Washington Examiner

LIVE: Francis Suarez speaking at Turning Point Action Conference

Miami⁣ Mayor Francis Suarez‍ to Speak at​ Turning Point ⁣Action’s 2023⁤ Conference

Miami mayor and 𝅺prospective ‍2024 Republican candidate Francis Suarez ‌is set to deliver a ‌captivating‍ speech ⁢at Turning Point Action’s highly ‌anticipated ⁢2023 ⁤conference. This event will bring⁤ together a dynamic group 𝅺of young⁣ grassroots political‌ organizers ⁣affiliated with TPUSA.

Suarez’s appearance is ‌scheduled for 12:10 and promises to be a highlight of the conference. He will⁢ be sharing⁢ the stage with an𝅺 impressive lineup of ⁤conservative politicians⁤ and celebrities, including Donald𝅺 Trump Jr, Dan⁤ Bongino, and Steve Bannon.


On⁢ June 15,⁣ Suarez made a groundbreaking announcement,⁢ revealing his⁤ plans to ⁣run ​for president. As⁢ the mayor⁢ of⁤ Miami, he has been ⁢a fervent advocate ⁤for cryptocurrencies, ⁣recognizing their potential as𝅺 a‌ significant ⁣source of𝅺 income ‌and innovation.𝅺 In‍ fact, ⁢he has championed their adoption during⁢ his tenure as mayor. Additionally, Suarez has⁣ positioned himself as a compelling​ alternative‌ candidate to 𝅺Governor Ron⁤ DeSantis ⁣(R-FL).

Despite his ambitious aspirations, Suarez has faced ​challenges in the ⁢polls⁢ since ‌his initial⁢ announcement. ⁣RealClearPolitics reports that he has ⁢yet ​to make a significant⁣ impact in major‍ national⁢ polls.

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