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VIDEO: Blinken justifies $6B transfer to Iran as funds the regime ‘always had the right to use’

Secretary ⁢of State Defends $6 Billion Transfer to Iran

Secretary​ of State Antony Blinken defended the Biden administration’s $6 billion transfer⁣ to Iran in an interview Wednesday, saying the regime has “actually been entitled to use the money all along.”

In an interview with CBS Mornings, Blinken addressed concerns about the prisoner exchange between President Joe Biden⁣ and Iran. The exchange resulted in the release of five‌ Americans from Iranian prison in exchange for the United States​ waiving sanctions ⁢and transferring $6 ⁣billion in Iranian funds. Critics argue that this deal will provide funds for Iran’s malign activities.

However, ⁤Blinken assured viewers that the Biden administration has “clear visibility” over how Iran spends the money. He explained that arrangements have⁢ been made with a bank in Qatar to monitor the transactions. If the funds are not used for ‍humanitarian purposes, they will be shut down.

Republicans in Congress argue that‌ the release of the Americans came at too high⁤ a cost and will encourage Iran to take ⁣more American hostages. Senator⁤ Lindsey Graham stated, “The ayatollah and his ⁤henchmen are terrorists and truly represent a terrorist ‌state.”

Blinken defended the transfer of funds, stating that Iran‍ was entitled to the money as proceeds ‍from their oil sales. He acknowledged that Iran has a history of using‌ money ⁤for military purposes, but emphasized that the US is actively working to disrupt⁢ their support for terrorism and destabilization efforts.

Following the formalization of the deal, Iran announced​ that it would bar access ‍to nuclear inspectors from ‌the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This move raises concerns about Iran’s commitment to nuclear non-proliferation.


How does Secretary Blinken justify⁤ the transfer of funds to Iran in light of their ⁤concerning activities, such as ‍support for regional ⁤proxies and ⁣their nuclear⁢ program?

The use of⁢ the transferred funds and⁤ that they will be used solely for humanitarian purposes. He argued that the transfer was necessary as Iran⁢ is currently facing⁢ a severe economic crisis, worsened by the impact of US ‍sanctions imposed during the ​Trump⁣ administration. The funds, according to ⁢Blinken, will be used to⁤ purchase medicine, COVID-19 vaccines, and other essential humanitarian goods to alleviate the suffering of the Iranian people.

Blinken also emphasized ‌that the transfer of funds does not⁣ signal a change in the US‍ stance on⁤ Iran’s other concerning activities, including its⁤ support for regional proxies and its nuclear program. He reiterated that the US remains committed to addressing these issues through diplomatic means and is working towards a comprehensive deal that addresses Iran’s nuclear ambitions ‌and regional‌ destabilization.

Critics ⁣of⁤ the deal argue that the transfer‌ of funds will ultimately benefit Iran’s regime, which has a long history of supporting‍ terrorism and engaging in destabilizing activities in the⁤ Middle‍ East. They argue that the Biden⁣ administration should have ⁢conditioned the release of prisoners on Iran addressing its malign behavior.

Blinken,‍ however,‌ defended the administration’s approach, ‍stating that the release of American prisoners held in Iran was a​ top priority for the Biden administration. ​He reiterated that the transfer of funds⁢ was not⁢ meant to reward Iran but rather to fulfill a humanitarian obligation and provide relief to the‌ Iranian people⁢ who are suffering under the weight of economic sanctions.

The Secretary of ⁤State also emphasized that ⁢while the transfer of funds was a difficult decision, ‍it was made after careful consideration of the implications and with the‌ best interests of the American people and national‍ security⁢ in ⁣mind. He assured viewers that the Biden ⁤administration remains ‍committed to addressing Iran’s concerning activities and that the transfer of funds⁣ would not deter⁢ that effort.

In conclusion, ⁤Secretary of State Antony ⁢Blinken defended the ‌transfer of $6 billion to‍ Iran, stating that it was necessary to address the humanitarian ⁤crisis in the country. He reassured‍ the public that the Biden administration has clear visibility over the use of the funds and that they will be used solely for humanitarian purposes. Critics argue that the transfer will​ benefit the Iranian regime, but Blinken maintained that the transfer was not a reward for Iran ‍but rather a commitment to address the suffering of the Iranian ‍people.​ The Biden administration remains‍ committed to addressing Iran’s ​concerning activities through ⁢diplomatic means and is ‌working towards a comprehensive deal.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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