President Joe Biden is in a bad way. His approval rating is in the gutter, polls show him trailing former president Donald Trump in key states, and Democrats are not-so-subtly exploring the possibility of nominating someone else in 2024. At the very least, the elderly commander in chief still has his health. Right?
Sort of.
Biden, who will turn 81 later this month, continues to embarrass himself (and his country) in public. He struggles to perform basic functions, whether it’s remembering names, speaking at a reasonable volume, or walking unaccompanied without getting lost.
This week Biden recounted a conversation he had with “President Vlad,” and nearly exhausted himself attempting to put on a T-shirt at a union rally, where a member of the audience did their best Biden impression by tripping and falling. “I want the press to know that wasn’t me,” he joked.
What concerns arise from Biden’s frequent gaffes, stumbling through speeches, and forgetting names and details during public appearances?
Himself with frequent gaffes, stumbling through speeches, and forgetting names and details. These incidents have become a regular feature of his public appearances, raising serious concerns about his mental and physical fitness for the highest office in the land.
But whenever questioned about his performance or criticized for his lack of coherence, Biden’s default response seems to be, “That wasn’t me.” He deflects blame, denies responsibility, and tries to pass off his mistakes as something else entirely.
This tactic has been on full display during his recent overseas trip. From forgetting the name of his own Defense Secretary to confusing Syria and Libya, Biden has been a walking example of confusion and incompetence. And yet, instead of acknowledging the gaffes and taking responsibility, he brushes them off and blames others for misinterpreting or misrepresenting his words.
One example of this was his response to a question about the unrest in Cuba. When asked why he had not explicitly condemned the communist regime, Biden replied, “The answer is, yes, what you’re hearing is, ‘That wasn’t me.'” He went on to claim that his comments had been misinterpreted, and that he had indeed condemned the Cuban government.
But the reality is clear. Biden’s off-the-cuff remarks and contradictory statements have created confusion and given a free pass to authoritarian regimes. His inability to speak clearly and coherently sends a message of weakness and indecision. And his attempts to shift blame and deny responsibility only make matters worse.
This “That wasn’t me” strategy is not only problematic but also deeply concerning. It raises serious questions about Biden’s honesty and integrity as a leader. Is he deliberately misleading the American people, or does he genuinely believe that he is not responsible for the consequences of his words and actions?
Furthermore, this tactic undermines the trust and credibility of the office of the president. The American people need a leader who can take ownership of their mistakes, admit when they are wrong, and learn from those experiences. Biden’s constant denial and deflection erode the public’s confidence in the presidency and contribute to the growing cynicism and distrust of our political system.
It is also worth noting that this strategy is not unique to Biden. We have seen similar behavior from other politicians, both on the left and the right. But that does not make it acceptable or excusable. As citizens, we deserve leaders who are accountable and responsible, who can own up to their mistakes and work towards better solutions.
In conclusion, Biden’s repeated use of the “That wasn’t me” tactic is a troubling indication of his leadership style. It showcases a lack of accountability, a disregard for the truth, and a refusal to take responsibility for his own shortcomings. As the leader of the free world, he must set a higher standard and demonstrate the qualities of honesty, integrity, and self-awareness. The American people deserve nothing less.
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