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VIDEO: Josh Hawley Confronted by Anti-Israel Protesters, Responds: ‘You Support Terrorism

Sen. ‍Josh ‍Hawley (R-MO) Confronts Far-Left Code Pink Protesters Over Support for Israel

Sen.⁣ Josh Hawley (R-MO) ‍did not​ hold back when he ⁣was confronted over his support‍ for Israel by far-Left Code Pink⁣ protesters on ⁢Wednesday.

Hawley boldly told the protesters that they were “pro-terrorist”⁣ and, if they‌ had it⁤ their⁤ way, would usher⁤ in‌ a⁤ “second⁢ Holocaust.”

“Don’t give us your talking points,” one passionate ⁢female protester yelled at⁣ Hawley, as ⁤captured ​in a video from ⁤Fox News. “Bulls***, you ​are unbelievable.”

“The state of ⁣Israel has the right to defend itself,” the senator firmly responded.

The same protester argued that what⁢ Israel is doing ⁢is “not defense” and demanded a “cease-fire.”

Code Pink’s website calls for a “Ceasefire in Gaza…to ⁢end Israel’s​ ongoing genocide.” In October, ‌Hamas terrorists carried out brutal ⁤attacks in Israel, resulting in the deaths of approximately 1,200 people. The terrorist group‌ also took ‍hundreds of hostages back⁤ to Gaza. Recent reports indicate that more than a fifth of the nearly 140 hostages remaining in Gaza have died.

Hawley‌ made it clear that he ‍would not call‌ for a cease-fire “until Hamas is eliminated.”

“Hamas will never be ​eliminated,”⁤ she⁤ responded defiantly.

The‌ senator suggested that the protester’s stance was “anti-Semitic,” adding, “If you guys ⁢had ⁢your way, there’d be a second Holocaust,​ that’s what you want. ​Pro-terrorist.”

Hawley shared the confrontation on X and captioned the video, “Here’s ⁤my‍ message to​ anyone saying Israel⁤ doesn’t have a right to defend⁣ itself: you are‌ pro-terrorist.”

Following the October ⁣7 terror attacks, elite college campuses erupted with support‍ for Hamas and blame for Israel. ⁤Notably, a joint statement from dozens ​of groups ⁢of⁢ Harvard‌ University students blamed Israel for⁢ the violence and atrocities committed by Hamas.

“We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime‍ entirely responsible⁣ for all unfolding violence,”​ the Harvard Palestine ⁢Solidarity Groups on ⁢the Situation in Palestine wrote. “Today’s ​events did not ‌occur in ​a vacuum. ⁣… The apartheid regime is ​the only one ‌to blame.”


In response, Hawley suggested that the Department of​ Justice investigate who’s funding ‌such⁤ protests, The ‌Daily‌ Wire reported.

“What I want‍ to know ‌is who’s funding these student groups,” Hawley said. “I hope the DOJ is investigating where the money is⁢ coming from. Are there terror groups ⁤who are ⁣part of​ these networks who ‍are infiltrating our campuses? ‍This is crazy stuff that‌ we’re seeing on these campuses, and for‌ these administrators to have their‌ hand out and take federal money, taxpayer money, and (on)‌ the same dime‍ be‍ silent or silently condone this kind ⁣of terrorism, it is⁣ just grotesque.”

Hank Berrien contributed ⁣to this ⁣report.

Related: Hawley: DOJ Should Investigate Who’s Funding College ‍Anti-Israel Protests

How have⁣ pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel sentiments been‌ growing in ⁢recent ⁤years, particularly among ⁣the far Left?

Nal-call-Israel-guilty-war-crimes.html” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>31⁢ Harvard organizations, including colleges and Amnesty International, accused Israel of committing war crimes and called for⁢ divestment from companies that do business with ⁤Israel.

Pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel⁣ sentiments have⁤ been⁢ growing in ‍recent years, particularly⁢ among the far Left.‌ Code Pink is a far-Left‌ organization that⁣ has been known to protest against U.S. military actions​ and ‌policies, as well as support the Palestinian cause. Their protests often⁣ involve disruption and confrontation, ‍as was evident in ⁤their⁢ encounter with Sen.‍ Josh Hawley.

While ​the right to protest is an important aspect of democracy, it is crucial ‌to have a fair and informed understanding of⁣ the situation before making‌ accusations and demands. ‍Sen. Hawley stood firm ⁣in his support for Israel’s right to defend itself against terrorist⁤ attacks. He correctly pointed‍ out that Hamas, the terrorist group responsible for the attacks, has taken innocent people ⁣hostage⁣ and carried ⁤out‌ heinous⁣ acts of violence.

The protesters accused Sen. Hawley of being “pro-terrorist” without considering⁤ the ⁤realities of the conflict. As a supporter ⁣of Israel, Sen. Hawley⁤ understands the need for the ‌state to protect its citizens and maintain ⁤its security. Israel has faced numerous terrorist threats over the years and has the right to defend⁢ itself from aggression.

It is important to acknowledge that criticisms of Israeli policies and actions ‍can be legitimate and should be part of the discussion. However, it is also essential to separate⁣ legitimate criticism from anti-Semitic sentiments and ⁤unfair accusations. Accusing Israel of genocide,‍ as Code Pink does on its website, ​is not only⁣ false but also⁢ deeply offensive and diminishes the gravity of real instances of genocide.

Sen. ​Hawley’s firm‍ stance against ‌the protesters highlights the ⁤importance of a nuanced understanding of the ⁤Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is vital to consider ⁤the historical context, the actions of both parties, and⁣ the complexities of⁣ the situation ‌in order to‌ form an informed opinion.

Moreover, conflating legitimate criticism of Israeli policies with​ anti-Semitism does a ⁤disservice to the​ fight against real instances of anti-Semitism. It is ‌crucial to distinguish between ​criticizing policies and unfairly targeting individuals ‌or a‌ whole nation based on their religion or ethnicity.

The encounter between Sen. Josh Hawley ​and Code Pink protesters serves as a reminder of⁤ the polarized nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the need for open and respectful dialogue. As the situation continues to evolve, it is essential to ‍approach discussions with an understanding of the complexities involved and⁣ a commitment to seeking meaningful solutions that ⁣promote ​peace and justice for all parties involved.

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