VIDEO: Joe Biden’s Weekly Senior Moment (Vol. 79)

This week President Joe Biden was stuck in 2020

President Joe Biden had an interesting week, ‌where he seemed to be ⁤living in the past. He⁤ referred to ⁢Donald​ Trump as a “sitting president”‌ and boasted about his foreign policy accomplishments during ⁤”the previous administration.” ⁣It was quite a good ‌week⁤ for the 81-year-old, who usually identifies himself as a ⁣member of the​ U.S. Senate, where he served for several ⁤decades.

Biden’s Struggles with Pronunciation

Unfortunately, Biden had a tough ⁣time pronouncing certain words this week, including “asylum” and “inspection.” It’s⁣ starting ⁢to raise ⁤concerns that his cognitive decline may be⁢ influencing the⁣ White House staff, and there’s even speculation that his brain disease could be contagious.

Majority of Voters​ Believe Biden Doesn’t Deserve a‍ Second ⁣Term

In a recent Gallup poll, it was revealed ⁢that over 60 percent of registered voters believe ⁤that Biden should not be reelected for a second term. This is certainly a significant finding.

Enjoy Your Weekend!

Biden Senior Moment Archive:

Published under:
2020, ⁢
Joe⁤ Biden

Why is it important⁣ for President Biden to fully embrace his ​role as President of the ⁤United States and communicate effectively with the American people

N/medical-experts-joe-biden-poses-greater-risk-of-death-than-any-presidential-candidate-in-history/”>poses a greater risk of death than​ any presidential candidate in history.

The struggles with pronunciation also raise questions about Biden’s ability to effectively communicate ⁢with⁤ foreign leaders, as clear and accurate communication is crucial in⁤ international relations. Furthermore, it highlights ⁤the importance of having a leader who is ⁣mentally sharp and capable of conveying their‍ message in a concise and articulate manner.

Biden’s Confusion with ‌Time

President Biden’s confusion​ with ⁢time was evident when he referred to Donald Trump as ‌a “sitting ⁢president.” ​Despite⁣ being in office for several months, Biden’s slip-up suggests ⁢that he may⁣ still⁣ have difficulty ⁣in ​fully grasping ⁢his‌ current position and the timeline of events.

This confusion with time extends beyond just‍ one incident. In a‍ separate remark, Biden boasted about his foreign policy ​accomplishments during “the previous administration,” implying that he was responsible for those achievements. ​This not ​only‍ displays ⁣a lack of understanding ⁢of his own tenure in ⁤office but also‌ undermines ‍the work done by the previous ‌administration.

Identity ‍Crisis: From Senator to President

It is⁤ worth noting that throughout his career, President Biden has often identified himself as a member of ‌the U.S. Senate, where he spent many decades. This ​self-identification as a senator is understandable, given the significant time he spent in that role. However, it is crucial for⁤ him to fully embrace his current position as the President of the United States‌ and ⁤effectively communicate with the American people⁤ in that ⁤capacity.

While it⁢ is natural to ‌rely on⁣ past experiences and achievements, especially‍ for someone ⁣with such a long and distinguished career,⁣ it is essential for President Biden to adapt‍ and ⁣fully embody his new role. This​ includes acknowledging the current administration’s victories and taking responsibility for⁤ its decisions and actions.


President Joe Biden’s⁢ recent mishaps⁣ and struggles raise concerns about his cognitive abilities and his readiness for the role of President of the United States. His difficulty with pronunciation and confusion with ⁤time indicate the need for a⁣ leader who​ is mentally sharp and capable of effectively‍ communicating with both domestic and foreign stakeholders.

Furthermore, his continued identification as a⁢ senator rather than fully embracing his position as president raises questions about ‍his understanding of the role he currently holds.⁢ It is imperative⁤ for‌ President Biden to adapt‍ and fully embody his new role, recognizing the achievements and responsibilities that come with it.

As ‌the leader of one of the world’s most powerful nations, it is crucial for President Biden⁤ to be present​ in the present, rather than dwelling in the past. His ability to effectively lead and make ⁣sound decisions for the future depends on it.

Read More From Original Article Here: WATCH: Joe Biden's Senior Moment of the Week (Vol. 79)

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