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Video: Feminist Author Confronted by Anti-Feminist YouTuber: ‘Enough with Women Complaining!’

Feminist Author⁢ Torched by Anti-Feminist YouTuber: ‘I’m Tired of Women ⁢Whining!’

Feminist author ‌Grace Blakeley, a self-described socialist commentator,⁢ got steamrolled ‌by YouTuber and self-proclaimed “anti-feminist” ‍Pearl Davis while debating the topic of ⁣equal pay in sports.

The women engaged in a lively discussion⁣ on Tuesday’s episode of TalkTV’s “Piers Morgan Uncensored.”

Feminists such⁢ as Blakeley insist that female athletes should be paid‌ the same‌ amount as male athletes, even if their sports events​ don’t generate as much‌ revenue as men’s​ sports do.

Host ‌Piers⁣ Morgan broached the topic by noting that the Australian women’s soccer​ team‍ has criticized the pay gap for ⁢the FIFA World Cup, calling the disparity unfair and⁢ sexist.

The total ⁤prize money for the 2023 Women’s World Cup is $110 million, compared with $440 million ⁤offered to the​ men’s teams at the 2022 ⁢World Cup.

Morgan ⁢pointed out that men’s soccer generates exponentially higher ⁤revenue‌ than women’s soccer and ‌that’s⁤ what accounts for the pay disparity.

He also noted that the men’s final ‍at this year’s Wimbledon tennis​ championship was watched by three times more people⁣ than the women’s​ final was. The ⁤men also played two sets more ⁤per match‌ than the women did. Despite this, the prize money for the male​ and‌ female champions ‌was the same.

Davis said instead of ​complaining about ⁣the‌ pay gap, female‍ athletes should ⁣be grateful to the⁤ men ⁤for bankrolling them.

“For one, I think all of the women should thank the men for funding our‍ leagues, because most of our leagues would not​ exist without the men,” she⁤ said.

“Number two: When we have the same numbers [in revenue], then we should get the same pay,” Davis​ said. “I’m sorry,⁤ I play volleyball⁣ at​ the highest‌ level, and⁣ it’s like when we make ‍what the men make and get the⁣ crowds that ⁤the men draw, then we should get paid the same.”

In typical leftist fashion, Blakeley ‍reacted by barking platitudes.⁢ She ‍condemned capitalism, saying male athletes in general make too much money.

Morgan replied that “market forces” dictate ​the pay​ scale.

In other⁢ words, superstar athletes make exorbitant salaries because they evoke excitement, command huge audiences and generate massive⁣ amounts⁣ of revenue.

Davis asked Blakeley​ “who gets to decide” ​what the pay scale should be. “You?” she said.

Blakeley said it’s unfair for professional athletes to get paid as much ⁤as they do when the average worker often struggles to make ends meet.

While this statement may be true, it⁢ was ⁣irrelevant to the discussion at hand, which was about women’s sports.

Davis replied: “I’m so ⁤tired⁣ of women whining. … Literally, the⁢ men fund our leagues, and ‌we still whine that we don’t get paid enough.”

She continued: “And ⁢honestly, when ​athletes do s*** like this, it makes all of⁣ us [women] look bad because instead of being thankful for the league that we⁤ have, ⁤we go out and whine and complain about the pay.”

Blakeley petulantly ⁢replied, “I’m not whining. Sounds like you’re maybe‌ doing a bit of whining. But personally, I don’t think we should be ⁢whining. I ⁣think people should be organizing” and protesting and forming unions demanding equal pay.

Do you agree with​ Pearl Davis?

Morgan⁣ pointed out that the women’s‍ soccer league does have a union, so he was puzzled⁤ by what she said.

He asked the feminist author⁢ point-blank: “Should women footballers ⁣get paid the same ⁣as men” even ‍if they ‍don’t generate the same revenue as⁣ men?

Blakeley replied, “Yeah, I think it probably makes sense.”

Morgan noted ⁤that the quality of women’s soccer is woefully lagging behind the ⁤men. He pointed to the example ⁣of the U.S. Women’s National Team losing a match against ​a‍ group of teenage boys.

In 2017, the U.S. women ⁤— who won ‌multiple Olympic‍ gold medals and at the time ‌were considered the ​best ⁤women’s soccer team in the⁤ world — lost 5-2 to the FC Dallas‌ Under-15 boys team in ‍a ​scrimmage.

“So⁣ why⁢ should ‍women footballers who are clearly nowhere near ‍as good as their ⁤male counterparts … why‌ should ​they get paid anything like as much ⁢money?” Morgan asked.

Blakeley then essentially conceded that female athletes are not as physically strong as their male counterparts ​because ⁤of innate biological differences.

This is an ironically humorous admission, since militant feminists argue that there are no differences between​ the​ sexes, so a man ​who ⁣claims he’s a woman should be allowed to dominate women’s‌ sports.

Davis interjected by saying female ‌athletes should get paid the same amount as their male counterparts if they can⁣ generate the same level of​ revenue and ‍interest.

In⁣ other words, pay should ⁣be based on performance‍ and​ merit — not ​some ⁢ warped notion of equity.

Davis⁣ said she doesn’t hear men complaining that female OnlyFans models make more money than⁢ men⁤ or that supermodel Kendall ⁢Jenner rakes in income that dwarfs that ⁤of her male model counterparts.

“Kendall Jenner is the highest-paid supermodel. ‍Where are the male supermodels?” she ​said. “But whenever men dominate in an industry, ‌women will just ⁤complain.”

Predictably, Blakeley had no‍ intelligent rebuttal. Instead, she bleated platitudes about⁢ how people in general don’t get paid enough, ‌so everyone should join unions and⁤ demand equal pay across the⁣ board.

Morgan once again underscored​ that there are unions representing women’s sports and other industries, so it’s not as if unions don’t exist.

He then posed‍ a hypothetical⁤ question, asking how many women⁤ would win⁢ Olympic gold medals if sports were not divided by gender.

As we have seen in the case of transgender athletes, men‌ who pretend to be women⁤ destroy their female ⁤opponents in⁤ most ​sports.

“Men are better than⁢ women⁤ at sports. Let’s not live in this delusion,” Davis remarked.

She then asked‌ Blakeley to name‌ five female soccer⁤ players or WNBA players,​ and the⁢ self-described feminist⁣ couldn’t.

Davis ⁣said if⁤ feminists ​such as‍ Blakeley ⁤supported women’s sports by watching them,⁤ maybe she’d have ‍a ⁤leg to stand on with her equal pay arguments.

But she doesn’t. She’s just whining —​ as ⁢harebrained‌ leftists often do.

As is typical of the lazy latte liberals who support⁤ race-based affirmative action, delusional militant feminists want all the benefits ⁤that ⁢come with hard ‌work without delivering exceptional results.

The⁤ post Watch: Feminist Author ‍Torched​ by ⁢Anti-Feminist YouTuber: ‘I’m Tired ‍of Women Whining!’ ⁤appeared first on The Western Journal.

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