Watch: Jill Biden Leads Joe Off Stage as CNN Cameras Capture Brutal Debate Moment – ‘This Is Insane’

In a debate against former President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden ‍appeared disoriented⁣ and needed assistance from First Lady Jill Biden to exit the ⁢stage. This incident occurred following what was described as a ​poor debate performance, where President Biden seemed frail and‍ struggled with the physical demands of the event. The ​moment was captured on video and has been widely circulated on social media, drawing criticism and concerns about Biden’s fitness for office. Commentators and social media users expressed dismay at the‌ sight of the President being helped by his wife, accusing the Biden family of elder abuse and arguing that his appearance could reflect poorly on ​the United States and pose national security risks. Some pointed out the stark contrast ​in the demeanor and independence of Trump as he ‌exited the stage compared ⁣to Biden. The debate was ⁤seen as a disaster for Biden, potentially worsening his already declining⁢ poll numbers.


By Samantha Chang June 28, 2024 at 4:50am

President Joe Biden looked so dazed and confused after his dismal debate performance against former President Donald Trump on Thursday that he had to be escorted off stage by his wife.

A shocking video posted on X showed first lady Jill Biden holding her apparently disoriented husband‘s hand as she helped him navigate a small set of steps on the podium.

“CNN’s cameras captured the 81-year-old president’s wife taking her husband by the hand and slowly leading him down the stage’s three or so steps after his showdown with former President Donald Trump wrapped up,” the New York Post reported.

🚨Zoomed in video of Jill Biden leading Joe off the debate stage.

This is insane.

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) June 28, 2024

“This is insane,” conservative social media commentator Greg Price wrote.

The debate took place at CNN’s Atlanta headquarters and was moderated by the left-wing cable network’s anti-Trump personalities Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.

Video clips of the so-called leader of the free world looking so frail and punchy sent shockwaves across social media.

“Watch Joe Biden get escorted off the stage!” Donald Trump Jr. wrote on X.

“What a stark contrast between how Trump left the stage and how Biden is exiting.”

Watch Joe Biden get escorted off the stage! What a stark contrast between how Trump left the stage and how Biden is exiting. #debate

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) June 28, 2024

Jill Biden has to come out and help Joe off the debate stage as Trump walks off with his detail..

— Matt Couch (@RealMattCouch) June 28, 2024

Numerous X users slammed the first lady, accusing her of “elder abuse” for allowing her husband to appear in public in such a weakened state.

“Jill should be ashamed of herself and the whole family for letting Joe go through this humiliation,” one commenter remarked.

Jill should be ashamed of herself and the whole family for letting Joe go through this humiliation

— egykettoharom🦮 (@11egyy22) June 28, 2024

It’s actually quite sad. This was elderly abuse on full display. Everyone who is suppose to care about Biden should be ashamed.

— Pam Bible (@bible1_pam) June 28, 2024

It’s sad. His wife is despicable for allowing this

— Burke (@BitsofBurke) June 28, 2024

Other X commenters lamented that Biden’s frailty reflects poorly on the United States and endangers national security.

There is no victory in this. That’s the President of the United States. And the world is watching.

— Orwell’s Handmaid ✝️🇺🇸❤️ (@orwellshandmaid) June 28, 2024

This was a terrible night for the country. And Trump aside, no matter what Dems do, Biden is POTUS for next 7 months. Every enemy of the United States knows that. Perilous time.

— Andy McCarthy (@AndrewCMcCarthy) June 28, 2024

The debate was an epic disaster for Biden, who mumbled incoherently throughout the evening.

His atrocious performance will undoubtedly hurt his tanking poll numbers, which are already in freefall.

While Biden’s nonstop stream of inexcusable mental lapses may seem funny, they’re no joke. The weakness he’s projecting endangers the United States and the entire world.

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Samantha Chang is a political commentator, lawyer and financial editor in NYC.

Samantha Chang is a politics writer, lawyer and financial editor based in NYC.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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