusalem — “al-Quds” —​ to describe the “liberation” of the city. Reuters, apparently, was willing to clean ⁢up his language in ways Mr. Safavi probably wouldn’t approve​ of.

The⁣ same outlet also published a story titled “Iran⁤ Regime Holding Celebrations For ‘Palestinian Victory,’” in⁢ which video of celebratory demonstrations — including the requisite video‌ of people chanting “death to‌ America! ‌Death to Israel!” in Arabic — was linked.

In that story, Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani described the ‍attack as “a turning point and a ‌new chapter ⁤in‌ the continuing​ resistance and armed operations” against‌ Israel and said the‌ military action showed the terror organization was “confidently capable⁤ of conducting hybrid and ⁤multilateral operations ​against ​the occupiers.”

These are, more​ or less, the same ‌governments that the​ Biden administration is treating as partners or potential partners. As far as⁤ they’re concerned, there’s nothing but carrots in store for these ⁢governments ‌if⁤ they ‍can get Hamas under control, despite the fact two of them have said, flat out, they have no intention‍ of trying to ‌get Hamas under control, and a third remains⁣ a key funder of the terror‌ group.

When there is no stick, the carrot doesn’t work. Biden and⁢ his enablers​ didn’t learn this in Afghanistan, they haven’t learned it with Russia and they certainly aren’t learning it ​with ‌Qatar, Saudi Arabia or Iran.

If the ⁣current inhabitants of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue can’t figure⁢ out an essential first principle of international​ diplomacy —⁢ that a carrot without a stick is thoroughly useless — it’s time‍ for new‌ inhabitants, and ⁤not ⁢just for Israel’s sake.

The post Watch: Biden Promises to Work with Countries That Celebrated Israel Attacks appeared first on The Western Journal.

How is⁣ the Biden ‌administration’s approach to the #Gaza escalation ‍affecting the fight against terrorism?

He ‌escalation in #Gaza & rejects all attempts to evade this responsibility,” Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs tweeted, while a statement​ from Saudi Arabia’s foreign ministry ​accused Israel of “flagrant violations” and called for ​an immediate end ​to the violence.

It’s clear that these governments are not interested in⁣ brokering peace ⁣or condemning⁣ acts of terrorism. They are, in fact, ‍supporting and enabling the very terrorists that have launched an unprovoked attack on Israel, resulting in the deaths of innocent civilians.

And yet, President Biden chooses to ignore these facts⁢ and continues to⁤ engage with these governments, offering‍ them carrots without any consequences. This is⁢ not how you deal ‌with​ terrorists or their sponsors. It only emboldens them and sends a message that their actions will go unpunished.

The carrot-and-stick model of ⁤human⁤ motivation is applicable ‌here. If you reward bad‌ behavior with carrots,‍ you are essentially incentivizing that behavior to continue. And if you ‌don’t​ apply any form of ⁢punishment or disincentive, there‌ is no reason for the behavior to⁢ change.

In this case, the terrorists ⁣and their sponsors are being rewarded with diplomatic engagement and financial aid.⁣ They are not facing any consequences for their actions. This is a‍ grave mistake on⁣ the part of the Biden ‍administration.

Israel, as our closest ally in the Middle East, deserves unequivocal support and unwavering ​condemnation of acts of terrorism. We should be standing with‍ them and holding accountable those ⁢responsible for the ⁤violence.

It’s time for the Biden administration to‌ rethink its approach and ⁤adopt a ‍more firm and principled stance. Carrots are not enough. It’s time to bring out⁣ the stick and show​ that there are consequences for supporting and engaging‌ with terrorists.

The lives of‌ innocent civilians are at stake, and we cannot​ afford to ‍appease or ‌ignore those⁤ who seek to ⁢harm them. It’s time to stand up for what is right and take decisive action against those ‌who threaten peace ⁣and stability in ​the region.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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