Watch: Joy Reid Says Black People Will ‘Look Crazy’ if They Don’t Vote for Kamala Harris

Il in behind​ her or face ostracism. If ⁤you’re against Biden and Harris, you’re on the wrong side of history.

These are the tactics of desperate people with a weak argument. Resorting to bullying and⁤ manipulation instead of addressing real issues shows just how flimsy their platform really is.

Black Americans, and all Americans, deserve better than Joy Reid’s condescension⁤ and empty rhetoric. We should be able to have‍ real discussions about leadership and policy without being ‌told how to think based on our race.

Let’s rise above the ‌divisive ‌tactics of people like Reid and focus‍ on what⁤ truly matters in this election: our future as ‌a nation.

Don’t let anyone tell you who to vote for based on your ‍skin ‌color. Make an informed decision and stand⁣ by it ⁣with confidence, regardless of ​the pressure from pundits like Joy Reid.

You know what to expect. In fact, it has already begun.

The disgusting racists in the establishment media, emboldened by a successful coup against President Joe Biden, have received their marching orders from the Democratic Party and have taken to social media with an all-out blitz designed to shame black Americans into voting for Vice President Kamala Harris, the party’s now-presumptive 2024 presidential nominee.

In a clip posted Tuesday to the social media platform X, unhinged liar Joy Reid of MSNBC told black Americans that they would “look real crazy” if they chose not to vote for Harris.

Reid proceeded to tell black Americans that Harris would make their communities safer by sealing the border she and Biden have left open, make their lives better by generating prosperity and driving prices down, make their world more peaceful by putting an end to ridiculous wars, make …

… Oh, wait. She said none of those things.

Instead, Reid showed her contempt for black Americans by insisting that they view Harris as a cultural phenomenon.

“You’re gonna look real crazy being on the other side of that line, particularly as a person of color, but really as anyone who claims to have any connection to the culture,” the repellent Reid said in a tone of condescension.

In other words, forget about whether or not Harris would make a good president. What matters is that all the fashionable people plan to vote for her.

“You’re gonna look real weird and real lonely on that side,” Reid said.

Then, the nauseating and hate-filled MSNBC talking head took a shot at Amber Rose, the mixed-race model and major social media influencer who spoke at the Republican National Convention last week.

“The door needs to close behind Amber. And she look crazy over there. But shut the door behind her. You really gonna look crazy being on that side given the cultural phenomenon of Vice President Kamala Devi Harris,” Reid said.

For the record, in less than 30 seconds, Reid used the words “crazy,” “weird” or “lonely” five times.

Furthermore, her attempt to manipulate black voters focused on “culture,” not actual issues. Harris’ candidacy amounts to a “cultural phenomenon” — or so Reid laughably insisted.

Reid’s mind-numbing drivel continued for another 90 excruciating seconds. Everyone who suffered through it was dumber for having heard it.

“She brings together all the aspects of the culture,” Reid said of Harris.

“She is a woman of color extraordinaire,” the MSNBC host added moments later.

It appears we have a new DEI category: woman of color “extraordinaire.”

Of all the issues confronting voters, Democrats seem to care most about child sacrifice on the altar of convenience. Eventually, therefore, Reid got around to mentioning abortion. But that lasted only a few seconds before “culture” once again took center stage.

“Baby, this is a cultural moment. Don’t be on the wrong side of history,” Reid said.

What self-respecting American, regardless of color, could watch such a spectacle without feeling insulted on behalf of Reid’s target audience?

Never mind the issues, she said. Be on the right side of history. Vote with the fashionable people, and prove that you have a “connection to the culture.”

Democrats might have swapped horses midstream by jettisoning Biden for Harris, but their racist message has not changed.

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