The Western Journal

Watch: Contributor Scott Jennings Drops Hammer on Obama in Front of CNN Panel, Says Truth That Can’t Be Denied After DNC Speech

The ⁣excerpt⁤ discusses remarks made by CNN panelist Scott Jennings after Barack and Michelle Obama’s speeches at the Democratic National Convention (DNC). Jennings‍ praised the couple‍ for their effective communication skills, calling their ⁣impact at the convention significant and noting the⁢ enthusiasm they inspired⁣ among Democrats. ⁢However,‍ he pointed out a “glaring hole” in their campaign message, specifically regarding Kamala‍ Harris’s current role in the White House. Jennings argued that despite Democrats holding ​the presidency for‌ much of the past 16 years, they were⁢ still blaming ⁤Trump for various issues, which he found problematic.

He suggested that the speeches did not ⁣adequately⁣ address Harris’s accountability as part of the current administration. Additionally, Jennings criticized⁢ Harris’s policy proposals, including her approach to inflation, suggesting they lacked originality and effectiveness. Jennings highlighted a disconnect between the Democratic narrative and the administration’s record, indicating a need ​for sharper campaign arguments as the election approached.

Conservative CNN panelist Scott Jennings acknowledged that both Barack and Michelle Obama brought that house down at the Democratic National Convention in their hometown of Chicago Tuesday night.

However, he convincingly made the point that they and other convention speakers left a “glaring hole” in their case for Kamala Harris to be elected president in November.

“I should warn my fellow Republicans that we heard two of the greatest political communicators in the country tonight. Now, we had Hulk-a-mania,” Jennings said referring to Hulk Hogan’s rousing speech at the Republican National Convention last month.

“The Democrats have Obama-mania. They ripped the roof off of this place tonight. These Democrats are fired up — they’re not playing. Okay?” the CNN panelist added.

“Yes, they say things that are exaggerations. They do say things about Trump and the Republicans that are outright lies. But the convention is working for Harris, at least as of today,” Jennings said.

But there’s still a problem in the arguments the Obamas and other speakers presented.

“The gap that I still see in all these speeches, as good as they were, is that she’s in the White House right now,” Jennings said.

“Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years. And for all of the talk about division and the problems of the country, and people are hurting, Democrats have mostly controlled this country. Trump had it for four. The Obamas and Biden had it for the rest of the time,” he noted.

“And somehow, it’s still all Trump’s fault, and somehow, she hasn’t been at the center of it. So, to me, that’s still the glaring hole in this campaign that hasn’t yet been solved at the convention,” Jennings said.

Obama inadvertently kept the hole wide open in his speech to the convention.

‘We do not need four more years of bluster and bumbling and chaos. We have seen that movie before. And we all know that the sequel is usually worse,” he said.

“America is ready for a new chapter. America is ready for a better story,” Obama added.

Amen. It’s time to move Harris right out of the White House along with Joe Biden come January.

Everyone knows the opposition Trump faced during the four years he was in office between the Obama/Biden and Biden/Harris administrations, and he still was able to get so much done.

Opposing him during his first two years in office was the ridiculous Russiagate probe, which of course ultimately proved to be a complete fabrication cooked up to smear Trump.

Then Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats took back control of the House in 2018 and impeached Trump twice, blocked construction of the border wall and sought to thwart him in a myriad of other ways.

And despite all of that, he oversaw the best U.S. economy since the 1990s, instituted the highest level of border security in the nation’s history and oversaw the outbreak of peace in the Middle East while keeping Russia, China, North Korea and Iran at bay.

Not bad … not bad at all, to borrow from Ronald Reagan’s farewell address.

By contrast, Harris has offered pretty much no plans that differ from the present administration.

Her price-controls proposal presented on Friday to address inflation has been widely panned by economic experts from both the left and the right.

The policy didn’t work for the United States in the 1970s or the Soviet Union or Venezuela; why should it work now?

As former Reagan administration official Mark Levin noted on his Fox News program Sunday, anyone who can pass a sixth-grade economics test could have pointed this out to Harris.

Jennings is right. There is a glaring hole in the Harris candidacy, and based on her avoidance of the media during her first month on the trail, there are no plans to fill it.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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