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VIDEO: DeSantis Reveals Strategy for ‘Maximizing US Energy Supremacy’

Republican Presidential Contender Ron ⁢DeSantis Vows to Prioritize Fossil Fuels‍ and Challenge Climate Change Efforts

In a fiery speech delivered in Midland, Texas, Ron DeSantis, the Florida⁤ governor and Republican candidate for president, made ⁢bold promises to slow down the ‌transition to electric vehicles, repeal environmental regulations, ⁢and boost domestic fossil fuel production. Standing ‌in the‌ heart ⁢of oil country, DeSantis declared his intention to withdraw the ​United⁣ States from global agreements aimed at reducing greenhouse ​gas emissions, while simultaneously ramping ​up production of crude oil, gas, coal, and uranium on federal lands.

DeSantis confidently proclaimed, “We will unleash American energy‍ dominance as a way to⁤ stop inflation⁤ and achieve ‍$2 gas in 2025.” This plan represents a doubling down ​on his previous campaign promises, aligning him with other Republican candidates who advocate for unrestricted fossil‌ fuel production and reduced federal regulations. While DeSantis ‍had previously acknowledged the reality of human-induced climate change, he now dismisses it‌ as fearmongering.

Despite⁢ his home state of Florida being frequently battered by ‍powerful hurricanes, DeSantis argued that “human⁢ beings are ⁢safer than ever from climate disasters” due⁤ to increased access to electricity. As‌ part of his energy policy, he pledged to replace the term “climate change” ⁢with “energy dominance” in key foreign⁤ policy and national security documents, ‍although he did not specify which documents would be affected.

DeSantis’s close ties to the oil and‍ gas industry ⁣are evident, with ‍top executives and companies serving as his major supporters and financial backers. In‌ an effort to boost ‍his campaign, ​DeSantis has been meeting with donors in Texas, a state known for‌ its oil ​industry.

Amidst a​ decline in⁢ the ‌polls,​ DeSantis’s speech aimed‍ to ⁤outline his energy policy and regain momentum. According ⁤to his remarks​ and a released factsheet, DeSantis plans to repeal ​President Biden’s‍ electric vehicle mandates and prevent California and federal bureaucrats from setting environmental standards for the​ nation.

Furthermore, ⁣DeSantis ‍intends to eliminate environmental, social, and⁢ governance considerations from investment decisions made by pensions and government accounts. He also opposes a proposed rule by‍ the Securities ⁢and Exchange Commission that would require companies to disclose certain ESG-related information to investors.

In ‍addition to ​expanding fossil fuel production, DeSantis emphasized ​the ⁢importance⁣ of investing in critical ⁣minerals ⁣and ⁢proposed the creation of a Critical Mineral Strategic ⁤Reserve. He also expressed his desire to hold plaintiffs accountable for baseless litigation against energy projects and repeal rules protecting seasonal streams and wetlands,⁤ which have‍ been a source of contention for farmers in Iowa.

As DeSantis strives to distinguish himself in ⁢the crowded‍ field of ⁤Republican candidates, his energy policy aligns with⁣ the “energy dominance” theme of former President ​Donald Trump’s administration. However, with President Joe Biden’s ⁤focus on clean energy and the growing global⁢ concern ‍for climate change, ⁢DeSantis faces ‍an uphill battle⁣ to gain ⁤support.

(Reporting by Gram ‍Slattery; additional reporting by Sabrina Valle, Richard‌ Valdmanis, ⁢and James Oliphant; editing by Timothy Gardner)

What is DeSantis’ stance⁤ on renewable energy ‌and the fossil fuel industry?

Uments. This shift in rhetoric reflects DeSantis’ belief that the focus should ​be on maximizing American energy ⁤production rather than addressing ‍the impacts of climate change.

DeSantis criticized the current administration’s push for renewable energy, arguing that it would lead to job losses in the fossil fuel ⁣industry and⁢ increased energy costs for American consumers. He pledged⁤ to⁤ roll back ⁢incentives for renewable energy and instead promote ​the use of coal, natural gas,⁤ and oil. ​Additionally, DeSantis promised to open up more ⁢federal land and waters for ​oil and gas exploration, disregarding concerns about the environmental impacts⁣ of such activities.

The​ Republican presidential contender also dismissed ‌the notion ⁣that ​transitioning to electric vehicles is necessary to combat climate change. He argued that‌ electric vehicles are expensive and inaccessible for many‍ Americans,‌ and ‍that the government should not mandate their ​adoption. Instead,‌ DeSantis proposed investing ‍in the development of advanced technologies for‍ traditional combustion engines to‍ reduce emissions.

DeSantis’ stance on fossil fuels and climate change places him in‍ direct opposition​ to the global efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. While countries around the world are committing to ⁣renewable energy targets and phasing out fossil fuels, DeSantis wants ‌to ​propel the United States into becoming an energy superpower. His ⁤strategy prioritizes‍ short-term economic gains over addressing the ‌long-term‌ risks posed by climate change.

Critics argue that DeSantis’ approach is short-sighted and‌ detrimental to the environment. They argue that ​investing in renewable​ energy and ‌embracing clean technologies would not only help combat‍ climate change, but also stimulate job creation and economic growth. ⁢They point to the⁣ declining costs of‍ renewable energy and ​the⁤ potential ⁢for the United States to become a leader in the green energy sector.

Despite the‌ criticism, DeSantis’ promises have resonated ​with his conservative base, who ‍see his⁣ pro-fossil fuel stance as a defense of ​American jobs and energy independence. ⁣They support⁤ his⁣ rejection of what they view as excessive environmental regulations ​and appreciate his efforts to⁣ boost domestic fossil fuel production.

As the 2024 presidential campaign heats up, DeSantis’‌ commitment to prioritize fossil fuels and challenge climate⁢ change⁣ efforts will likely continue ‍to generate strong reactions from both supporters and opponents. Whether this bold ​strategy will⁣ gain traction with ‍the​ wider American electorate remains to be ​seen, but ‌it is clear that ‍DeSantis is positioning himself as a champion of​ the fossil fuel industry and a staunch opponent of climate change initiatives.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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