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VIDEO: Minnesota AG Equates Clarence Thomas to ‘Django’ House Slave

Minnesota Attorney‍ General Compares ​Justice Clarence Thomas ⁤to Villainous House Slave

Last ‌week, Democratic Minnesota​ attorney⁣ general Keith​ Ellison‍ made controversial⁣ remarks comparing Supreme Court‌ justice ⁣Clarence Thomas to the ⁤villainous house⁣ slave from ⁢the⁤ movie⁣ Django Unchained. Ellison ​went as far as calling for Thomas to be impeached.

“Anybody‌ who’s ‍watched the movie Django—just watch Stephen and⁤ you see Clarence Thomas,” Ellison said. “Clarence ‍Thomas ⁢has decided ⁣that‍ his best ⁤personal interest is siding​ with the‌ powerful and‍ the special interests⁢ regardless as to ​who‍ they’re going to hurt.”

In the movie Ellison‍ referenced, Django Unchained, the antagonist⁣ character Stephen,‌ played by Samuel L. Jackson, is ⁢a ‌house slave who considers ⁤himself above the other slaves and is ​loyal to⁤ the‌ cruel ‍plantation owner.

⁤ ​

Ellison has made‍ similarly inflammatory⁢ comments ‌before.⁢ The⁢ Minnesota​ attorney​ general in 2022 blamed ‍the​ police for⁣ damage from ⁤the 2020 George Floyd riots, saying their⁤ misconduct ​made ⁣them responsible ⁢for the ⁤”cost of civil⁣ unrest.” A law school ⁤classmate in 2017 recounted Ellison saying Jews wanted to⁣ “oppress minorities ‍all‌ over the world,” calling them “slave traders.”


Ellison⁢ and other Democrats have⁣ criticized⁣ Thomas for ‌his ⁤recent votes ‌on key ⁣cases ⁤before the High Court, ⁤including last month’s ⁢ruling ending ⁤the use of race​ in college admissions. Thomas⁣ wrote‌ a concurring opinion emphasizing ‍the importance ⁢of “equality under the ‍law” ⁣and‍ seeing ⁣”individuals as⁤ individuals.”

“It’s‍ a lesson to us as ‌African Americans,” Ellison said. “What⁤ is the​ lesson? ‌We ‍all thought, ‍‘Well, he’s ​a black‌ man raised in the deep South. ‍He knows what racism and segregation⁤ is. ​He knows‍ what affirmative ​action‌ is. ‌He’s⁤ going⁤ to ‌come​ around one day. Understand ⁤that it’s ⁤not ⁣a matter of‌ pigment.⁤ It’s not what’s on your ‍skin—it’s ⁢what’s in your‌ mind.”

Ellison ⁢said ⁤Thomas is “abdicating⁢ his responsibility” and called for him to⁢ be ⁣impeached.

“Clarence Thomas is illegitimate and has ​no ⁣basis in the ⁤job​ that‌ he⁤ is in,” Ellison‌ said.

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