Watch: Bill Maher Calls Biden ‘Too Hard to Look at’ During Debate, Says ‘Election Is Over’ After Trump Dominates

The article discusses the reactions of establishment ‌media figures, Bill⁤ Maher and Chris Matthews, to President Joe Biden’s poor performance during a recent presidential debate. Both media personalities criticized Biden’s⁢ incoherence and​ confusion on stage, which was particularly evident during a moment when he‌ struggled⁤ to articulate his thoughts about COVID and Medicare. Maher ⁢likened former President Donald ‍Trump’s handling of the debate to how Mike ⁢Tyson ⁢would swiftly knock out opponents, suggesting Trump’s performance‌ indicated‌ an early victory for ​the⁤ upcoming election.

Despite their criticisms of Biden, Maher and Matthews themselves are​ portrayed as complicit in‌ the broader establishment narrative, which the article argues is characterized by misinformation ‌and manipulation, such as‌ the propagation of various hoaxes and⁢ misleading political ⁢narratives. The‍ article⁢ critiques​ both the media and Biden, suggesting that their failure is not just a matter of poor optics ⁢or individual capability but a reflection of deeper, systemic issues ‌within the establishment and its handling of truth and‌ politics.

The‍ commentary is ⁣critical of the mainstream media and establishment ‍figures ⁢who, despite recognizing Biden’s⁤ weaknesses and Trump’s ⁣debating prowess, fail to acknowledge their role in⁣ perpetuating what‌ the article views as dishonest narratives. It ends with a call⁢ for support from ⁢the readers, positioning The Western Journal as a counter-force against these ‌established powers,⁣ urging readers ⁣to financially support their platform to continue exposing misleading narratives​ and to stand up against the manipulation by⁢ the elites.


 By Michael Schwarz  June 29, 2024 at 8:36am

In some respects, President Joe Biden’s disastrous performance in Thursday’s presidential debate gave establishment media figures exactly what they wanted.

For instance, Biden’s weak and confused-sounding remarks allowed prominent establishment propagandists such as Bill Maher and Chris Matthews to distance themselves from the president and thus behave as if their complicity in spreading establishment lies did not make the Biden debacle possible in the first place.

“Now I don’t want to show a lot of the tape from last night because it’s too hard to look at,” Maher said at the beginning of a nearly two-minute clip from Friday’s episode of HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” posted to the social media platform X.

Then, after the audience laughter subsided, Maher rolled a clip of Biden saying something incoherent about COVID and Medicare.

Approximately ten seconds into the 26-second debate clip, former President Donald Trump twice turned his head in Biden’s direction as the president stumbled over his nonsensical words.

Matthews, a former MSNBC host appearing on Maher’s show Friday, then commented on the timing of Trump’s head turn.

“He wanted to have his head turned and like, ‘Let’s watch the guy show how crazy he is,” Matthews said, marveling at what he called Trump’s “theatrical ability.”

“OK, but he didn’t have to do anything,” Maher said of Trump.

“It reminded me of when Mike Tyson used to knock guys out in 90 seconds. That was, like, two minutes into the debate, and I went, ‘Oh, this election is over.’ I mean, that was, like, a haymaker right aw–,” the host added before Matthews interrupted him.

Do you think Biden is mentally ill?

“Look, I’ve watched the guy. He is so fast on the trigger,” the former MSNBC host said of Trump’s debating skills.

None of this means, however, that either Maher or Matthews has seen the error of his ways.

In fact, having praised Trump’s skills, Matthews proceeded to accuse the former president of mixing lies with truth.

Then came a possible Freudian slip.

“Obama — I’m sorry — Biden is not smart enough to keep up with him,” Matthews claimed.

Maher agreed.

“Isn’t that the whole point? You need a guy to keep up with him,” the host said.

Bill Maher says that Trump’s debate performance reminded him of when ‘Mike Tyson used to knock guys out in 90 seconds. This election is over’:
CM: “You see the head, the way he turned that head? Let’s watch the guy and show how crazy he is. He’s looking for it.”
BM: “You’re…

— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) June 29, 2024

There you have it. The problem, Maher and Matthews agreed, is not that establishment politicians such as Biden have done nothing but lie to Americans for years, nor that Maher and Matthews themselves lie each time they repeat establishment talking points, but that Trump lies, so what they really need is someone to “keep up with” Trump, which presumably means calling out the former president on his alleged lies.

In other words, Democrats and the anti-Trump establishment face not a spiritual problem but merely a practical one. To Maher and Matthews, Biden amounts to an optics-related challenge rather than an instrument of a decayed regime.

In fairness, Maher does have anti-woke credentials. But he has also shown that he believes the main lines of the establishment’s fraudulent anti-Trump narrative.

Imagine complaints about truth coming from two representatives of an establishment media that pushed the Russia collusion hoax, the “fine people” hoax and recently the “bloodbath” hoax; that used COVID-related lies to justify authoritarianism; that denied any connection between mail-in ballots and the voter fraud they abet; that mindlessly — and on orders from the deep state — referred to the unarmed Capitol incursion of Jan. 6, 2021, as an “insurrection” ; that told Americans the catastrophic war in Ukraine had something to do with democracy, and so forth.

Biden’s struggles allowed them to ignore all that. Remember, the demented president is the problem, not those who have enabled him.

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Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.

Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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